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GrunDy's Luck...


Move out Or Stay at home?   

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  1. 1. Move out Or Stay at home?

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w00p w00p,


Time for another one of GrunDy's Life Drama threads....


Guess who has til the 24th to move out....




So basically my mum's had enough of me and her @*!# situation and has said either pay her £400 a month or Move out.

Those of you who know me, understand what kind of person I am and my personality. But to my mum and my nan they don't see that. I'm never really my true self at home, don't talk all that much, definatly don't open up to my mum, mainly because she doesn't understand and lives in the day an age of the cavemen.

Says I'm selfish, self centred, only care about my self etc.


anyway, what would you guys do?


Stay at home for £400 or move out?

I didn't want to rent, but she's left me with no choice. And will need to be a place in Petersfield so I can walk to work.


Which brings me to the next worst part....may have to split with the Zed if this is going to be the situation....Literally at a lose end right now. Everything has come crushing down all at once....just going to laugh it all off? :lol:

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Stay at home and pay £400 a month... seems like a good deal to me! You'll be lucky to rent somewhere for that and then add a few hundred on for bills.


Kids these days, you don't know you're born! :lol:


On the other hand, moving our could be just what you need. You have to at some point... but be under no illusion... It ain't cheap! :)

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Well I'm not non your situation and don't fully understand your circumstances.


However after reading your other thread this maybe a blessing in disguise but £400 pm rent is pretty good whichever way you look at it.


I don't know the area where you live but anywhere in the SE is going to be expensive, £500 a month here would get you a 1 bed apartment.


Good luck whichever way your path takes you.

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This is what I've spotted which is a 2min walk from work. Need someone to tell me if I'm missing something.



It's more the point of living at home with the mother, I'm never really free if you understand? Always being told this that and the other. Also, we now have a lodger who pays £400/£450....

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Difficult to say really. :dry:


Obviously having your own place is the best way to go but it depends on what you can afford (one room sh*tty bed sit would be no fun), what benefits there are to staying at home (like keeping the Zed) and whether ultimately you think it is the right time for you to do it.


If it was me I'd grin & bear it if you can ultimately saving as much as you can for your own place one day and of course spending on getting the Zed running.


If you do decide to move out then I'd try if possible to rent with someone else, ..preferably a young blonde or brunette girl who likes being friends with benefits if you get what I mean. :p;) ;)

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I do think you need to find your own feet and understand where you're coming from.


You need to vet theses sorts of places as much as they vet you. It looks ok but they haven't specified furnishings and it looks like it just going to be a matter of cramming as many lodger sin one house. You may not be happy with a co habitator but if the owner is happy with their cash it's your issue.


I've also heard of scams where they show you around, take a deposit and you never see them again.


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I moved out of my parents at 19 and went off to live in a house share for Uni and never moved back in - I was pretty broke for many a year but now look back and appreciate the fun times (and learning responsibility of paying my way!) and all the rest that comes with not living at home.


Although I have read somewhere that half of under thirties in the UK still live at home!

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House share with some mates if you can - you have to move out at some point. If the house is right you can keep the Zed too. Fledging the parental nest is the best thing ever (although I moved out to go to Portsmouth Uni/Poly at 19 in 1984 - it would have been cheaper, but still relatively expensive, back then). Then continue to house share at different phases in life until you can buy :thumbs:


Edit: ^^ I see Coldel beat me to it :lol:

Edited by ChrisB
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Problem I got is I work 25miles away from my area. So don't have anyone to move with me.


Any recommend sites to look for these student places?





Or just rent a room somewhere else (with hot chick as landlady) :thumbs:

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i think grundy works for EastEnders and is using us as a focus group for future storyline ;)


all joking aside mate both have cones both have pluses, but what matters most to you is the answer not sure anyone can answer for you, but if you need a hand moving my Mazda can fit some @*!# in it :thumbs:

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Move out. I left home at 17. The total lack of money was more than made up for by living on my own terms. Without wanting to sound like a patronising old git, I don't really see how anyone can feel like a proper grown up until they've left the parental home and stood on their own two feet.

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The trouble is Petersfield isn't exactly a student town or any of the surrounding areas. Chichester, Portsmouth or Guildford would be best for students, but then you'd be moving even further from your work.


I'm from Midhurst originally so know the area reasonably well.

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I moved out about 5-6 years ago, when I was around 20-21.

Money wise for you mate - would be cheaper to pay your mum... As for them £425pm you looking at another around £100 of council tax, gas/water/electricity - if you good you might get away with just another £100 for them 3 per month (as place is small, so you use less heating etc), then you need things like TV licence, Internet etc etc! I rent a 1 bed flat at the moment - it's £525pcm...with bills it's around £750pcm

But at other end of stick - it's freedom if you rent your own place! You can do whatever you like, have anyone around etc etc!


Try looking in local newspapers for private lettings mate... That usually cheaper! I found one(well, my mrs did) and we moving in October to same size property that we are now, but with drive and garden for £500pcm incl all bills.

I found few places like that - when people build a small extensions to their house and then rent it out to pay for their mortgage...yea, you will be close to actual owners so you can't really have 24/7 parties... But you still have your own entrance etc - so it's basically classed as different building/house. Worth a look! Good luck mate! It's pain in the arse and not cheap :(


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Move out. I left home at 17. The total lack of money was more than made up for by living on my own terms. Without wanting to sound like a patronising old git, I don't really see how anyone can feel like a proper grown up until they've left the parental home and stood on their own two feet.


well ive looked into it and on my wage i want afford to do it solo

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