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Everything posted by mugwump

  1. no comment! Anyway, chips away turned mine around in a day, good job and you can get 10% discount if you are an AA member.
  2. Do you think he has a girlfriend???
  3. Your door handles..... painted, powdercoat or anodised? Have been thinking about doing mine........
  4. Price +2 Whats the weight/construction on these?
  5. seems to have the "old" front lights on it??? So its not a "new" car.....
  6. mugwump

    GTR video

    not bad thanks, whens the next reading/southern meet? Was knocking around with your lot last week, looking at "platespin" and the new whizzy features built into the ESX console. Hows yourself?
  7. mugwump

    GTR video

    I do hope they are Bridgestones, preferably harder than the ones on the Zed!
  8. mugwump

    GTR video

    irritatingly cut together collection of 5 second videos, but its the first time I have seen the GTR in motion.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Ri8R2lDs4 Go on, tell me its a
  9. I hate giving advice but........ FWIW, have a look at as many other job ads as you can find and try to benchmark your skills objectively, also speak to a few recruitment agents and ask them what they think your skills will attract but take their advice with a pinch of salt because they will tell you "oh I can find you a job for £xxxxxxK" to get you on the books but it will give you an indication of the marketability of your skills. Remember that if they say "you would be considered for a car allowance" there is no commiment on their part to offer you one. Try to get in writing that you will get a review after 6 months and if you meet specific measureable criteria you will get the allowance, and this cant be something vague like "you meet expected performance" it needs to be black and white like "you sucessfully migrate our datacentre to virtual machines within 6 months" or "you deliver 8 customer SSL VPN's by Christmas" or whatever it is you do otherwise there is too much wiggle room. I have to say I did it (changed industry and started at the bottom rung) I wouldnt do it now, just because I am older, but if I went back I would do the same thing again. If I were comfortable in my current role (as you sound like you are) I'd use the "slack" to train myself into skills in very high demand and then make the step and by that time the missus may have also found other work too. To quote James Dyson, a mildly sucessful millionaire, "You can teach yourself anything in 6 months".
  10. If in understand you correctly then its not the centre of your tyres (which is typically over inflation). Nor is it the outboard edge of your tyres (typically a result of hard cornering sometimes in combination with lower pressure, more common at the front end). As trev says, sounds like you have been hooning it! The camber on the wheels means that the outside tyre goes flatter when your corner and the inside tyre rolls onto its edge and takes a real battering as a result. I had the same effect on my previous car. Measuring the depth across the tyre and it appeared legal all the way, but stick your head under the car to see the inside corner and it was down to the bead exactly as you describe. Your alignment is probably right on the money, would probably require some mechanical changes to eliminate this (stiffer roll bar/dampers) or you could try *increasing* the rear tyre pressures. Clearly this set of tyres need replacing anyway but it might make your next set last a bit longer (this is coming from a man who eats a set of Bridgestones in 7500 miles!). All of the above will result in less grip at the backend though, stiffening the back will make the car looser and you will get less camber thrust and the same will be true of increased pressures. but it will corner flatter.... but probably not faster. The Zed does seem to be a good compromise between compliance, grip and predictable handling.
  11. Fook! Where do I get one! The battery is also mounted very high in the car so thats a double win. http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=2353060 interesting.....
  12. have plenty of weight over the back end, what with that body in the boot...... Have thought about a carbon bootlid, looked at the seibon, any other good ones?
  13. Hmm, doesnt sound like alot of benefit then.... thanks for the replies chaps. Any other thoughts on how to put the Zed on a diet? All savings considered...... short of drilling holes! I seem to recall someone saying there is a weight in the bootlid? Is this something that can be removed (probably at the exspense of a nice thunk when it closes but I dont care about that). Seats are about 50Kg I understand but I dont really want to lose the heaters (I like a toasty posterior) but they are still on the maybe list for a swap. Any other easy savings? Swap it for an elise.....
  14. Whats the weight on one of these compared with the stock bonnet?
  15. Down to the paint shop together to get em painted and fitted then?! Sounds like a plan..... D'you know anywhere good/reasonable price? Have you had any thoughts on the xenon washers?
  16. Sarnie, is this similar to the incident where you wrote off a Zed on your test drive?
  17. quite fancy one too, let me know when you have the price please......
  18. Hey trev, What d'ya run in? You're not the chap that won the British Sprint championship year before last are you? Anyway, back on topic, I did exactly the opposite, consolidated 2 cars to the Zed because I was always compromising, would be running around in the dull car thinking "why didnt I bring the sports car to work?" and on the days I did if I had to give anyone a lift or carry anything it was so impractical it was pointless. So I did the sums and for me it was a better deal to run the Zed as my everyday car which I can still carry some stuff or give people a lift in and if I need serious carrying space I can hire a focus for £100 for a week 10 times a year and I'm still quids in! Horses for courses I guess.....
  19. is it me or is the shipping cost to europe a bit steep!!!!!! EDIT: Hmmmm, seems to have been updated now......???? Or was i A LITTLE DRUNK TOO?
  20. Been pretty busy smokin my 'stones (see the other tyre thread I posted recently) especially on the wet winter roads. Need to reign myself in a bit cos the rubber is going to get costly! Didnt make the reading meet thismonth but hope to make the next......
  21. Phew, its not just me then! Just wanted to be sure there wasnt an issue with the car.... I'll have a word with a tyre specialist a some have suggested.
  22. Thanks for the feedback, guess I will just have to start driving like my gran because I am eating the 'stones at an alarming rate. Especially when Val is managing 20K and I recall someone else on here saying they got 27K from a set......
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