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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. as I understand, you need to connect it first time around, which then syncs it, but I didn't know that at the time and put the dash back together, so waiting till summer before i can do it
  2. god I do all of those, 4th tip is my specialty! but in my defence I only do it to check out that odd rattle from the car somewhere...probably caused by actually doing it in the first place!
  3. i bought mine for the car play as well, infant that photo looks just like mine - with carbon wrap etc! the funny thing is I forgot to set it up with the USB lead for my phone - so i don't actually have car play at the moment! but it uses bluetooth to take the music from my phone anyway, which is one thing i guess.
  4. you basically unpop the plastic cover on the boot lid, which is just clips, get your fingers under it and pull as close to the clips as you can - this will prevent any snaps. when its off, you can then remove the boot weight (just undo the bolts - you will see this when you get to it) and the wiper - look this up on the forum for guides
  5. yes do it, I did and its really easy. You can also take out the boot weight as well whilst your at it. I dont notice not having a rear wiper, especially as i put rain repellent on when I clean it as well
  6. welcome, check the zed for sale section if you havent already, might be something of interest, and buying from a member, chances of a decent example is much better Zeds for sale
  7. welcome Tom, sounds like your not too far from me (llanymynech) if your around Wrexham? if you manage to get a zed before April, we are having a meet up around Llangollen area with a nice run., you should join us! This link will take you to the page for information RIGHT HERE! If you havent seen, there is an area on here for zeds for sale RIGHT HERE THIS TIME! Good luck with your search, and if you need any help, these guys and gals are great. George
  8. Hi mate, yes it is half done. The next bits are red radiator hoses, and a set of red wire conduit, and eventually a polished plenum, core strut and slam panel...and hood dampers.. I am also going to spray the strut bar, or replace it, not sure yet This photo was the other day before an external clean (so excuse the matt pink bumper, thats road spray!) and I have never actually cleaned the engine bay. I bought some degreaser and blackner to have a go at the weekend if I have time. If you look at other bays, just having clean black parts makes a huge difference!
  9. Only a tiny bit massively useful update. I went to do the 'penny mod' on the boot after being fed up with needing to use two hands, and it turns out my boot was had one broken Spring, and the other was missing completely! Then the search began to find new ones, £40! No way.. So I went looking for a zed being broken and split on eBay, and bagged myself two complete sets for £12 posted for the two! They arrived today and viola - a working boot! Next fix needs to the passenger window, but I'll need good weather for that..
  10. that meet was like one from a dream. Green Lambo..mmmmmmmmm
  11. are planning to mod her, or end up modding after saying you wont like most people do?
  12. looks like a good start. Free mods are always good, so between scraping the red tint off, and spraying the diffuser, your onto a winner!
  13. what the hell is the back about, has it been shunted?
  14. ah, but would you be happy to then take on gok's life? thats the sick twist in this!
  15. If you could kill off one celebrity, who would it be? (and to avoid the obvious) - said dead celeb, you will have to take on their life, with their career and their friend group etc.
  16. God what a horrible sight! Sleep well lovely zed, and good luck wth your new arrival. We had our first the end of last year, what a game!
  17. Need for speed 2015 had a good update aswell, much more customising, sharing wraps, and FINALLY going through fuel stations repairs your nackered ride! (Been praying for that because of the amount of drifting!)
  18. dam that was my next question! good call on cats
  19. if you could swap cars with anyone on here, who's would it be?
  20. Thanks for the help guys, after being scared off by the price of new ones, I have managed to get two from a 350z being stripped for parts, for £12 posted for the two great success
  21. Bloody hell cheers mate! Pricey little things though! Might see about some second hand ones
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