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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Why so we even need to know? What are we supposed to do with the information? Stay in doors, stare out your window for anyone who looks suspicious? Its a pointless exercise. Just keep living life normally. If it makes you change your life then they've won already.
  2. Possibly sticky or seizing caliper
  3. I was very sad when I sold my mr2 roadster, I miss driving my S2000 round b roads, and I think I might actually cry when the XKR goes. Loved my PUG GTI6 don't miss the electrical faults.
  4. I have been watching the "unionist" news and have to say, trying to look at the debate from an unbiased opinion taking personal feeling out of the equation and looking solely at the facts laid out by both sides. I struggle to see which direction is the the eight way to vote. Both sides make valid points and both seem to have very polarised views. Sitting at opposite extremes of the argument. I must say with everything out there I think the water has become muddier not clearer. I Think the Scottish people have a difficult decision ahead and I'm kind of glad I don't have to make it I wish them all the best of luck and I hope they get what they want out of it
  5. But its not like the guy asked what was the best elastic bands to use as a suitable tyre replacement. What he put up was far from poor.
  6. Gun ownership in the states is one thing, but why do they need fully and semi auto rifles, uzi's and armour piercing rounds. If you use them for hunting; how many deer have you seen wearing full body armour. If its for protection an uzi is awful for any kind of accuracy. Its a spray and pray weapon. They need to get a grip. When my kids are older id take them clay pigeon shooting with shotguns, or rabbiting or on a bird shoot. But an uzi at 9 doesn't make sense. And Canada has a similar amount of firearms per capita, but their gun death rate is a fraction of Americas. Its scarily high out there. Almost a school massacre a year now.
  7. They have the right to bear arms and the right arm bears. Their gun laws need some serious looking at. And they need to get over the stupid ammendment and stop bending it to suit gun lobbist ideas. It was created back in the war of independence to allow militia to be formed from local residents. They now have a massive army and no need for militia.
  8. I've never normally owned a car long enough to need to put a second set of Tyres on it. Why would I want to put Tyres on that save the next owner money?
  9. yes they are plastic interior parts. The grommet is rubber These are 2 different types of material. Vinyl is plastic, but it does weird things when you lacquer it. Plastic primer still has chemicals in it that react with rubber
  10. Any normal driver, drives to the condition of the road; be it weather, visibility... or grip, or car performance. No one drives a car for the first time at full throttle round a bend and then crashes and wonders why it didn't go round. Over time and experiences driver should have a good idea of the ability of themselves, the car and the tyre. I could drive a car on track with mixed Tyres on all axles, I'd never set the fastest of laps but I'm fairly confident I wouldn't spontaneously burst in to flames or drive straight into a ditch.
  11. as I said in my first post they are the leading tyre at the moment. Would I pay for them on any of my previous sports cars not just my jag. No I'm sure they make the most of the car and its ability, but as 90% of people don't even drive there cars on here to even 70% of the cars ability. And that probably 80% of this forum no longer has the kind of money that people used to have on here. Its like preaching about touring cars when most on here can only dream of banger racers. And yes I tried my mates M3 with them on
  12. Never had MPSS never felt the need to. Not denying their quality, but when you look at the proper tyre tests and comparisons, the MPSS aren't double the quality of some competitors, so why pay double the price. My falken are coming close to 30k and drive and handle far better than the Pirelli pzero rossos that were the factory fit Tyres. And twice the price. I use http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/ not the customer reviews as they are so varied between, car, driver and driving style. But down the side are the proper tyre tests where they compare on a more scientific level. There are plenty of good Tyres out there that won't ditch you in a hedge and are more than capable of coping with a zed. I'm with Steve on this, mpss aren't the last word in Tyres.
  13. The titles stop at 10k as I don't think they expected people to be sad enough to post that much to go beyond 10k, An additional 20k title might be nice especially as so few of us have reached it.
  14. the paint is reacting with the rubber. Shouldn't paint the rubber. Just leave it as a rubber grommet.
  15. Depends on what your budget was, and if you need to save cash. If they're all roughly the same the the Goodyear. Then the kuhmo and then the falkens. Not tried the new 453's but the 452's were food, but only on a lower wider profile. I think on the rays they aren't as solid. I was looking at the vredestein vorti's, don't know if they are in 18 sizes or if the prices compare, but they have been getting alit of excellent feedback. If you're really flush then the mpss seem to be one of the top Tyres at the moment.
  16. Shame he didn't have all his facts straight before making a tit of himself
  17. Price dropped to £5800, looking at a replacement next week,
  18. Only kidding, I'm an infrequent cyclist, and do use my crappy mountain bike on them, much prefer to ride the path than get buzzed by lorries.
  19. I like cycle lanes and paths and I use them Shame no one else likes my XKR going down them
  20. Where I live is heavily setup for cycling, with dedicated wide paths specific for bikes away from the road. And where do you think 90% of the bikes go On the mother fudging road
  21. as a teacher its common knowledge that dressing smartly can help to build a better teaching environment. Its stills down to the teachers skills but dressing smartly, is a small tool in a teachers arsenal.
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