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Everything posted by Will370z

  1. Congratulations on the little one
  2. Ken, Phil and I went around Austria / Switzerland in 2014 and i fell in love with the roads, food and views down there. We have plans to return and to support this i have researched quite a few of the surrounding routes. Here was the list of roads i had penciled in as candidates. Hope it helps. 1. http://www.dangerous...alm-straße.html 2. http://www.dangerous...ad-austria.html 3. http://www.dangerous...-austria-2.html 4. http://www.dangerous...ad-austria.html and http://www.dangerous...ier-tunnel.html 5. http://www.dangerous...ramastraße.html 6. http://www.dangerous...se-germany.html 7. http://www.dangerous...acher-höhe.html 8. http://www.dangerous...tai-saddle.html 9. http://www.dangerous...lexen-pass.html 10. http://www.dangerous...sfeld-pass.html 11. http://www.dangerous...öhenstraße.html 12. http://www.dangerous...acier-road.html 13. http://www.dangerous...lberg-pass.html 14. http://www.dangerous...-furkajoch.html 15. http://www.dangerous...ad-austria.html 16. http://www.dangerous...hntennjoch.html 17. http://www.dangerous...isentalalm.html and http://www.dangerous...almstrasse.html 18. http://www.dangerous...chtannberg.html 19. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 20. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 21. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 22. http://www.dangerous...imsel-pass.html 23. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 24. http://www.dangerous...usten-pass.html 25. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 26. To walk http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 27. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 28. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 29. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 30. http://www.dangerous...eralp-pass.html 31. http://www.dangerous...witzerland.html 32. http://www.dangerous...ausen-pass.html 33. http://www.dangerous...el-bernina.html 34. http://www.dangerous...ixence-dam.html 35. http://www.dangerous...ielen-pass.html 36. http://www.dangerous...el-sambuco.html 37. http://www.dangerous...-d’emosson.html 38. http://www.dangerous...di-livigno.html 39. http://www.dangerous...ga-italy-2.html 40. http://www.motorbike...dolomites-italy 41. http://www.zainoo.co...-dolomites-road 42. http://www.thegreatd...d-39/index.html 43. http://www.dangerous...lvio-italy.html
  3. Just hit 30 and ventured into the dz. Dam I love this game Final boss fight in the story was rpic, can't wait for the raid next month
  4. Check the relevant insurers sub forums, all the info you need is there
  5. Been once and keen to go again. Sorting some routes out ATM and can't wait. Will dig out our old route and recommend some good roads
  6. Welcome back Chris, let's hope 2016 is a better year. Must pop down and see how the rear garden has changed
  7. Sounds like the garage are trying to fob you off, push back.
  8. Wow that's quite a transformation, will have to pop down and see it in the flesh
  9. Thanks Bennett. How's the gtr, you will have to take me out for a spin sometime
  10. Thanks all and happy birthday paddy, have a good one.
  11. Repost of http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106266-twin-turbo-370z-sleeper/ I'll lock this one
  12. Another big plus 1 for Tom from me. A number of us from here use his services. Very genuine establishment
  13. Dam I keep looking at that link. Must resist........
  14. Ummmm if I didn't like roadsters so much I think I'd go for this one.
  15. Dark zone is way more intense than in the betas, far more numerous mobs around and we kept running into cross fires from multiple mobs. Leads to some intensive fire fights where ammo was running low and you really don't want to die as you have some good gear to evacuate.
  16. Loving it so far and it looks far better than the betas, loads more clutter around and much better lightning effects.
  17. Approved your ad but I've removed your telephone number, not great having that exposed on a public forum
  18. looking forward to kicking this off tonight. Hopefully the start of another epic game
  19. Saw a nice brand new white 370 in the work car park on the Surrey Research Park. Very nice car.
  20. Happy birthday wasso. Looks like you had a good celebration with the family. Nice one, enjoy
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