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Everything posted by chubbster

  1. Yes, the 350z's original RE040's weren't good in wet or cold. The RE050's on my 370z are better, but that's not saying much. I too shall be going for MPSS.
  2. Hi there and welcome. I'm currently at work, about 5 miles up the road from St. Evenage town centre. Nice to have another Z nearby.
  3. Haha - hadn't noticed this, but I'll never miss it from now on. So, what's starting to bug me more & more is the way everyone seems to start the first sentence of whatever they're saying with the word, "So...". It seems to have crept in, under the radar, recently - and it's just an affectation which has come over from America. "So" is a conjunction & should be used to join two phrases, not start a speech or sentence. End of rant.
  4. I'd intended to buy them as my new rear tyres a few months ago, with a view to putting them on the fronts too, at a later date, but when I compared a range of tyres by looking at as many reviews as I could, I was disappointed to find out that they didn't rate very well. So I bought a different brand - Falken 453's, which are nice and stiff on the sidewalls.
  5. It's not cheap imo, and the red inside the engine bay is definitely not to my taste - and although I like them, I would never describe Falken 452's as having 'amazing amounts of grip', so I wonder if I'd disagree with any of the seller's other opinions, if you know what I mean. Personally, I'd approach this one cautiously, ...but it may be as good as he says it is. I like the looks of the JWT pop charger, but it doesn't add anything to performance. How loud is the 'custom exhaust'? If you're interested, maybe phone him first to see if he'd be open to offers - no point in going to see it if he's not prepared to budge on price and you thought it was overpriced, for example.
  6. chubbster

    My 1st Zed!

    Well done mate - I think they look gorgeous in white. If you can afford it, debate no longer - get it done!
  7. My goodness Pete - does that mean you've got 6 cats?
  8. Just a picky little detail...They've always been standard on the UK, GT pack versions. Otherwise, yours is a brilliantly helpful post for the guy.
  9. I'd go and have a look at it if I were you - silver's a good colour imho - the only factory colour that beats it is gunmetal, in my eyes. You might like it in the flesh.
  10. Thank you to apcarter - a mysterious package arrived today. I shall try to find the time asap - bearing on mind that my car battery's a bit low. I think I'll have to clear the garage and connect the car up to a charger, just to be on the safe side.
  11. Excellent family you've got there Pete!
  12. Here's another link - CLICK HERE - This one quotes 184.5cm or 6'1", exc mirrors, which makes my slightly cautious total of about 192cm seem ok.
  13. I've just been outside to have a look and a measure. The wing mirrors extend about 3cm beyond the widest part of the rear wheel arches, so if the body measurements in the link are correct, that makes a total width of 75", or 190.5cm. I'd allow a bit for my inaccuracies and call it 192cm, to be on the safe side. My car fits snugly through my standard size garage door. Luckily the interior of the garage is nice and wide.
  14. Excellent new cats, guys. I like the name Killer Monster too - great for when the new vet says, "Ahhhh, isn't he loveely. What's his name, sir?" You can always call him Monsta for short. The kid's right.
  15. Yes - agree with robin. You had to change out of 1st gear in the early zeds almost before you'd pulled away, but this was improved from '06 onwards. I don't feel much difference between the later 350 & 370 gearboxes, apart from synchro rev match, which I don't use. I quite like the gearshift. If you like your creature comforts, go for a 2010 model or newer, if you can. The connect premium stereo/satnav is good.
  16. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :thumbdown: :thumbdown: ...just celebrating Vettel's latest win - and his winning comments from inside the car are getting more ridiculous than ever (think I'll make a ringtone out of them).
  17. . That move was always going to end in tears. what a pity it wasn't Vettel crying.
  18. what was the cheap fix? Hard wiring the connections under the seats?
  19. If there's any bad luck going, seems like Lewis is still up for it He made a really good start and was a contender for about 3 seconds.
  20. This is a long shot. Is it worth trying the window reset procedure before doing anything else? 1. Make sure the window is shut. 2. Keep the window button pressed down for 15 seconds. (The window will open) 3. Hold the window button in the 'up' position for 15 seconds. (The window will close) Probably won't solve your problem, but it's worth a minute of your life, just in case.
  21. apcarter just sent me a message - he's posting it tomorrow.
  22. Yes, just go for the most recent one you can afford.
  23. Well, rigor mortis had set in with Rose too, so it doesn't point towards poison mate - she was stiff as a board. I remember thinking how long a hole I had to dig - cats are longer than you think - especially on a cold, rainy November night, at the top of the garden, after a hard day's work. And yes, it does make sense that you wouldn't want to think someone might have harmed him on purpose. Hopefully that wasn't the case.
  24. Sorry to hear about that, but maybe it wasn't poison? I had an identical experience several years ago with Rose, one of our original tabbies (she was brilliant). I found her one morning just as you described, but with a tiny bit of blood around her mouth. The previous night I'd heard the screeching of car brakes and someone outside our house, but I fell asleep again. Clearly Rose had been hit by a car and managed to make it to the back door. I know this is unpleasant, but your dear old Spock may not have been poisoned - dunno if that's any comfort (probably not). Very sad anyway.
  25. lol - 6th August 1992. Can anyone beat that?
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