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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. My wife and my mother - who both feel that my hobbies of retro gaming and car modification are completely unnecessary to existence- say a similar thing to " you can't go above 70 so why bother? " to which i always say " it's not about top speed, it's about getting to 70 that's the fun and doing it in style " which, i suppose in a Nissan Pulsar GTi-R, is debatable. But a quick trip to The supermarket via the bypass soon puts it into perspective with a nice dollop of power coming off the slip road, as we rocket to 70 in a blink of an eye, She's often speechless as the power pins her tongue down to her pallet. And even if she did comment it's all drowned out by a turbo the size of an Indesit. Ahhhhh silence is golden.
  2. I like the video. it's true that you're not going to like everyone's choices but, it is just rude to say to someone, "you're cars ugly". What will that achieve? Nothing more than the recipient thinking "what a knob". They're definitely not going to strip their car and call you for advice on how to do a second time round.
  3. Sorry if my candor come across a bit negatively, it's just that certain articles wind me up i.e. " Scientists now know that bees can read!" dear god..
  4. Ai is a dangerous thing. I personally think the idea that AI can tell if you're gay or not is just utter rubbish. On the other hand it does have its uses, such as in hospitals, now AI can see if you have a tumour more accurately and faster than a doctor can from a simple scan. But to put this into perspective, while we're talking about AI identifying if you're gay or not, the US navy use a type of jet powered drone called Pegasus that is completely AI controlled. You ask any pilot, what's the most difficult landing to do and they'll tell you it's landing on an aircraft carrier. Short runway, limited time with people moving about and the possibility of strong winds. Pegasus can take off, fly 2000 miles into enemy territory -carrying 2000k of explosives- and come back, land on an aircraft carrier all on its own. It has cameras on the top side that take a live video and project it onto its bottom side which has an LED screen. This gives a live picture on the bottom of the sky above. This is the reason for many UFO sightings. It can also take a video of the land below of 40 mile squared and live feed it. If it were flying over London, it understands and knows not what i'm doing for example, but what everyone is doing and going, including cars, at the same time. it could monitor all our habits over a period of time at the same time. Plus it has the Kill decision built in which again is all decided by AI. The stock market, once thrived with men wearing stupid jackets, talking into 4 phones and the same time and making notes, those days were long gone before yesterday. The market is now controlled by AI. Once upon a time, we new the algorithm and could tell what the market was going to do. Now AI has taken it to a new level that works so fast, we can't even attempt to know what that algorithm is anymore. All the big movements are done by AI. You can't undo it and read it, it writes itself, you don't know how it got there or why. It'd be impossible to know. AI needs a lot of data, data needs AI to sort it out, since the level of data we have accumulated cannot be regulated by us, it's done by AI. Google, the most powerful company in the world has been a shopping queen recently, buying up all the AI companies. Google has its own AI project in the form of Atlas, an AI robot. But it's all being funded by DARPA a branch of the pentagon and also by Lockheed martin, the worlds largest weapons company. So, these AI robots are not flower children but quite the opposite. Tennis balls, a military term for an object which is dropped - by the thousands - have super sensors that do different jobs. Some sense the movement, chemical, radio activity or thermal information of possible threats moving in the area. That information is sent to a satellite and then sent to wherever it needs to go. Old technology, it's what behind that , Fusion AI software that takes the movement, the chemical, the biological, the radio activity and makes sense of it. It can tell you what, where and how things are moved. Some people ask, when will AI supersede us? Some think it'll be 50 years, some think 20 years, some think 5 years. Apparently it's already happened. these are not visions of what's to come, this is here and now. So while we sit here talking about if AI can tell if someone is gay or not, they are far bigger issues that the news could be informing us about.
  5. Thanks for everything Lexx, Don't be a stranger.
  6. Rock_Steady

    bye bye sti

    i also heard they had some pretty horrific weak points. Never thought it could be that bad. Disappointing and expensive to say the least.
  7. it is a nice car. Italians always design beautiful cars for their home grown companies, but when they lend their hand to other countries, such as Japan, you get some real carbuncles, like the Isuzu Piazza turbo, or for the British the Morris Marina. You can't polish a turd you really can't.
  8. Rock_Steady

    bye bye sti

    ^^That did actually make me laugh out loud^^. And i agree with the mention of the hatchback STI. Wasn't too sure about it when it first came out but now i think it looks cool.
  9. Soooorrry! it's always after i post i tend to get the impression that perhaps, in this case, you were being sarcastic, but i'd already posted, And now i look like a pillock. I'll wear the hat. i'm used to it.
  10. Disagree. Lowering the speed limit doesn't necessarily make things safer. Just makes you late or have to leave earlier. As long as people are doing the same speed whether it's 40 or 60 on a country road and you keep your distance, it's just as safe. it's people who drive slowly everywhere and DON'T indicate... anywhere, that is dangerous. You can drive as slow as you like but if you don't indicate - and this means before and as you turn not just as your turning - it's dangerous. Awareness / use of mirrors and good judgment is everything, speed is just an easy scapegoat that is a little misunderstood.
  11. i don't think a chav would ever choose a Ferrari. A Vauxhall Calibra in red with crema seats yes. A Ferrari.... naahhhh.
  12. I think the FXX is absolutely stunning. It's so ridiculous, i love it.
  13. Pick and choose your roads and moments carefully, country B-roads and the like. keep eyes peeled and don't drive up peoples' arses, Over take when it's safe to do so. That's about all you can do. I'm not suggesting that it's o.k to drive @ 100 MPH when the limit is 60. What i am saying is, you can have fun up to the limit, especially round some nice bends and enjoy your handling set up. Nothing wrong with that. They'll be plenty of Honda jazz dinosaur drivers doing 40 when they could be doing 60 to over take to leave them in your wake.
  14. So many dodgy companies selling cars that end up changing their name after a few months. Tsk tsk.
  15. Wow, that's not bad at all!!. Good luck with it all though. I never touch electrics. It's all witch-craft to me.
  16. it is a shame that you'll get cracked vacuum pipes and shoddy electrics but, early 90s jap cars. My Pulsar is the same. brittle wiring and cracked rubber pipes. A nightmare.
  17. Every time i see an RX7 -which isn't often- i can't help but think that it looks so timeless. It could have come out last year IMO. That ford focus in front of it in the 2nd pic looks more dated for crying out loud.
  18. i've driven an E92 335i that was fiddled with a little and that was pretty brutal on pick up and sounded awesome. The mid range rolling power/torque is ridiculously relentless. If that were supercharged, it would be a sleeping super car killer i'm sure.
  19. i think 10 months is a little extreme. I'd've thought a nice hefty fine/ lots of points and some community service would do the trick. I mean, i've seen people come off a water slide faster than the teacher did coming off the bonnet. Alright, i know it was a school but i don't think for that reason alone it constitutes 10 months at her Majesty's pleasure. In fact, it may have been better ( apart from not moving at all ) to have reversed so the cheeky teacher fell on their arse but each to their own.
  20. Ah, that's more up my street. A bit of retro gaming!! i have the first Nintendo, the super Nintendo, Gamecube, NeoGeo and some ( i say some , about 52 i think ) original Arcade cabinets. Love Arcade games.
  21. Look dated?!?! I'd have to disagree. I think they still look contemporary. I'd have a supercharged E92 any day. i still think they're one of the best looking cars on the road. Classy.
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