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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. Nooo... don't go... We can change! no thats what he wants! be strong, stay with the lights my friend! WE DO NOT QUIT!
  2. I look forward to that Dan! I have just put up a photo of one of our cats! maybe we will be cat friends forever
  3. [quote name='Ekona' timestamp='1452441979' post='1572467'] If FB didn't exist, I'd have to go back to regular stalking. And the judge says I can't do that again. [/quote] Thats probably one of the best comments I have ever seen. ..and I am on facebook aswell, George Williamson. photo is me and my baby Lilly, feel free to add, but only if you like cats, I seem to share alot of cat photos..
  4. This poll has turned out to be such an interesting experiment! Thanks for starting it
  5. On my first car, I put neons inside and out, both controlled with rocker switches by your knee whilst driving. Only used them at night (obviously pointless in the day!) but never had problems with police, they were more curious than anything. they were green neons and never flickered or flashed, so wasnt seen as a dangerous distraction! My 350z has interior red neons around the footwells and seats, but these only come on with the interior light, so goes off when the doors shut.
  6. I hope you took your sledge up there
  7. I have chosen mine based on my financial situation. If it was a case of unlimited funds, I would go for full engine swap and respray as well!
  8. GeorgeW

    2016 Calendar

    [quote name='SuperStu' timestamp='1455741627' post='1587756'] [quote name='Brummiestormer' timestamp='1455740802' post='1587743'] Nice to see "orange" well represented [/quote] Orange is just as good as all the others. Which is to say, not as good as gunmetal [/quote] and thats only because there isnt a proper photo of a a red one
  9. I wont be bidding, so but I will be watching to see how it does. It looks like a good bargain for anything a few quid less than new?
  10. GeorgeW

    lambo doors

    depends on the look of the car, I personally quite like them, but im probably known for my taste in neons etc! (but according to fast car they are the upcoming trend for 2016 ) so if you like it, DO IT! problem is, if you did something as normal as putting rims on the car, and ask opinions, you are a still going to get lovers and haters, so best just not to ask opinions at all
  11. Thanks for that, I will pop into to the local motor store, he will be happy to check for me
  12. No the battery seems fine, the best other the car including starting is absolutely fine. I will try the bomb next, and see how I get on. Too be honest I would feel happier doing it anyway.
  13. Ok where would I find that and what does it look like? It's only done it the past two days and stopped after taking it out for a drive last night,
  14. Oh that's ok, if it's a spider in the car I can always sell it
  15. This has only started during the cold nights but the alarm is going off all the time, does anyone know how to sort it? I've jus Trajan the car out for a spin in the hope that it will warm it up, if it's to do with being cold. Help before my neighbours kill me!
  16. thats what I thought, I only got my carbon hood last week but if this was going cheap id sell it on
  17. early days, but thats a 99p start for a brand new carbon hood http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/172103017556?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  18. Ma I don't believe that, it's not long gone, it's just the new 'clean and slammed' it's more popular now, I personally like neons and big wings, but I'm aware it's not that popular now 😊
  19. not to shadow the GTR as it looks amazing (they all do!) but that Huracan,
  20. i love the 370z, I remember when they first came out myself and my dad went to go have a nose at one at a garage whilst the girls were shopping, I was 18 and remembered the quality feel to the interior even now!
  21. welcome, nice looking car, not sure if the reg plate is road legal though
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