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Everything posted by ds2000

  1. I love that red stitched interior. Beautiful car!
  2. Its most excellent! This time last year it was -10/-18 (reading / mid wales) and I was cycling to work in snow down passed a frozen river Thames. I deliberately left my car in mid Wales so it'd not be stuck down here for Xmas but I didn't need to bother
  3. I was having a laugh in mine last weekend with the ice. I've substituted mare for laugh in that sentence
  4. +3 Sarnie I've only just ticked 30, so hardly over the hill (I tell myself) - my niece and a lot of my friends age from 18 to my age, all with varying backgrounds and education. Not a single one of them would behave in this manor - we have all been brought up with respect for authority, also the very thought of me being that little scroat and the shame that my family would feel would be worse than any turfing off. My friend is in the police force and can get some free trains but he always chooses to pay as when he is off duty he says situations like this are a nightmare to deal with, free ticket = ticket inspector knowing there is a PO onbaord, passing the buck = him filling out paperwork and then generally getting grief and no support for getting involved. On an Arriva train home near Wolves a month or so back 4 scroats were running away from the ticket inspector, they lit a joint up on the train and were getting off in Telford (the next stop) - the ticket inspector had to ignore them, if it had got physical it'd have been 4 against 1 and the transport police would not have got to Telford in time to do anything - in that case, I would happily have helped out. Him ignoring them meant they got free fares and the ticket inspector got grief off passengers whom amazingly found their voices once the disturbance had moved on...... society at times
  5. All we know is, he didn't have a valid ticket, refused to buy a new one, refused to leave the train which held the train up, he was then removed from the train. Why should he get away without having a ticket and get to where he needs to for free?! Calling this assault is absolutely pathetic, the idiot tried to get back on the train and was shoved off, his decision, advocating him not being a 'typical' hoody further undermines any argument, one rule for middleclass in education and one for the poor? (difference being someone that chose to not pay the fair vs someone that might not have been able to, who's more guilty?!) When will people take responsibility for when they are in the wrong?! Pay for ticket, don't get chucked off, simples!
  6. Certainly be able to get from London to Wales late at night in an hour
  7. Welcome aboard! Fellow ex-honda man as well
  8. My Xmas party consisted of about 15 blokes and 1 woman going to the pub, I was back home by 11:30
  9. Sounds messy but as others have said, how much abuse did your mrs give them? I know that if I was accused of lying (as they did to her) my fuse would burn out quickly. I would actually say go down and not record it as such but video it..... look at how quickly youtube names and shames......
  10. Maybe she thought the battery was for an industrial toy?
  11. Nina Ricci Nina is a big hit with ladies this year..... (£30 - £50) Thorntons with her name on it (£3-10) A trip to La Senza or if she's cold like mine always wants to be, an electric blanket for the bed (I should add this is NOT her main present and more of a joke one - yet I know it'll be the one she uses most )
  12. Amazon have/did have a price promise if you look at their help pages, if something drops in price on their site within 30 days, you get the difference back.
  13. I have a foggy memory of 5th gear running the CTR against an S2000 I think it was so tests like this aren't new. The facts are, I'd take the Z over some shoddy french manufactured thing every day of the week. Everyone I know with a French car has had copious issues.
  14. Nice motor, no idea how you cleaned it this weekend as I couldn't get mine up my rentals driveway due to the ice this weekend!
  15. Very shiny! Looks just like mine
  16. Both group on and travelzoo are awful with customer service
  17. Nice vid! What software did you use for that?
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