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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. Good choice that man! need to go dig that one out of my dads cupboard....
  2. Yep just re-read it, does that time 80 to 180 in 4th gear. My excitement was getting me carried away.....
  3. Thanks for that, it did seem *faaaast*. Dont feel so desperate now....
  4. wow Val, you are soooo right, just reading that article in my bad french. It seems its a system they previously fitted to a Golf R32 where the compressor cut in under command from accelerator position, but this time they have now fitted an on/off button in the Zed centre console giving up to 100HP extra at the flick of a switch. I think its saying that for safety reasons its not possible to engage it whilst the engine is already above 4500 rpm. When in traffic, flick it off for economic driving and docile performance. Their roadster did an 11.8s standing quarter compared to 16.4s for an M3 CSL and 17+ for an originl Zed!!! Looks like it might be just what I am after! How am I going to justify this.....
  5. Cheers M8. Mon Francais cest parfait seulement But I understand pics!
  6. This ones worth a read, but Sarnie wont thank me for pointing it out http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4018 am I the bane of your life yet Sarnie?
  7. Very cool! I guess its similar to the way the air con compressor cuts in/out then with a magnetic clutch. Where can I find out more about this system? Off to google it now.....
  8. This ones worth a read, but Sarnie wont thank me for pointing it out http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4018
  9. I am by no means an expert but I question this statement, I am not saying you are wrong, I am just asking you (or anybody else) to explain it and help my own understanding. I 100% accept that an SC engine undergoes more stress, and because it is producing more power will generate more heat than a non SC engine where everything else is equal. However, when sat in traffic the SC will not be generating any boost and the engine will not be working hard so the thermal load being generated at that instant will not be that high. Is that fair? Suppose you reach the back of this traffic queue after a fast blast then the engine will have be running hot and will have a shedload (technical term) of heat to dissipate. This is nothing though compared to a turbo though, as the SC is belt driven of the front of the engine and whilst this does raise the temperature of the air being compressed this is nothing like the heat from a turbo being driven by exhaust gases. Also the turbo is a restrictor in the exhaust. Exhaust gases, apart from being waste carry heat away from the engine. In an SC car these hot gases can exit the engine as rapidly as your zorst will allow. In a turbo they still have to flow through the turbo which soaks up some of the heat and retains it in the engine bay even if you are off boost. As I said this drivel looks like a statement, but I do mean it to be a question, its just my thoughts. Or am I talking bollox? Discuss...... Also, Val, whats this about an on off button? Is there some kind of clutch so I can turn the SC off? If so I want it! Think I may combine next summers european tour you are organising with a trip to Switzerland if thats true....
  10. Thanks for the advice, I have just clayed the bumper (first time clayer) and was surprised how much I didnt lift of the car. So either it was pretty clean already or I am doing it wrong as usual Have now used the AG resin polish and extra gloss over the top and will see how the results look in the cold light of day tommorow. I take your point though about the preparation beforehand. I will see if the claying makes a difference this time.... Just working towards getting the whole thing re-protected before the winter. Sorry to the guy that started this thread, we have wandered a bit off topic, still detailing but not really what was actually asked.
  11. Glad your able to tell the tale, sure the Zed will fix up fine. I did a very similar thing many years back, mine was written off but the car was worth less than the stereo in it...... In relation to another thread on here that has been raging for a bit, if its not still too raw to be answering questions. Are you on Bridgestones?
  12. Guess we should be grateful it fails "safe", better that than have it convinced you are miles from the wall and then crunch! The devices works like an echosounder (like a bat!) so if the small apertures are blocked by anything water, ice, snow, dirt, vaseline (beware doggers) the ultrasound will be immediately echo'd back and register as being hard up against some object.
  13. Says he with a "home made" partition.
  14. mugwump

    Vortech Kit? - SOLD

    Sorry if this is a noob question, explain pleasee, why wont it work on an '06?
  15. What an admission I know my posts are often quite "wordy", so I throw in the odd comment for those whose mind is IN THE GUTTER!
  16. Depends what you're using and what you want to achieve. Meguiars does have a good following but then concourse winners tend to have Glym in their repertoire somewhere along the lines. I don't believe you can get a super smooth finish without the effort, so while Meguiars might have the chemical effect, not sure it actually results in a better quality finish....... Either way, any cleaning effort is good in my book!!! I defer to your better knowledge H5 (I have been following the "bling off" ) I'm not knocking Autoglym as a whole though, far from it, I am a fan of the combined layered protection of their "super resin polish" and "extra gloss protetction" products, but whilst these do seem to give a good protective seal the finish did not have the lustre I wanted (but I'm probably doing it wrong!) so I feel it needs a wax over the top and I have found Megs to be easier for this frequent post wash wax shine. I totally agree that the effort is required and pays dividends but the Autoglym job above (resin polish and gloss) takes a looooong time and the gloss dries so hard (which I guess is the desired result) that its a $od of a job to buff off.... and it leaves a white residue in some of the hard to reach cracks (like the seal between the roof and top of door frame on the Zed). But its only a 6 monthly job so maybe I should get over it. Any tips for an amateur scrubber? Do you know af any other products that offer this same tough paint seal but are easier to apply? Do I need a buffer??? Will it cause swirl marks? (dont say only if you use it wrong because I promise I will! )
  17. an excellent excuse My folks live down there, so I do flying visits.... to the forum by the way, you are one fo the few female members we have!
  18. EDIT I have just re-read the above post, and this response does not make lot of sense now, ignore it. I leave it in for completeness however...... I dont like censorship. ================================== I did, and so did Sarnie. Neither of us said anyone else was a snob, we both said that we were both badge snobs. This was in response to the comments on here abouts chavs and chav nots and the statement in a previous post about people that drive Ferrari's looking down on Zed's I dont wish to speak for Sarnie, he is more than capable of posting himself (Mr 2000 posts.... ) but I think we were both saying that we had snobbery about the Zed *until* we actually drove it and that we would still choose it over more expensive cars. I dont for a minute mean to suggest that either of us is so rich that we could buy any car we wanted, I have a mortgage and work every day too, just that I believe that the Zed is a cracking car and that people that look down on it have probably never driven one or care more about the badge on their car than the drive......
  19. sure can ..... but if you dont mind waiting for it you can order it off a trader on here and get a discount!
  20. I have found the results of Megs and Autoglym to be about the same, the difference is that Autoglym requires about 4 times the manual effort to achieve the result.
  21. YES!!!! The hairy arm is back, glad to hear we dont have standards here!!!!
  22. "a cheeky chappe named Sarnie decided to test drive a Zed" he had abit of Bird's yellowest custard before going to the dealer... Since childhood he always had a fetish for yellow . this is put down to the fact his mother force fed him bananas from an early age.. this clearly resulted in him having poor colur judgement, a quality he still has to this day
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