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Premium Ron


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Was on the phone to the previous owner of my car about a small issue and one thing let to another and the petrol question popped out in conversation. It turns out that over the 4 years he had owned my car, he only put cheap Lower Ron petrol in it.

Ive only used the Higher Ron fuels since ownership.

so my question is, can the fact that he used the cheapest unleaded, does or has it damaged anything inside the engine or fuel lines???


also Remembering years ago in my teens you were able to pour some sort of additive into the fuel tank to increase the Ron, but might be totally wrong here as im unsure what it was and what it did. -





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Been discussed a lot on here and when I saw your title I feared for your safety :lol: Someone will be sure to correct me if I am wrong but the damage is caused after the DE exceeds 5KRPM. So if he never really hooned it about then you might be ok although not great.

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HR can knock detect better than the DE, so will retard quite happily. DE cannot at high RPM, which is where most of the damage is done.


I cannot fathom people who put 95 in when every single time they open the filler cap it states 98 or higher!*





*At least, I think it does.

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The trouble with the DE ECU is that it doesn't monitor knock after 5K RPM, so if the fuel used was 95ron then IF the engine was reved/loaded heavily over that threshold it could have caused damage....however having said that, the weak point of the DE is the rods, and det can bend them, BUT normally before that happens you would have likely seen a drop in power duet to piston ring land and ring damage, so if you run a compression and leak-down test it will hopefully put your mind at rest.

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cheers guys. I know that Ive not taking it over 5000 rpm as the car only commutes 2 miles each way to work each day with the occassional week end banter but nothing silly. Also I must confess that I too use 97 ron most of the time as its the closest garage to me.

Lets hope that nothings been effected. Gonna get a compression test done on pay day to see whats what.


thanks again.

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