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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. Can anyone that has these describe how much difference they make over standard pads asuming standard disks and Brembos?
  2. It might help if we knew what these "sweaty marks" are. Are they buttock shaped?
  3. You would not believe the cr@p there is out there about how to shrink a T-shirt! (and I cant believe I looked) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1005122904306 and then you stumble across a gem like this! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AsiFJ2qiAd9RUeXpgMdUUSgezKIX?qid=20060924091153AAJqwew
  4. As ever Sarnie I am dumbfounded by your repartee......
  5. The EVO engines with 340BHP+ are also very "peaky" The turbo, intake, exhaust, cam profile and ECU are all designed to give that performance over a small rpm range (its optimised for ragging the @r$e off it). Catch one un-awares and you will leave it for dead because the turbo is MASSIVE as well and takes a while to spin up if off boost. It makes for a great track/rally car (which is what it is after all) but its a pig to live with everyday. Dont know if you ever saw the topgear episode when they had the EVO FQ racing the Lambo? The Lambo (being driven by a pro driver) could not drop Clarkson in the FQ round the track. However, they then raced a hired Renault Scenic and the FQ from a rolling start at 30mph in 5th gear throttle on the floor, the Scenic streaked away (if its possible for a scenic to streak) and it took the whole mile and a half runway for the turbo to spin up in 5th and start gaining on the Scenic. OK, in the real world you would drop a few cogs and floor it but what it shows is how intractable the engine is. Its not that flexible and you will spend your life switching cogs to keep it in the powerband. Great fun, but not everyday
  6. put the T-shirt on the Mrs, without any undergarments (you wouldnt want any colours to run). Throw a bucket of cold water over the T-Shirt PS: I have no idea if this shrinks the T-shirt or not but lots of people seem to try it at the club near me?????
  7. I know of one that has.........
  8. They had one on fifth gear this week, probably repeated at the weekend sometime. Didnt say much about it though, just VBH ragging it round a kart track. You could win one in their competition though.....
  9. Mine defo has holes under the rear badge.
  10. Alternatively you could....... must resist custard remark!
  11. Can if you are an AA member. 10%
  12. Sarnie, just noticed your location!
  13. Its really quite funky when you play with the numbers in the graph, if you are *really* that interested I will post the xls spreadsheet and you can play with it yourself. Or are you just winding me up? but if you think about the equation for a moment (if I have understood your question correctly) , torque = power * 5252 / rpm. Lets compare two engines running at 1000 rpm and 5252 rpm (the diesel and the petrol). at 1000 rpm the equation looks like this torque = power * 5.2 (as 5.2 = 5252/1000rpm) whilst at 5252 rpm the equation looks like this torque = power (as 5252/5252rpm =1) So at 1000 rpm you need 5.2 times the torque to generate 1 more BHP, or just 1 more BHP at 1000rpm is 5.2 times the torque that same BHP would give you at 5252rpm. So a very small increase in engine power at low rpm equates to a huge return in torque, this tails off as the rpm increases. This is why the two graphs appear so different, the two engines produce similar power but the diesel does so at a much lower rpm. not sure I have explained that very well? So the question is how does the diesel achieve this? My understanding is that its mostly due to the fact that diesels are built like tanks to run much higher compression ratios because it is actually a spontaneous explosion of the fuel brought about by the compression raising its temperature. In turn the power stroke provides much higher force to the piston hence more torque. I think! Sure someone can explain that better than me.... What was sarnies question again? Something about whats BHP, we seem to have wandered somewhat?
  14. I know I am going to regret posting this! ============================================ Maybe the graph below will help explain it. Yes I have made this up but the points of the torque curve are calculated from the equation in this thread (torque=power*5250/rpm) so the relationship between the power and torque is *calculated* and not massaged by me. The pink/yellow lines are the diesel and the cyan/blue are the petrol and the peak power and torque are exactly as you have specified them in your earlier post. The key thing to note is that the diesel makes all its torque and power very early on and then drops away rapidly, the lines are still convergent at 5252rpm but the diesel owner will have changed up to the next gear long before then and the manufacturer will have put a rev limiter on it! It just shows something we all intuitively know from the way a diesel pulls at low revs. Prize to the first person that can find a *real* dyno plot for these two engines! I shall go away now and get a life ......I think its singles night at Tesco.
  15. That does seem whacko I agree. I need to find a calculator and a fag packet........
  16. Another way to put it, below 5252 rpm torque will always be more than power *at that engine speed* above 5252 rpm power will always be more than torque *at that engine speed* but *peak torque* can easily be above *peak power* as your astra 1.9D shows but these peaks occur at different speeds
  17. and because that relationship is a constant between HP and torque a correctly drawn plot of the two values should *always* cross at 5252 rpm. Examine the excellent example here http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Image:HKS_Rotrex_Supercharger_05_z.jpg which shows two plots on the same chart, one standard engine, one with FI. It makes no difference what the engine technology is the two lines should always cross (with power rising above torque) at that rpm no matter what the engine type or how flat the curve. See a rotary example here http://www.myrotarycar.com/portal/forum/uploads/RX8TX/files/2005-11-22_191417_rx8tx800.gif You will of course find examples where the two lines do not cross at 5252rpm but these are plotted against axes with different scales on the left and right for bhp and torque, why people do this I dont know, perhaps its to mislead! One further point (for you all to flame me about) peak torque occurs where the engine is breathing at its best, this is the speed at which the engine delivers its "peak power for a single stroke of the engine", the reason the total power continues to climb after this is because the torque has fallen away but because the engine is performing more "less optimal" strokes in a given second the power is greater. and finally there is nothing magic about 5252rpm its just the speed at which power and torque are the same as a result of the physical constant.
  18. Ok cool, didnt know that. just how loud is the Nismo then?
  19. Spoke to a dealer over the weekend, they told me that nissan would no longer supply the Nismo exhaust to the UK because it does not meet EU noise regulations. Clearly this does not stop you importing one from overseas. I also do not know what this means with regards the legality of fitting a Nismo exhaust, I would guess nothing as legislation such as this cannot be retrospectivley applied, but any new cars could not be fitted with one as a dealer option. I do believe that the police can stop and check you if your exhaust is deemed too noisy, this was certainly my experience with motorcycles, but I have no idea what the limit is or if it is subjective..... A number of manufacturers have started to fit exhaust butterflies to "avoid" the issue, particularly people like Aston Martin, as they can tune the exhaust to behave quietly to pass the test but still make a nice "noise" outside of that environment. However I hear that the legislation is under review to stop even this! By the way, I am no lawyer, nor am I authoritative but I can direct you to reasonable sources for all of the above.
  20. mugwump

    P1 Service

    What, 1mm per 9000 miles? Do you drive like a girl?
  21. No it's really good stuff.... It also make your hands nice and soft As well as your brain cells
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