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Everything posted by d95gas

  1. Pity that these days the effort kills me for days........but standing back and admiring the view is worth it Thanks for the comments everyone.
  2. Thanks guys for the nice comments........Makes the effort feel even more worth while
  3. Well I currently have a whole range of waxes, things such as FK1000P, FK Pink, Collinite, Blackfire Blackice, DoDo......and the list goes on. This soft99 certainly gave it a wow factor in looks, more than any of those above I have used in the past. Went on super easy, and as long as you only let it half dry, comes off super easy. For around £25 its definitely well worth the money, and I will be sticking to this one for now. I am interested to see whats its durability is like, but given that the car don't come out in crap weather, it doesn't concern me too much. I would say its definitely one to have at hand its that easy to use, and as you see gives superb results.
  4. Cheers Bud..... I can say 1001% its worth it, there is something very relaxing about waxing the car, I find I mentally sort my working week ahead when waxing.
  5. Cheers Bud.........My arms feel like they are ready to drop off but I can ignore that knowing that the Zed has been given the TLC it deserves.
  6. Well seeing as its been such an awesome weekend for the weather, I decided to get down and dirty with the Zed, which hasn't had any TLC since I picked her up about 4 months back now. Apart from an initial through going over. Now I don't profess to know much about detailing, I am one of them "Triers" who gets suckered in with the usual hype about a product, hence I have a garage lined with everything you can think of. My latest "Sucker" moment was on DW when people were talking about the "Soft99" products, at the time there was nobody in the UK supplying it, so I went to Ebay Australia and purchased the specific product for "Dark Colours" Car was washed with Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo, dried and then the body was checked for any fallout......She was still nice and smooth from her last treatment (Garage queen). So on with the wax, and soon learned to only do a couple of panels at a time. It goes on really easy and feels and looks like and oil. Packing says to leave until half dry and then polish off.......So this I did. On a panel I decided to leave it a good while to see how it came off. It stuck well and put up some resistance, but came off fine with an extra bit of elbow grease. Did the whole car in about 3hrs (Inc Tea breaks). All buffed off with some decent quality MF's. I did find that going back over an hour or so later, seemed to bring out a bit of extra bling. Anyway I will let the pics do the talking, but needless to say, I am well impressed with it. Side View: Wing Shot: Bonnet Shot: Looking face down into the bonnet: All in all and excellent weekend......and not wasted just sitting around.
  7. Hi Bud, Unfortunately I am not in a position to do that price incl shipping to Denmark. The shipping alone to Denmark, insured and signed for is £22.02 and I believe I had the kit up for a very competitive price...... Really sorry that I cannot move on it. Thanks for taking the time to look and inquire. Graeme
  8. Sorry Guys, it looks like "Almeida1234" got in there at 20:53 last night. Phil, I will put you down as No2 in case Almeida1234 drops out............Nice to see you giving that beast some TLC Graeme
  9. On two of the hoses you can make out "performance" whether there is anything before or after would only be a guess. They all seem to be decent quality when I compare to the likes of Viper who I normally purchase my hoses from. HTH Graeme
  10. Already pm'd and will be speaking to them Monday, thanks anyway Graeme
  11. Purchased this for my MR2 Turbo but only ever got as far as fitting the gauge, never been wired up and the sensor has never been used. Comes complete with all the usual parts you get from Innovate: Various Leads & Connectors Digital Gauge Various Faces (Black & White) Various Bezels (Black & Silver) Software CD Full Fitting Instructions Bosch O2 Sensor (Never even fitted to the car) Exhaust Bung All boxed in the original box/packing. This is one of the new Digital setups, more information on the unit is available from: http://www.innovatem...oducts/MTXL.php Looking for £115 incl secure delivery. Anyone in the Co Durham area is welcome to collect by arrangement. Should add, I am happy for payment via BACS or Paypal. If using Paypal please add 3.5% to cover charges. Thanks for looking.
  12. THIS HAS NOW BEEN SOLD TO ONE OF THE MEMBERS. Got this kit when I purchased the car (not fitted) and due to me NOT going for blue in the engine bay, its of no use to me. As you can see its a "5 Piece Hose Kit", and was purchased for my car which is a 2005. Looking for £60 incl delivery, which looking around on the various sites, seems to be a fair price. Happy for anyone local to collect (Co Durham).. Should add, I am happy for payment via BACS or Paypal. If using Paypal please add 3.5% to cover charges.
  13. Thanks for the info guys, really appreciated.....and would seem foolish not to take your advise about the flywheel. Ewen I will PM you. Graeme
  14. Just been out for a drive and clutch is starting to slip in 3+ gears. I guess its probably the original clutch as its just clocked 51,048 and came with full service history and there is no mention of the clutch having been replaced. Is there anyone reputable and fairly priced in the "Darlington" / Co Durham area that you guys can recommend? Is it necessary to change the flywheel, or will this be dependent on the condition. Car has always driven well with no nasty noises from the gearbox/clutch area. Hoping someone can recommend someone local.......If I could get it on the ramps at work I'd do it myself.....Can't be that bad a job Thanks
  15. I have the full arch rolling kit that used to get hired out when I was on the MR2 forums, I reckon that at least 40 cars had been done and all followed the simple principle of gentle heat and take your time. You can roll the arch which will push that 20 - 25mm lip back and flat against the inner wing, or you can also continue and do a flare if you need more clearance. Other tips I always offered were: Before you start give the inner lip a thorough cleaning, and make sure its sparkling clean, then give it a good coat of something like wheel wax. Once you have rolled the lip up, use some clear silicon sealant and seal the gap between the edge of the lip and inner wing, you want to prevent water/crud/mud getting trapped between the U that you've just created. Apply gentle heat and only work on the heated area Take your time.......cannot stress the importance of this, otherwise you could end up causing damage, last thing you want is to have a spray job done on the damaged areas. Everyone who hired the kit followed these simple guidelines and everyone successfully completed the job. HTH
  16. Cheers Guys, I have effected a temp fix and will see how that goes
  17. Hi All, Hoping someone might be kind enough to advise. the gear know on my 2005 350 moves around with vibration from the gearbox. Nothing major, but annoys the hell out of me as I cannot tighten the knob up....Why? well if I tighten the knob up as tight as it will go, the gear plate points roughly to the 2 o'clock position. To get the knob to sit with the plate facing straight on, you have to turn it back...its then lose and vibrates around. I have taken the knob off and had a good look at the thread and the internal of the knob but nothing stands out as wrong. So I am wondering if there is maybe another part that goes in the knob to make it sit right. Can anyone advise please. thanks Graeme
  18. Couple of small sound bytes. First one (Ex1) is stationary ..... You can hear on both that we had the Mic (Samsung S4) too close to the exhaust really. 2nd one; Ex2, only stretch of road I could find that was quiet, but did'nt allow me a decent run. I can try and get some more at the weekend if these are now good, but they give some idea. Ex1.mp3 Ex2.mp3
  19. Sorry buster, missed your request. Well it cannot be too loud as the wife doesn't complain, its got a very deep tone to it. I am more of a OEM guy or something only a tad louder than OEM, my job dictates that I cannot do the "hooligan" bit :-) Nobody has ever complained of it being too loud, and never had Plod complain......Its my personal taste more than anything. I have to admit that with this sort of exhaust you do get the usual drone at cruising speed but nothing that makes you want to leap out of the car, I have the sounds system up 2 notch's more and its fine. I have a crap(ish) recording that I will try to upload shortly. Graeme
  20. I am about to replace my exhaust with the Invidia gemini that I picked up. Current one is a HKS Style True Dual exhaust, very very low miles and in excellent condition. Its not silly loud, just a tad loud for my old ears, Has a really lovely deep burble to it, and a hell of a snarl when you hit the loud peddle. I am trying to find a local garage that can get the car on their ramps so I can take some pics in situ before the Invidia goes on. PM me if interested. Looks very similar to the pic here, but has different tips
  21. I am about to replace my exhaust with the Invidia gemini that I picked up. Current one is a HKS Style True Dual exhaust, very very low miles and in excellent condition. Its not silly loud, just a tad loud for my old ears, Has a really lovely deep burble to it. I am trying to find a local garage that can get the car on their ramps so I can take some pics in situ before the Invidia goes on. PM me if interested. Looks very similar to the pic here, but has different tips
  22. Thanks for this thread guys........Just watched "Rush" and have to say its an awesome film, I remember the race when it happend and it was god aweful, but those were the days when they were driving timebombs waiting to go off......non of the safety of today. Both guys are lengends of their day.....a must watch film.
  23. d95gas

    Exhaust guru's

    Excellent. And are these available from stock?? and I assume the discount applies ;-)
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