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Everything posted by d95gas

  1. Starting to get the bits together to do my audio install. Fronts will be components and will be using the Hertz Energy ESK 165.5. With regards to the rears and sub I am undecided. I know the existing mount for the Bose sub is not ideal, but I would just like to improve the bass and possibly use that space, I am not looking for back massaging bass. Rear speakers I am open to advice, but generally speaking I have all the focus on the fronts (having come from an MR2), I have very little sound coming out of the rear speakers so might just leave them as is and see how things go. The important one for me is the Amp. I don't want some big thing, I just want something thats small(ish) and up to the job, so I am currently looking at the Pioneer GM-D8604 which seems to be a decent spec (from someone with no knowledge of these things) So, any opinions on any of this? Anybody using these Hertz speakers? any issues with space/fitting ? Whats the view on the Amp ? I'm thinking Pioneer has a good name, so the kit can't be too bad!. Thanks in advance Graeme
  2. what sub did you stick in, might be looking for something as a quick fix
  3. When I had mine done I took the pods out and had everything done separately, made for a far better job and as the good knew what he was doing, he got the direction and line up of the weave perfect.
  4. 1. Longsh07 2. NeilMH 3. 350Ad 4. HaydnH 5.Gtech - Subject to pricing.
  5. Ok cheers, will drop him a PM Graeme
  6. Yep I think you guys are correct on upgrading the hardware. Really fancy the Hertz components again, had them in the MR2 and they were a fantastic sound. Not too fussed about the rear as I only have them barely on just for a bit of infill. Will need to look at amps, something small and discreet that I can get under the seat or out of the way. Not sure what do do about the Sub......might just try and find something that fits in the stock location, I dont have thumping base, but do like the sounds to be rich. Cheers guys. Graeme
  7. Must be good condition. Thanks Graeme
  8. Unfortunately I never removed the Bose head unit...... Although I was given it as part of the package when I purchased the car. Do you think its worth putting the bose back in and seeing if its still enabled. I dont mind doing that as the plan was to rip it all out and get to the bottom of the issue.
  9. don't think I paid that much for mine and it was new. Got it from Leon at EPRacing.......don't know if he has more left, but worth dropping him a PM
  10. To some degree the F900BT is driving me nuts :-) Went out Sunday and was listening to some music, continually got over speed warnings in the guise of a police siren sound.....Crapped myself first time round. All features on Nav side are disabled. I think this weekend there is going to be a reset. What volume position does yours go to for decent volume, I currently have to use 58\62, can hardly hear it up to around 50. Hopefully weather will be fine this weekend and I can rip it all out and start again.
  11. I recently had a full restoration and colour change on an MR2 Turbo. Used AutoSpray in Darlington, just off Chestnut Street. The job they did was mind blowing, paint finish was utterly ripple free and perfectly flat, the gloss was just blinding. Family firm been at it for 30+yrs and they look after all the Mercs for the Merc Concourse Owners Club. They are the top of their game, not cheap, but well well worth getting a job done by them. Graeme
  12. Thanks for the great responses guys. Just been on the motorway today, and to even start to drown out the motorway noise it had it sat at 61/62 which is crap in my opinion. I work with electronics all the time so am pretty adapt at soldering and wiring, so was very careful and particular to do things right when I did the RCA mod. My only concern is some of the other wiring may not be correct. To be honest when I took the unit out, I was a bit taken back by the spaghetti mess, with all sorts of bits plugged in which I felt was unnecessary, and I only concentrated on the RCA side. Listening to you guys, it sounds like my best bet is to totally strip it out and start again with a clean slate. To be honest I don't even know if he has the correct wire in for the Bose Amp, there was just a mass of connector blocks and other bits. I think you have just convinced me of what next weekends job is. Really appreciate guys, thanks Graeme
  13. Massive typo :-) still in MR2 mode...... and now its pointed out again.....I will correct this time :-)
  14. I currently have a HKS Style True dual, which had an awesome deep rumble and sounds mental when you hit the loud pedal. Had the car MOT'd on Friday and the guy who did the job said the exhaust was like brand new. I have had the car around 3 months and I think it was only just put on just before the sale, I do know it was dam expensive. Its way too loud for me and I am looking to remove to put on something like the Invidia. I also have Berk HFC's fitted. IF you are interested, I can get some sound clips and possibly pics underneath. I am happy to take off before I get the replacement as this is not my daily drive. Must admit though, I will miss the deep rumble and the looks. Drop me a PM if you want to talk further. Graeme
  15. Hi Hooch, Excellent informative link that one and now added to my favs, unfortunately no spring action :-). Thanks anyway Graeme
  16. I currently have the AVIC-F900BT with current maps, hooked up to my Bose system (minus headunit). Despite doing the RCA mod the volume is week to say the least. Max volume is 62, and you are on 58 before you even hear it above the engine noise. So time to do some upgrading I think as I am not happy about the way the unit was previously wired in. I am looking at the Hertz Dieci DSK 170.3 Slimline components for the fronts. first question is anyone running them, and what was the fitting like?. More importantly what do they sound like, I do like a bit of bass, but I also like clarity, and my previous Hertz in my MR2 gave me both. then once I have my bonus, I can move onto AMP and doing something about the rear sub, where I am open to suggestions. My criteria is that I have to use existing space as I want to keep the interior as OEM as possible, so would be ideal if I could replace the existing sub with something that will go straight in. I don't want thumping....annoy the neighbors levels, just normal listening levels. Any advice from the Audio Buffs, would be most welcome Thanks
  17. Cheers Hooch.......All sorted now and working. I have a feeling that one of the plugs previously was'nt all the way home which resulted in the screwy results I got. Very happy with the Throttle controller :-)
  18. I am about to have another go at fitting the D-Spec Throttle controller. My first time was unsuccessful as when I plugged it in the screen went mental before the car was turned on, and I couldn't setup the device. Leon kindly checked it all out on a friends car and it worked fine. So this morning instead of plugging in the OBD plug to get Power and Gnd, I want to wire these independently. Question is, the pin on Port 16 of the OBD just says +12v, and does'nt say whether is a switched live or permanent live. Unfortunately due to implants in my spine its not that easy for me to get under there with the multimeter. Anyone know the quick answer ? Thanks
  19. Loved it what a big girl's blouse that producer was......Bet his mates have his life over that one
  20. Daughter had the full interior on her Celica ST202 flocked in black. Looked fantastic to start with but after a couple of weeks with general wear and tear it didn't look so good. She constantly had one of them sticky rollers in the car as the flock attracted dust like mad. Would look great again once rolled, but 10 mins later and it was just as bad. If I had it done, I would definitely stay away from the Black flock, maybe easier to manage in a lighter colour.
  21. Phil I may be up for this one if you can find out if there is any change in cost for me as RS Tuning have already done the mapping on mine and therefore have the license, map will just want a tweak due to change of filter and possibly exhaust. Cheers buddy Graeme
  22. thanks for the feedback guys, just to confirm this is for a 350....... I must have had the wrong specs on when I posted this Unfortunately I am in Co Durham otherwise I would of taken you up on the offer "Gravy", as you all say, hearing them live is totally different to what image YouTube gives us, thats why I am being very cautious, and once I have made up my mind, then I wont mind traveling a bit to listen to some zeds with the relevant exhaust. I love the deep note, and I love the growl.......Just cannot live with the droning and I don't think my neighbors are too happy about how loud it is....But I am sure someone out there will take it off my hands for the right money, so it all helps towards the new one. Thanks Graeme
  23. Hoping someone might have a couple of decent pics of how the two springs refit onto the side of the front fascia where the cubby door is. Think we've tried every combination this afternoon and nothing seems right. These are the two springs that open the door and hold it up, there is one on either side of the cubby where the cogs are, can only see them once the unit is stripped down. Thanks in advance.
  24. Not had the car that long and its fitted with a lovely looking "HKS type true-dual" which has a fantastic deep down tone to it, and very loud.....Too loud for me unfortunately. Spent some time listening to various clips and i think it comes down to either the Invidia Gemini or the Stillen, I think I was leaning towards the Invidia until I head the clips done on "Rosie" with the Stillen and Berk HFC's. I have the Berk HFC's already fitted, so the question is, which one to go for? One of the main reasons for swapping my existing one out is the droning when cruising. Can anyone with either of the two exhausts above, let me know if there is any droning..... thanks
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