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How much do you miss washing your car?

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Foam lance isn't a replacement for hand washing your car. Its just a tool to help prep your car before you then put the car shampoo on. Well in my opinion that's how it should go.


I'm a detailer buddy! I can show you some fantastic results using a foam lance!

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I may be in the minority here......and those who have "spotted" me will have assumed this but it's a bit of a chore for me... ready for a flaming here :boxing::lol:


I do wish I had the patience and skill of some of you guys as I really would like to see my car looking pristine but it is one of those jobs i dread. I do have much better facilities now I've moved so i am hoping to throw myself at it when the weather improves in the hope i do learn to enjoy the process and admire the hard work afterwards.


BUT I think I much prefer to go out and drive him (girlfriends given it a gender) than spend the little spare time i have washing* if you see what i mean. As I said I do admire those that do enjoy it.



*The car not me, my hygene is fine thank you very much :p

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I love doing my cars, gives me an enormous amount of satisfaction when they're done. Normally takes an hour for a quick once over, 2-3 if I'm waxing and doing the interior too.


To my shame it's been a couple of months since I did the Porker, and longer for the MX-5 and Scooby. If the weather holds, I'm going to do them all this weekend.

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i very rarely wash my car myself... a detailing friend recommended a place down the road that washes while you wait - but unlike most polish immigrant washing outfits, they snowfoam first, then use wash mitts and two bucket method, and then hand wax, so very reasonable for £10! Plus neither my current flat or my last flat had a hose outside, so i had to rinse with a watering can, which just doesnt work!

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I love detailing my car, and its amazing the results you can get, but she hasn't been detailed since October and hasn't been washed since New Years Day, I'm not bothering with any detailing yet this year as she's getting a respray soon (hopefully April time) so a waste of product and time lol will be done later in the year when paint fully dry

Edited by Voodoo Vix
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Lift at work got stuck, so I went to open it. Had the engineer's key and it wasn't on the 3rd floor.


It wasn't on the 2nd floor.


It was on the 1st floor, not inbetween floors as I had previously thought. So when I put the key in, it opened. And I had my finger in the keyring for the key. So when the door opened, it pulled the key and my finger inbetween the two doors. I pulled my hand away and then went to get the key out as the door was stuck open.


It was only then, once I got the key out that I realised that my finger hurt and looked down to see loads of blood. Washed it off and then that's when I realised that the keyring had ripped part of my finger off. Only a small hole. About the size of the fingernail.


Went to A&E, had it bandaged up. Happened last week Wednesday morning.

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