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Everything posted by GeorgeW

  1. Well with such nice weather, the car has been cleaned, the wheels ironX'ed and the carbon hood restored and HD waxed. Took a couple of photos to prove that I do actually clean my car!
  2. we've come a long way since those, I only paid about £400 for it, and sold it for £200! be good to see you again if you get a zed sorted
  3. Welcome, I have dropped you a PM if you check your messages
  4. Aha. Another who should join our meet in Llangollen!
  5. The eyelids are on. They took a bit of bending to get the right shape for the lights. But now they are on the car looks more aggressive again. You can see the area to the right where I had a go at cleaning up, I am going to hopefully pick up dads machine polisher today so that will cut the elbow grease (and most importantly time) out of the equation
  6. Colin, would you change your first name if you could?
  7. Exactly what I have been contemplating recently. Just to add to the mix, people say 'just swap them to cats for the MOT and then put the decats back on after.. How much of a job is this? I take it you need to have the car up on a ramp?
  8. Well I wondered that but didn't know if you could do it yourself
  9. Yes I mean bonnet, blame the racing games!
  10. didnt know about these articles, just went back and read through them, really enjoyed them. The one regarding people bad mouthing other peoples builds is very in tune right now, I have noticed it myself.
  11. I actually said I wasnt a fan of the yellow tint when you first asked opinions, but on that photo it looks pretty sick!
  12. well the carbon hood arrived yesterday, so was put on last night. I got it cheap due to the 'sun bleaching' it has. I did a bit of research into refurbishing it and decided to risk buying it and using 'meguiars scratchX 2.0'. I am glad I did, as I did a quick test with the scratchX whilst I was waiting for the second pair of hands to show up, and couldn't believe how easy it was to do! I was expecting a days work and a lot of sweat and blisters to get it to shine, but after 10 minutes I have managed about 1/5th of the hood. All that needs then is a good polish and wax, and it will look good as new. what a bargain! I have taken the painted eyelids off, which have sold. And have yet to put on my new carbon ones - that will bring back that aggressive front end which was there before. I also like how you can see the red of the engine bay through the vents I attempted a shot of the scratchX work, but it didnt come out very well. Probably the grey sky. my excuse for a dirty car this time is the road to our house is blocked, meaning I can only get to work via a dirty flooded farm road!
  13. those gear knobs always look a bit...dirty...to me. very unique car though
  14. I have always had sporty cars, until a few years ago I thought it would be a good idea to buy an eco corsa for long commute. I was actually upset driving it away from the garage and hated it from then, and no, the fuel wasnt any better because the stupid little car couldnt handle constant driving at 60/70, so was utterly pointless. Luckily we buy any car sorted that for me.. Lesson learnt. If you are a car person, for gods sake get something that makes you smile!
  15. you mention Nigeria there, so my question is How many countries have you been to, which is your favorite and why?
  16. A bit like he 'coughed' over it when talking
  17. I am tempted to email him via facebook and see what he says if I ask if it has ever had any damage?
  18. But no one wants three idiots being stupid, they all want a car show, apparently Bo%&$*ks. Your sarcasm detector is switched to off No I detected that, but saying that, according to the above replies, maybe people do?
  19. Thats the first GTT I've really like the look of, very tempted to look at some for sale!
  20. But no one wants three idiots being stupid, they all want a car show, apparently Bo%&$*ks.
  21. seriously though, I see why they have chosen each one, whether its for the car knowledge, presenter knowledge etc but I cant see anyone there who is going to be good for banter and stupidity like the original three - but maybe Top Gear isn't going to be like that anymore, and more seriously like 5th gear (for the record, I have only seen a few episodes of that and its boring) All the best to them, but I dont be watching (well, I will watch the first one, just to see what they do...and to see how ill Chris Evans looks in a Lambo Also, according to Wikipedia (dont start telling me thats not 100% true as well) 'In 2014, Harris was banned from reviewing Lamborghini cars. The cause of the ban was an article written by Harris, titled "Lamborghinis Are The Perfect Cars For People Who Can't Drive." In his piece, Harris criticizes many characteristics of the Lamborghini brand. Harris repeatedly expresses concern for Lamborghini, saying their "future is bleak," and that the brand "can't support its looks with adequate [driving] dynamics." Harris also notes several Lamborghini malfunctions; in one case, as he was driving, "the brakes [on the Lamborghini] caught fire." Consequently, Lamborghini ended their relationship with Harris, and Harris has not officially reviewed a Lamborghini since' Harris was banned from reviewing Ferrari cars on February 2, 2011, after writing an article titled, "How Ferrari Spins." In his article, Harris criticizes Ferrari for trying "to win every test [review] at any cost." As the article goes on, Harris continues to criticize Ferrari as a "profoundly irritating" brand. In addition, Harris explains that an automotive journalist, in his opinion, is forced to please Ferrari with a positive review, in order to maintain a relationship with the brand. Though Harris was technically banned from reviewing Ferrari cars, Harris was still able to unofficially review several Ferraris throughout his ban. In late 2013, Harris and Ferrari reconciled, and Harris has since (officially) reviewed many Ferrari cars. Hes not exactly liked by two of the biggest supercar manufacturers..
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