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Everything posted by d95gas

  1. d95gas

    Exhaust guru's

    +1. Worth every penny, ....and Berks HFC's while you're at it. Regarding the Invidia...... Is there any droning in the cabin at either motorway speeds, or in fact at all? Like the OP I am looking for an exhaust, currently have a True Dual HKS Style with Berk HFC's but too much droning for me. Thanks Graeme
  2. Can you put me down for one please whats the delivery timescale for them ?
  3. Whats the timescale for delivery once payment is made??
  4. Looks like a perfect fit........all looks good enough to me, so time to order :-) Glad I waited for the trial fit. Have a great New Year Graeme
  5. This is one of the Combo's I am currently looking at, although I do already have the Berk HFC's running with a HKS True Dual (Too loud for my old ears) hence the move to the Gemini. Quick question, is there any droning in the cabin at cruising speeds, in particular I think its the 2,500 - 3,500 rpm range ? Thanks
  6. Ah...... Being a mere man, I think I understand, its difficult when we are not privy to the higher intellect of a woman Now get a trial fit going to so we can all get our orders in. Have a great Christmas Graeme
  7. Slightly confused me on how the Spoiler is going to hit the curb unless you are a Hooligan Driver who likes to do high speed rolls
  8. Did this turn up ? whats it like ? Graeme
  9. Just come across this thread, fantastic looking motor, I just love that rear bumper and has me seriously thinking about replacing mine when it goes in for the bonnet and bumper to be done in the new year. Where did you get the Stillen Side steps from ? Graeme
  10. I've used the FK1000P for a couple of years now and have always been advised to leave it on the car as long as possible for it to its job, in fact on one occasion left it 24hrs and still came off fairly easy. I have always topped the FK1000P with the FK Pink Wax (2685), and if you have the time, give it a 2nd coat using the "spritz n polish" method, really adds some depth and slickness. really soft, wipe on wipe off and takes the finish to another level. In fact I might just see if I can give the car a quick going over with it in the morning :-) Been looking at trying some "Bouncers" capture the rapture or vanilla ice. Anybody have any experience with these. Certainly get glorious reviews.
  11. Great...... I think its gonna be a done deal
  12. Eager to find out :-) have been emailing the guy over in Poland and am 99% sure I am going to order one. Asked him about some of them rear valances as well but not heard back yet.
  13. Do you have the part number you used to order this...... Thanks
  14. All sorted :-) dont know how the hell I missed that one......thanks bud
  15. Where did you enter the discount code? if been right the way up to the Paypal point and could'nt find anywhere to apply the code? Thanks
  16. d95gas

    nismo spoiler

    Any news on fitment and quality of this copy as I am in the market for a spoiler, Bradford would be handy for me as I pass by it frequently. Cheers
  17. As all you guys have commented, I think she is up the river without a paddle. They do have a Social Media Policy, that does state she cannot say or do anything that would bring the company into disrepute. I think she is challenging anyway on the grounds that the punishment was harsh for such a trivial matter, and going in with the "Super Apologetic" approach, especially as she was one of their top earners for her area. She can but try, but hopefully she will take this away with her and learn from it. Very harsh lesson, but I guess at one stage or another, we've all done something stupid in life that we regret later.....I know I have. Thanks for everyone's comments and information
  18. I agree with the fact that it was a stupid thing for her to do, and have always told her to be careful what she says and to whom she says it to. Personally I dont even have a Facebook or Twitter account....does'nt interest me at all. The comment was aimed at a fellow worker and not the company, and as a side note it was said after she was suspended for another incident where she was found not guilty and nothing to do with her, so at the time she was a bit miffed as the statement was aimed at the guy who had made a statement about her that got her suspended in the first place.....and his complaint/statement was found to be rubbish. She's young so I guess she will get over it, and hopefully take something away with her from this lesson in life. If I had to investigate similar instances, based on the information, it would of been at worst a final written warning, I do feel that summary dismissal was a bit harsh, given that she was one of the top commission earners there. Thanks again for all the advice
  19. My daughter, who up to yesterday worked for a very large mobile phone provider, in their call centre, was dismissed from work after several weeks of being suspended pending an inquiry. Who ever did the inquiry dismissed her, and the basis of the dismissal is the following: Like most of the nation, she is on Facebook, and she was member of a "Private" group that had been setup by one of the managers to organise his leaving party. On that page my daughter had said "some gimp at ** (Two letters) screwed me over". At no point did she specify anyone's name, position or anything that could pinpoint who she was referring to. The post was obviously seen by one of the senior managers who then reported this to HR/Management - and this was their whole basis for instant dismissal. She has never had any disciplinary action against her, no warnings for anything on Facebook or any other social media site, full clean ticket, so this was her first offense as such. She obviously wants to appeal this and needs to do this immediately, but was hoping someone out there might be able to offer some advice on how she stands from the point of "employment law". It would seem that her dismissal letter will state the reason as "Misuse of social media" Thanks.
  20. One of my main reasons for selecting that particular Pioneer amp was its size, so I could fit it discreetly away. What size is the EP4 you have and what sort of money are you looking at? Probably best if you google it and use the official dimensions rather than mine , I'm looking for £50 plus post which is what I paid , it's all boxed etc in great condition If you want something smaller check out the vibe range , I had fitted on of their amps under the passenger seat on my Evo , quite small but very punchy amps What model is the Amp as when I put the previous model number up it brought back two different Hertz Amps?
  21. One of my main reasons for selecting that particular Pioneer amp was its size, so I could fit it discreetly away. What size is the EP4 you have and what sort of money are you looking at?
  22. This sounds like just the sort of setup I am looking at, discreet install, but with some decent sound to it. I know what you mean about the tweeters, had the same issue in the MR2 and again a lot of fiddling to get the notes just right. Many thanks
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