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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. I know you are only teasing about the fairy liquid!
  2. Im just tryin to understand the thought process here. Lets say you are thinking, "I want a sports car but I want something a bit different" So you decide to go for a Zed because they are not the most common sight on the roads (but getting more common everyday! ). So you think, Red! nobody has a Red one (well almost nobody) So now its pretty exclusive. Then you think, if I Nismo it it will be *really* rare. So you are happily driving around in your Red Nismo Zed and one day you see another one and say to yourself "Oh my god, its not unique!, I know I'll paint two white stripes down the car". OK, so its certainly unique, but why do it? Either the guy (or gal) wanted something totally unique, or they really wanted a mustang or shelby and thought painting 2 stripes on the Zed would bring it that bit closer. I have nothing against individuality, I just dont feel a red Nismo'd Zed needed it! Will have to drive round and find the owner to ask them direct
  3. forgot it was tonight, was on the way back from a meeting in Beds and drove right past! See you at the next one?
  4. Count to 10, deep breath, calm, DONT USE WHITE SPIRIT! apart from anything else it will remove any protective wax on the paint
  5. mugwump

    De Badge

    what model mate??? UK '06 Coupe I bought two badges in the group buy on here but thought I might leave the back one off, dont have a choice now.... (dont fancy a fill 'n' spray)
  6. mugwump

    De Badge

    Just for info, I lifted the rear badge on mine and it *does* have holes in the boot and location lugs on the badge!
  7. Yes! Imagine this pic, but a Zed Or I could be going mad....... [/img]
  8. Chilli Coupe, Nismo, with 2 white Daytona/LeMans style white stripes down the bonnet/roof
  9. You were northbound, I only saw you at the last minute cos I was mucking about with the satnav. Could have been a GM????
  10. mugwump

    Tonneau Cover

    Whereabouts is the fuel pump then?????
  11. Thought the Tesco stuff was 99RON ??
  12. Pack it in you two, I'm not rising to it! Anyway if I said she was a stunner you wouldn't believe me anyway and I doubt either of you could catch her, she doesnt half move : and dont either of you twist that!
  13. You lot are terrible! She will get bored of you eventually and then toss you aside like her plaything when you no longer satisfy her interest. I posted that her name was Jane on this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3982 more than a week ago and all you have done today is hound her for pics and evidence that she is female etc. Clearly I am the only one on here with any sophistication and class, now I'll thank the rest of you to clear off my thread so we can continue our discussion alone. remember, I have already spotted her!
  14. Thanks for the comments prescience, didnt know there had been so many issues! Most of my research had been based on the APS kit, but I have been put off somewhat by the lack of UK support and the tuning scare stories. As a result I felt that SC might be a safer bolt on option....... but I guess I have to accept the risks with any solution of wanting more performance...
  15. Dont do yourself down m8, was just hoping Prescience or Baptist would chip in to clear it up, I doubt I know any more than you..... I want a simple answer to extra power but I also want it safe (for the engine I mean). If SC is a safer option that delivers 80 - 90% of what I might expect from a turbo then thats probably the route for me... I am very tempted with the idea of something I can turn on and off at will though. Previously (think it was Baptisit) it was suggested that I just back off the gas but there are times (rain, snow etc) when it might be a good idea for the car to deliver less than its full potential!
  16. I cant believe you felt it necessary to name the band!
  17. Ming, I'm geting worried, you are starting to get get just a *little* bit too much pleasure out of this!
  18. Top tip from one of the instructors at Thruxton, to learn where the edges of your car are try to park it on the white line of the space when you visit the supermarket etc. You can practice both sides and it does not cause any damage when you get it wrong! Once you have learned where the edges of your tyres are *then* practice on kerbs!
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