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Everything posted by BobbyZ

  1. I'm gonna be brutally honest here and say that while what she did was crappy, ultimately he was responsible for his own life. I appreciate that some people will find my opinion distasteful.
  2. Regarding heel and toe during gentle braking, I've had problems in the past but I've found tweaking my driving position has helped with that. If your weight is leaning too far forwards then it's hard to rotate the foot without sufficient pressure on the toe. [sad] this is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night [/sad]
  3. Yeah first time I braked with my left foot it wasn't pretty. It came to me quickly though, and even though I rarely do it I find it easy these days.
  4. ETA please I want to hear this bad boy running!
  5. He said he's not going for it, although of course he could be lying. Assuming that the public would come back onside if they toned down the manifesto a bit though, could be easy to call another election and get the majority back. Somewhat unrelated, I only found out today that the vote on fox hunting was also in the 2010 and 2015 manifestos
  6. That looks loud... not much silencing there
  7. If you don't feel tired, I don't know why you'd go and see the doctor. Waste of both your time!
  8. Yes, I don't think making the odd concession means that my statement about him was wrong. Looks like Ken Livingstone agrees with me http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/election-2017-40171454?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=593a9fcfe4b0831b67030589%26Livingstone%3A%20%27New%20Labour%20is%20dead%20and%20buried%27%26&ns_fee=0#post_593a9fcfe4b0831b67030589
  9. Man of principle? Couldn't be further from the truth. Hates the EU but campaigned Remain, hates nuclear weapons but suddenly now supports them, spent years arguing against his own leaders until became one and now just picks the popular things to promise to the world. He's as bad as any two-faced politician (and there's a few of them). He's smarmy as hell, but it plays better to the cameras than TM's aloofness. I think we have a different definition of 'man of principle'. If he'd turned into the next Tony Blair overnight then I'd agree with you, but he hasn't.
  10. I have to say, I am happy for Corbyn - as I said before, fair play for sticking to his guns. Love him or hate him, he's a man of principle, and I think there's something to be said for that.
  11. One of the main things that democracy has going for it is keeping out parties that you don't like, and the fact is that a lot of people don't like the Tories...
  12. I guess I'm biased when it comes to younger voters as they tend not to vote the same way as me I just don't agree that more voters is a good thing in itself. The desired result IMO is the one that benefits the country the most, and if that's achieved then I don't care if only 1 person voted. As Jetpilot also pointed out earlier in the thread, I don't think young people are particularly well informed. I've certainly seen it in myself and many others, that when you're young the ideas that you have about politics and the world are quite often very wide of the mark.
  13. Why do you think it's a good thing? Well it speaks for itself doesn't it? Anyone of adult age voting for who they feel should be running the country rather than any demographic/gender/age bias has to be more fair and representative of the countries feelings by default. Fair enough. I was genuinely curious, because I don't agree that more people voting per se is a good thing. More sensible people making informed votes, sure.
  14. Why do you think it's a good thing?
  15. You'd want that to be switchable I'd imagine to avoid severe mental scarring.
  16. This sort of thing is very important I think, not just to send a message to the Muslim community that extremism is frowned upon, but also to demonstrate to non-Muslims that they're taking a stand. Hopefully that will reduce the 'send them all back' mentality.
  17. Well I'm probably the most negative person in the world when it comes to relationships (and quite a few other things as it goes), but I don't see how it's beneficial in any way to predict that it's going to go tits up, unless you're really busting to be able to say "I told you so" if it happens.
  18. That's fine, I don't mind what lefties with an inflated sense of entitlement call me
  19. Don't listen to those miserable gits above me Good luck!
  20. Yes, well this is the sort of thing happens when you let the general public vote for the leaders of the country. I do wonder quite often if democracy has had its day.
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-40184826
  22. Yeah, I'm pretty sure with the forces involved, if your head is in the way during a roll it's never going to end happily. Speaking of the forces involved in a crash, I believe it's possible for a person's neck to stretch something like 7 inches in a big impact. Something to bear in mind if you're thinking of using a rollcage without a helmet.
  23. No, it's not: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction So you think we'd go MAD as a first strike option, rather than retaliatory? It should always be retaliatory, but the idea is that the threat of retaliation is enough to prevent any launches. If any nukes did get launched, we're probably all toast anyway. No, it's not: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_assured_destruction During the cold war no, with North Korea and Iran for example then yes. I'll concede that they're less of a known quantity so it might apply less, but I'd be surprised if they genuinely didn't care about getting nuked in retaliation.
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