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The Bounty Bar Kid

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Everything posted by The Bounty Bar Kid

  1. I just can't believe the skills you have to be able to do this. As Andy said, can't wait to see the finished product. It's going to be awesome.
  2. Looks too much like the Jag in that side picture
  3. Will you take a bank transfer via Western Union and keep one on your drive for a year and bring it back with you? 🤣
  4. Absolutely love it, so much want and such a shame they're not bringing it to the UK.
  5. Ps fairy liquid isn't something I'd ever use. It has slight abrasives in it.
  6. Oh wow that is one of, if not the sexiest rear wing I've seen for a Z 😍
  7. Only 3 posts all very soon after one another recommending services with the shared word guru. I'm going to say potential fake user and real owner of business trying to promote their own business whilst avoiding forum rules and kinda like fake reviews on Amazon.
  8. Only 3 posts all very soon after one another recommending services with the shared word guru. I'm going to say potential fake user and real owner of business trying to promote their own business whilst avoiding forum rules and kinda like fake reviews on Amazon.
  9. Only 3 posts all very soon after one another recommending services with the shared word guru. I'm going to say potential fake user and real owner of business trying to promote their own business whilst avoiding forum rules and kinda like fake reviews on Amazon.
  10. Did you unlink/decode it from the ECU before removal? If so it's useful, if not it's just a paperweight and might as well to to the skip. I made the same mistake.
  11. Oh wow! Hope it's okay. That's Gidea Park, Romford
  12. It's been on the cards since 2018 but only started gaining media exposure since march last year.
  13. Glad you're back on the road to recovery. On a side note, you might have had my lodger care for you. She's a nurse and works in the St Thomas's cardiac unit. Sometimes elsewhere but mainly there.
  14. That's one way to lower your car
  15. This build thread is epic. Can't believe how much effort you're putting in and how much talent you have. Hats off to you sir! Can't wait to see the finished product
  16. Think it had more of an issue with it being Samsung. Back in 2016 I had a phone with Android 7 and it worked fine.
  17. Think it had more of an issue with it being Samsung. Back in 2016 I had a phone with Android 7 and it worked fine.
  18. I wasn't sold on it before but the more I look at it the more I want it. Would love to see them do a nismo version
  19. Glimpse in this video... https://youtu.be/9kdVkUta8TI
  20. Knightmare was awesome! Always wanted to go on there.
  21. Cyclist is an idiot. End of thread
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