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Everything posted by Ponsonby

  1. If you are really concerned then suck up the cost of a call from Jamaica and phone them! Alternatively if you have internet then download something like Skype and call using that. Or check if Westway have internet chat.
  2. You may be right. Maybe the £12K is for the husbands half of the car - maybe check there is no chainsaw close by. Or maybe you get the entire car for £12K but have to take the wife as well??
  3. I doubt the car will be available for viewing since it is also for sale in Surrey. But I am sure you know this and are just curious to play this out - why not if you have the time : ) Needless to say don't turn up anywhere with cash and on your own.
  4. I received outstanding customer service, honesty and integrity from Tarmac Sportz today. Thank's guys, really appreciated it. They are a 3 hour round trip from me but I will certainly make that trip for my future service / repair / zeditus needs. Zed failed it's MOT yesterday on banana arms at my local 'trusted' garage. A big shock, only done 18K miles, had an easy life and no knocking. Their quote to 'put it right' was knee trembling so I contacted Tarmac for a quote, who were substantially cheaper and could squeeze me in this morning. As soon as Bob took a look he said they were fine and did not need changing - how many garages would do that? To be doubly sure he took me down to an MOT garage who fully checked the banana arms and said they were fine. We got the garage to do a full MOT and I came away with a pass. Great guys, a good laugh and above all very honest and knowledgeable. Turned a frustrating situation into a pleasant morning out.
  5. That may have been because it was a roadster? Got loads of abuse when I had a Z4 when I had the roof down - usually by 'van man' when there were 2 or more of them aboard. I suppose they are not allowed to heckle the ladies now so have turned their macho attention to roadster drivers.
  6. I paid around £300 with Admiral last year. This year they were £700 plus. Did some shopping around and got down to £300 ish again. I probably spend a day at renewal time shopping around.
  7. That's how it works for me. I have 15 years+ on one car and 6 years on another.
  8. https://www.autoexpress.co.uk/nissan/370z/106613/new-nissan-370z-50th-anniversary-edition-unveiled-pictures Being unveiled at NY motor show. Seats look nice? Thought they may have done something a bit more special really.
  9. Thanks Davey for orgainsing. Great meet, glad I made the trip down. Will get my son to post some pics / video when he gets some time for editing. Really good turnout - did anyone count how many Zed's were there?
  10. Great shine you have there. Treated mine to a wash and wax today but not the same effect with silver.
  11. Do the windings on speakers actually burn out? I would have thought more likely to be your amp that has gone??
  12. Assuming my back is still intact from the drive up to Cheshire from Cornwall the day before - I will be there
  13. That is assuming that our politicians can make good decisions - and the current @*!# show shows that they clearly can not. I think that I trust Brussels with our money more than I do our own government.
  14. Really just depends on what you want from the car. The TTS will most likely be the quicker car A to B in all weather conditions, will have a nicer interior, deliver better fuel economy etc. But unfortunately they lack any 'soul' and you are unlikely to fall in love with it as you would with a Z. The Z also has a fantastic community, always something interesting to read on this forum (not always just Z related) and loads of meets. If you are after a toy / weekend fun car then the Z is probably the way to go.
  15. I never use cruise control and actually prefer cloth to leather. Certainly would not put me off that car. I don't usually like black but looks good with the Nismo kit.
  16. The RevUp has the same revised interior, lights etc as the HR but is in the high tax bracket with the HR. Some RevUp's are reported to use a little more oil but will not be a problem if you check the level regularly. Us prior RX8 owners laugh heartily when the RevUp oil consumption is classed by some as a 'problem'
  17. I guess the charge is to cover the cost of adding more hard standing parking area which isn't cheap - they would have to sell a lot of coffee to pay for that.
  18. That would take me an entire page …. One day I plan to attempt the entire list.
  19. I read somewhere the other day that they are charging £5 for parking - or is that just for specific events? Or £10 for reserved parking...
  20. Ouch! Did you get the car from a dealer? I'd be getting them to stump up the cost if you have only had the car a few days.
  21. I agree with Ebized, take a trip to Horsham and get them to take a look. My HR used to 'bog down' at low revs. There is a right turn junction close to work that is on a bit of an incline which gave me a couple of brown trouser moments when it would bog down half way across and in the way of oncoming traffic. Always had to remember to give it some gas. I just lived with it but in hindsight I should have got it sorted properly.
  22. I am still waiting for someone to convince me. Am open minded but have not heard a good arguement for it yet - all I hear is that we will be better off. How exactly? I work in the science sector. This is one of the UK's greatest assets. Over the last few years quite a few science parks have been established around the UK bringing the greatest of minds together. How were these funded - partly by the EU. Loads of the research work done in the UK is EU funded. Lots of people mention what gets paid out to the EU but don't realise how much comes back. Loads of regeneration in Wales was EU funded and led by EU initiatives - but Wales voted out, wtf!
  23. Of course they do and had the UK not been in the EU we would have had them too - no way can you export to Australia / NZ etc without using the correctly treated pallets. Why do you think they spray the planes, ships etc before they enter those countries and you are banned from taking foodstuffs, plants, seeds, wooden objects etc. Its only an EU wide rule because we are in the EU and is far from farcical.
  24. Has your path sunk due to someone stacking up against your wall?
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