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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. or newcastle I would I wouldn't miss Birmingham either.
  2. I've followed apples lead but I'm not getting an iPhone. Moved everything to Microsoft. Last device to move over was the phone a couple of months ago. Got the Nokia 930. Been really pleased. Theres a lot to be said for being on one eco system. New iPhones and watches look smart, look forward to seeing ekonas. Not my cup of tea. Not because they aren't good, I just prefer windows. Think I'm the only person in the world who likes metro. But win 8.1 on the phone is very good. Be interested to see peoples thoughts once they get them. If its a big improvement etc.
  3. rtbiscuit

    350z or s2k

    Personal choice. One mans steak is another mans offal. Personal opinion wont help you. Drive both and make your own mind up.
  4. yes but if someone was in the bathroom you'd expect a response. its not like most people would whisper through the key hole. or here them trying to scrabble through the very tiny window.
  5. if think you have a burglar cornered, in a locked room, and you block the only exit and you have a cannon of a pistol. Any reasonable man would shout obscenities at the door. Telling said occupants how screwed they were. Most burglars at his point would likely shout. Don't shoot don't shoot. And your missus is likely to tell you to stop being a bell end. So what reasonable man shoots, not one, not 2, not even 3 shots through a door, but 4 rounds without an inclination for who might be on the other side. And if you have someone cornered why not ring the police? He's guilty as sin, just not enough direct evidence to nail him for it. Most likely if the judge is any good, she'll give him the next severe punishment, which should be 10 years.
  6. It's not that, its because of the difficulties of establishing who is Scottish...well not so much difficult but time consuming. There are some 500,000+ living in England alone and probably just as many scattered over the globe, just imagine the paperwork involved with that number. Then there's the children of voting age who have at least one Scottish parent and consider themselves Scottish. Pete ...and as a result, Sir Alex Ferguson DOESN'T get a vote, but Terry Butcher (ex captain of England) DOES get a vote*, just because of where they live. A universal truth is reaffirmed by this - if you want it cocked up, entrust it to a politician. *I don't claim credit for this, saw it on the news tonight. if you're Australian and live out side the country you still get to vote, they just send you a postal vote. but you have to be an ozzie passport holder. so cant be that difficult.
  7. they often do. Years ago on a rugby tour, on a night out a group of us came across a guy beating the frap out of his girlfriend. We jumped in and then she proceeded to have a go at us. There have been 2 other times I've stepped in and the result has been positive. I'll always step in if isle it as I'd hope someone in the future would do te same if my daughter needed help.
  8. Coupe is easy, you just remove the back doors.
  9. If that had been my daughter, they wouldn't be married now and that would be the least of his problems.
  10. Family circumstances dictate for me the sportback as the only realistic option in the future.
  11. You can sell the wheels and tyres on and possibly make back half your money.
  12. Id be interested if they did a touring version. And I think a tourer might even make the back end look better.
  13. That's another option, get a second set of wheels with decent winter Tyres on. Swap over around start of November. And then you can drive the 370 how you want in the poorer weather. Remember winter thres are not the same as snow Tyres. But will increase the cars ability in low temps, wet and snow. Compared to summer Tyres.
  14. Like the front, be interested to see one in the flesh. Wonder what Arden would do with one. I like what they did to the F type.
  15. Alright just read your last post 2 cars not suitable
  16. having swapped from a zed to an S2000, seen by many as under powered in comparison. I found the lighter, more revvy S2000 far more fun both on the road and on the track. Day to day it was easier to make me smile in the S2K. The drama of revving and quick gear changing was more fun than riding the torque curve. Having tracked a few cars inch the zed, I found the zed to be fun on track. T was communicative, responsive, and gave great feedback with a safe and comfortable balance. But on a stock setup you could feel the cars weight both entering corners and under heavy breaking. I'm guessing the 70 would feel the same. A lot, but not all on here feel that a car isn't "proper" without a big engine. Less bragging rights in the pub when you can't tell people you have a V6 and 300bhp. Some people also don't like to have to work a gearbox, and low torque high rev can be tiresome. Personal preference plays a big part in car choice. Driven all my cars in the winter, and when the weather gets rubbish none get driven on the limits. Learnt that a long time a Gavin the MR2 when I pirouetted off a roundabout in a full 360 spin. You just have to regulate the right foot and enjoy the rare sunny winter blast when you can take them. As for choice. Both the 70 and the 86 are good cars. Personal choice which way you go. What about neither, why not a cheap track toy. S2000 can be picked up for 5k and a nice comfortable cruiser for the crape days with 4wd like older RS4 or S3. Doesn't have to go German was just an example. For 20k you could get 2 nice cars and insure them. And your track toy would be a good weekend toy. Then you have the fun of jumping in it in th weekend and the performance is a nice surprise.
  17. That's if they can form one, if vested interests are so far apart will their be enough common ground to agree on? Current uk parties are so similar that theres enough common ground and enough parties to pick from. Like I said worst case scenario. And I wasn't envisaging the next Syria, its Scotland not the middle east
  18. Dispute = a disagreement or argument between multiple factions. If you get independence, and for some unforeseen reason it doesn't go as was planned. Taxes go up, government spending goes down, unemployment goes up etc etc and you like most countries have an slowing political party. Like labour vs conservative etc. Do you not think it could cause dispute between those in power and those challenging and the people who support each sides. I'm not talking riots and cromwellesque feuding. I'm talking hung parliaments, inability to move forward or make decisions etc. And all the joys that those situations bring. Your politicians are no different to ours they just have vested interests in the north. They'll be just as god at screwing things up as the numpties down south. Good luck with your independence You'll need it
  19. I said worse case scenario. I didn't say it was going to happen. Must be difficult to hear, all the way up there on your high horse.
  20. Worst case scenario could create a kind of Scottish civil dispute. I wouldn't say war. That could then split the country. Best hope is for a larger majority either way
  21. They should have made it a compulsory vote imo with 4 options. 1.yes I want to be completely independent 2.yes but only partial independence 3.No I want to stay as we are. 4.I abstain from the vote
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