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Everything posted by chubbster

  1. Ha - thanks for pointing that one out! ...the world's truest number plate.
  2. I'm sure you would, too - considering that the first main dealer who serviced my 370z tried to get away with only replacing one of the air filters (luckily I checked before leaving the premises - I was fuming) - and the second one tried to sell me washer jets at about £70 each, when all they needed was a bit of a cleanout. Generally, main dealers suck. When you give them your own expensive oil to use do they actually put it in, or does someone take it home and sell it on ebay or something? Now that my car is out of warranty I take it to a garage I TRUST (trust is the important word here). To answer the op's question - a buyer who doesn't know you will have to TRUST you, if you've done the servicing yourself. If I were the buyer I wouldn't trust you, not because you're untrustworthy, but because I don't know you, so either have copious notes & receipts if you do it yourself, or take it to a trustworthy garage/mechanic to get it done & stamped. Whatever you do, don't take it to a main dealer just to get the stamp, unless you have one you trust 100% - they rip you off in every way. My personal preference would be a trustworthy garage's stamp, every time.
  3. Discs posted to Darren-B. cmp999's set seems to have worked well.
  4. Everyone's careful the first time - It's the 9th time that gets you, when you think you can do it.
  5. Hi Gordon - Hope I'm not making a stupid suggestion (probably am), but are you holding the switch in the 'up' position for long enough? The procedure that has always worked for me is... 1. Open the window fully. 2. Shut the window, HOLDING THE SWITCH IN THE 'UP' POSITION FOR SEVERAL SECONDS AFTER THE WINDOW HAS SHUT. Sometimes it can take up to 15 seconds until you hear that very feint 'click' which means it's reset. 3. Open the window again, this time keeping the window switch 'down' for several seconds (15secs, to be on the safe side). I'm not convinced that this stage is necessary, but it doesn't do any harm. 4. Shut the window. Job done. Apologies if you've already done this, but maybe give it just one more try?
  6. I'm sending my set to Darren either today (Tuesday) or tomorrow.
  7. I used to like Morrisons, St Albans and Tesco Hatfield. When they're closed the car parks are brilliant for donuts. This time of year is good, because everyone is indoors watching that stupid x factor and that stupid strictly.
  8. I don't disagree with you, but the bloke who shoved him off the pedestal isn't very nice either, is he? After all, he was just standing there, not harming anyone.
  9. I suppose it's all relative - they look really young to me
  10. Hope I'm not going off topic, but have you ever seen this?...
  11. Jesus Christ There's even a bit of (edible?) poo, popping out of the anus in the middle one. Grated chocolate pubes? This puts a whole new meaning on the term, 'Birthday Cake'. Made in the USA, I imagine. No, I'm sorry - I think I'll just have a cup of tea - unless of course one of them is fruit cake, now maybe I could be tempted.
  12. Hi Sambo - you've been posting links since early August, asking for views. How many cars have you been to see? What were they like? It would be nice to have some feedback from you.
  13. It's very slightly more frugal on petrol - but only by a couple of mpg, so you might save a couple of quid per week. Servicing is about the same. The wheels are 19", so if you're running 18's on your 350z, you might have to pay a little more for tyres, but how often do you buy tyres? Basically, I'm saying that the running costs are identical (bearing in mind that I don't know how much Car Tax you pay currently and what your insurance costs are likely to be - these are potentially the more noticeable financial changes). Your biggest financial hit by far will be actually buying the car! Test drive one or two and see if you like them. PS - you really should go for a 2010 or newer, with Connect Premium stereo - it's a big improvement in the audio/satnav setup, unless you like to do your own installs.
  14. Wife got a new car yesterday evening. Took the manuals to bed & got halfway through them. Woke up at 3am and couldn't stop myself finishing them, making notes as I went along. I always get excited by a new vehicle. Sitting here, wide awake at 4.35am, thinking about getting another cuppa. Can't wait till the morning so I can get the car into the garage and start to investigate it. New toys - aaaaaaaaaaaaah
  15. Some people shouldn't be allowed on the roads. My wife, for example, reversed straight into a large, stationary, orange bus last week, as she left our driveway. It was stopped at the bus stop - you know, the one opposite our house, where it stops every 30 minutes - you know - that one. The one that stops there every 30 minutes to let people off and pick new ones up - you know - A F**KING BUS. And she's got reversing sensors. And she says I'm a bad driver.
  16. Welcome from someone in East Herts - I'm quite new here but I've not seen any local meets planned yet, unless I've missed something.
  17. Bad luck mate - I feel your pain Is that purple paint in the damage?
  18. Just done a youtube trawl and actually it's not quite the smallest! But I reckon it's still a very beautiful thing.
  19. You may well have seen this brilliant little thing on Pistonheads, but just in case you missed it (and it's British!)... PISTONHEADS LINK
  20. how long have you had the car?
  21. Lovely! What it needs now is two white stripes down the middle - along the bonnet, over the roof and down the tailgate. That would finish it off beautifully.
  22. About £6,500? CLICK HERE Whatever price you settle on, knock off a couple of hundred for the Bose
  23. ...or if it's for Apple products, would these two items be good to get, to use together?... DashCommand app Wireless OBD2 Scanner I don't know anything about this subject, I've just done a bit of online browsing.
  24. chubbster


    Don't be too quick to criticise - they look really good when you've got a Comic Relief Nose on the front grille - almost human.
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