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Any legal advice on road offence?


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However in the Highway Code it does state- " AMBER means ' STOP' at the stop line you may go on only if the Amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident".


If I remember correctly the Highway Code is just guidelines and not the law?

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However in the Highway Code it does state- " AMBER means ' STOP' at the stop line you may go on only if the Amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or are so close to it that to pull up might cause an accident".


If I remember correctly the Highway Code is just guidelines and not the law?

Sort of, I was always taught and believe it is guidelines however when it states "must" and "must not" then that indicates it is a legal requirement.


Without looking it up I believe it states "Amber means drivers MUST be prepared to stop"

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The only reply that would carry weight would be the following " As I approached the lights I checked my rear view mirror and all I could see was a police van driving so close I dare not try to stop for the lights in case he hit me" ☺


However in reality your unlikely to get away with this particular issue and I will reiterate the comments others have made. You should indeed have anticipated the lights may change upon your arrival and been travelling at an appropriate speed to stop just in case.

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