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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. "a cheeky chappe named Sarnie decided to test drive a Zed" This is fun.....
  2. Come on then Sarnie, I have started the other thread for you tell us the story...... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=39102#39102
  3. Come on Sarnie, fess up. I want to hear what happened
  4. OK, I will admit it. I AM a bit of a badge snob. In the past I have made some poor decisions about the choice of car I purchased because of this very snobbery, but ultimately I was rarely that happy with the car. When it came to my last purchase I had test drives in all sorts of things and the Z was at the bottom of the list because of this same snobbery, then one saturday I phoned the dealer half heartedly on the off chance that they might have one available for a test drive. Wow was I surprised! I had been toying with the idea of other cars and had all but decided to buy something else, something that perhaps you might call a "proper" sports car, but my test drive in the Z changed all that. Yes its not the most subtle of drives, Yes its not the fastest, but I didnt care. What a hoot to drive, the fact that it struggles to put its power down effectively and rolls a bit too much (I have plans for that) is all part of its character and I was instantly hooked. The thing about a z owner for me is this, I can respect their choice as an individual, they could have bought an awful lot of other cars for the same money or even more money, but I think I completely understand why they bought a Z.
  5. Or a Zonda F, a Koenigsegg CCX or Bugatti Veyron...... F430 very chav
  6. Yep, all details are the same as those published by Nissan
  7. mugwump


    Next time I go to the airport I will know which one is you, the guy with 4 alloys for luggage.....
  8. mugwump

    on at last

    These are not the "Hairy arm" pics we have all been waiting for are they?
  9. Your not allowed until you get one Wheres Sarnie when you need him.....
  10. I would strongly advise against it, and it would render the screen backward for everything else! but if you are adamant that you want to do this..... most LCD displays are built up from seveal components in layers consisting of (from viewing side to back). protective cover/film - could be rigid or soft plastic polarising filter - a thin almost clear sheet of plastic, may be combined with the protective layer the LCD sandwich - glass/crystal/glass structure itself another polarising filter at 90 degrees to the first backlight/sidelight or electroluminescant layer. This is all very interesting but the point is, if the construction will allow it and you are careful you could potentially reverse the LCD sandwich and hey presto your image will be flipped left to right. But beware, you may also have to swap the polarisers or the luminecense could be inverted (light bits will be dark and dark bits light). Clearly this all depends on the construction detail of the LCD, how confident you are about undertking this and how upset you will be if you try and end up with a broken panel......
  11. mugwump

    on at last

    What are on? We are all desperate to know!
  12. Ooops, note to self, get nitrous installed by an expert.......
  13. As previously discussed *somewhere* in this thread http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3856&highlight= I have finished compiling a POI of all the Tesco's 99ron Super Unleaded forecourts for import into TomTom satnav devices, I can provide it for other devices if required. There is also a google map showing their locations, its surprising how for north they *dont* go! The POI and the map are available from http://ukpostcodes.boldlygoingnowhere.org/ in the downloads section. I have also sucessfully managed to hack , er no.... encourage the nissan website to spit out all the uk dealerships and these are also available for download from the same place. The maps take some time to render becuase of the number of waypoints on them so you may find you are staring at a blank page for a while with what seems like no progress and suddenly the map will appear, unfortunately if the map is not going to work in your browser the behaviour can appear to be much the same but the FAQ should sort you out. Once you can see the maps you can zoom/scroll/drag/click on a waypoint to see the ones nearest you, all clever stuff but Mr Google wrote it, not me! The POI's are in OV2 format for direct import to TomTom satnav devices, you should also download the little logo images if you want the Z and 99ron icons to appear on your display. Let me know if they are any use......
  14. I'm worrying about my insurance renewal for next year! insurer: What car is it? mugwump: A 350z? insurer: Oooooh! Thats going to cost you *alot* ! Ha Ha Ha! (wrings hands together with glee)
  15. Just go out and meet some real ones. That you can actually touch Oh ok Sarnie, didnt realise you had met the girl in your avatar
  16. Errr... who was the one asking if there were any "birds on the site".
  17. Nope, just checked, her names Jane!
  18. Is "Bluelady" the car or the member??? Oh dear I am going to upset someone again arent I!
  19. Me neither, but it doesnt stop me having a go...
  20. Oh dear, clearly I hve upset everyone now, at least 15 people have read this thread since I posted and now nobody is replying.....
  21. Hi Kennyc, I have read this post from the start, and I am not suggesting that anyone does not know or understand the limits of their car. Nor am I suggesting that you do not know how to drive a performance car. and as I said in the post above, yes different tyres will offer different performance in different conditions, but knowing the limits of the tyres you are on in the conditions in which you are driving is the difference between having fun and having an accident. We have all been *surprised* at times by the unexpected level of grip (or not), be it the result of diesel on a roundabout or whatever. I would just hate to think that anyone on here purchased a new set of tyres and thought that suddenly they were the solution to all their grip problems. I am losing count of the number of crunched Zed's coming up for auction on ebay as testement to the fact that this is a seriously quick car that can catch an awful lot of people out. If you drive a zed, in the rain, even on Bridgestone in the same way you would a micra I defy anyone to have an accident, my point is that you dont, because you bought a performance car and thats how you drive it. not getting at you, just take care......
  22. At risk of getting flamed by everyone, traction control is not a magic bullet, it cannot defy the laws of physics, it is there to give you some safety margin when you *approach* the limit. Go significantly beyond it and I dont care how good it is its not going to save you, especially if the inputs from the driver actually are working counter to it (I am refering to steering inputs). Face up to reality, you bought a high performance sports car because you wanted to enjoy the speed and thrill of it. When its raining/cold/snowing/icy you need to treat it with respect NO MATTER WHAT TYRES YOU HAVE! I accept that you will find some tyres are better in the wet than others but they all have their limits. Having a better wet tyre might just instill a higher level of confidence in you that your car will grip and as a result you may drive at a higher speed, the resulting accident when it happens may also be significantly worse. My previous car (an audi) had 4wd, this equates to fantastic traction in snowy/icy conditions and I could pull away from anything with only 2 driven wheels, but hit the brakes and suddenly we are all on a level playing field because I couldnt stop quicker than anyone else...... The guy on here that crunched his door in was lucky, yes, if he had better tyres the accident may not have happened, but next time he might try the same manouver at a higher speed and it might not only be his door in need of repair. I dont wish anyone to not have fun in their car, hell I certainly do, but I have had enough near misses (one even on its roof in my mispent youth) to know that its futile to blame your tyres, car, traction control, the other guy, the conditions, whatever. The only person responsible for your accident is YOU! If the conditions dont allow it, make allowances...... but as lomoto says. Bridgestones are cr@p in the wet but drive like they are!!!!!! Rant over, flame me now....
  23. Thanks very much, well pleased Great service Chris, will definitely be back for more....
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