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Gaddafi Captured or Dead ? 20 Oct


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Although I think him being out of power is now good for Libya, the change needs to be managed well otherwise it will just be another animal farm re-enacment.


Starting with how they handle this capture or killing of gaddafi. Im not quite sure how someone gets shot in both legs while being captured. Most people would stop running after getting shot in one.


Hopefully this will be handled well and there wont be any more unnecessary bloodshed or result in the rise and retribution of other sectors.

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They are now saying he was shot in the abdomen and the head as well, maybe they just wanted to make sure he wasn't going anywhere:shrug: :)


Although I think him being out of power is now good for Libya, the change needs to be managed well otherwise it will just be another animal farm re-enacment.


Starting with how they handle this capture or killing of gaddafi. Im not quite sure how someone gets shot in both legs while being captured. Most people would stop running after getting shot in one.


Hopefully this will be handled well and there wont be any more unnecessary bloodshed or result in the rise and retribution of other sectors.

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All news sites say he's dead:


"Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has been killed and his body is being taken to the city of Misratah, National Transitional Council spokesman Abdullah Berrassali has told Sky News.

"Gaddafi is dead, absolutely dead. He was shot in both legs and in the head," he said."





http://uk.news.yahoo.com/wounded-gaddaf ... 24122.html


http://www.channel4.com/news/gaddafi-fr ... back-again


http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/10/2 ... EL20111020

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It will need to be handled well in order to prevent pro gadaffi supporters from going on an all out revenge assault on whatever target they see fit.


Being shot and dieing from wounds is one thing, being shot in both legs, and the head sounds more like assasination to me. That could ruffle a few feathers :headhurt:

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Unemployment rises, businesses go bust, life is getting more expensive, bureaucracy is becoming mind blowing, education is almost non existent and family values are well and truly gone. Yes the biggest problem we had is dead. Well done. Then through Syria let's target Iran or even better let's kill them all. Sorry for being cynical...it may eventually be good for the lybians but British aerospace in brough won't re-employ the 900 people made redundant not long ago now that general gaddafi is dead. :surrender:


On another note it's a good time to buy guns in the black market as all the ammo we (us and allies) sold to the rebels will be sold for money. Even the rebels need to feed themselves and families ;)

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I hope that the real answers behind lockerbie and PC Yvonne fletcher didn't die with him, but sadly I fear they may. Unless now people believe they can come forward without fear of reprisals back in Libya?


I'm pretty sure that there'll be quite a few that have most of the jigsaw behind the "intelligence" to provide answers. There is of course all the stuff that MI5/6 have already furnished various governments with. Yvonne Fletchers murderer is well known to our intelligence services as is the real story, or rather culprits behind the Lockerbie atrocity.

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