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Is Trump really going to win?


US election  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is going to win the US election?

    • Donald Trump
    • Hillary Clinton
    • I don't care.

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I struggle to see why cowboys and Indians is offensive now, or why white women rapping on X Factor is appropriating black culture, or why only true Rastas can have dreads.


Wait, WHAT? This is all new to me, I've been away too long. I can think of 100 reasons why cowboys and indians is a little un-PC (not least of all because they were mistakenly called indians because the first ships thought they'd landed in east india, or because the cowboys wiped out the natives on a scale that made Hitler's persecution of jews look like a lover's tiff, and was only eclipsed by the decimation of the oldest cultures of Southern America by the Spanish) but cowboys and indians is what they are, it's what they are called in popular culture, as a definition, there is no connotation attached. Mercy me!


As for a white women rapping, somebody said that was racist? WTF? How racist is it that a white woman can't rap because that's an exclusively black art-form? Don't tell me they are saying that rap is aproduct of persectution and that's why we can't possibly 'get it'..? if so, that's reeeeeally weak. Rastas and dreads I knew about from years back, the dreadlock does have a religious connotation for them, and in a way it's understandable (Seikhs might similarly get upset if white people started randomly wearing turbans), but the way the Rastas choose to live (ahem), means they don't give a huge toss anyway. lol.


But this is the problem as i said above its now becoming unacceptable to do anything and everyone has had enough, i mean Cowboys and Indians, big pop culture case study there from films to the damn milky bar kid, but now people are deciding there being offended by it they weren't 15 years ago munching on a milky bar or watching Back to the future 3 in the cinemas so its just another thing you cant do without upsetting someone and god help you the moment you upset someone as you then get put in a little box with a horrible name all because you wanted to go to a fancy dress party in a costume as a cowboy and indian.




What next dressing up as a Vampire is offensive Because Vlad the impaler ?

Edited by StevoD
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You will get individuals claim this and that, white people cannot be rappers etc. But its not the view of the whole, nor the majority. To assume it is and therefore its this completely misplaced assumption has driven people to vote for trump I feel it utterly ludicrous if I were to be quite frank. If anything its a complete cover for people to avoid the conversation that starts with 'you voted in someone who has obvious racists ideals and therefore you are associating with them'. Anyway, I think the vote as per brexit is more to do with widening class divides, an elite political class ignoring the cries of those doing badly when the country reports growth and rebelling. There is absolutely no denying some of the things Trump said and promised are based on outdated thinking that isn't political correctness gone mad, its racial profiling on a very simple basis. As I said if he wants to ban muslim's from the US because he sees them all as potential terrorists because the faith of the current opposing forces are of that type, then by that rule all American born people should be kicked out due to the hundreds, if not thousands of terror offences committed in schools and establishments across the US by Americans.


The difference between this and brexit is that even if Trump chooses to attempt some of his more mental policies, he has little time to do it (extract from NATO, Iran agreement, etc) so unlikely to happen even if he tried and the democrats might think a bit harder about who they select to represent them next time. Brexit though is here to stay, so lets say I am not losing much sleep over Trump.

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Aashenfox - I do a lot of business in Greece, my experience is not from reading tabloids. Black money and corruption are a lot of the reason you guys are in this @*!#, I know thats not down to the man in the street but Ive seen the acceptance of tax evasion and the lack of interest from the authorities in doing anything about it myself.

Greece couldnt afford the EU or the Olympics but still got both, how did that happen?

Answer: your government has let you down as a people, badly. To bring this back OT, I can see Trump do the same before he admits he doesnt know what hes up to, scary thought.


Afraid Im not getting into the "is chinky racist" conversation as IMO it entirely depends on how the word is delivered. The problem is not every shares the same IMO and it just ends up in a never ending discussion.

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I don't usually disagree with you Col but I think this idea of the "elite ruling class" being the issue is nuts, the last two general elections have seen the Tories in. They are the very definition of an elite ruling class. Farage is pure elite ruling class, but with a fag in his mouth and a pint in his hand (least convincing disguise ever :lol: ). Trump was born wealthy and is New York elite through and through.


All of these elitsits have won their respective votes and appealed to the "working man".

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Coldel, I feel obligated to say that I think you are taking it lightly. While I hope that ultimately little will change, there is reason for concern. Trump is in possession of a super presidency. His party controls all the political mechanisms by majority and he will soon appoint a Supreme Court judge. This is some far out stuff for real. He has far fewer political barriers to doing precisely whatever he wants than many have had in history.

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Aashenfox - I do a lot of business in Greece, my experience is not from reading tabloids. Black money and corruption are a lot of the reason you guys are in this @*!#, I know thats not down to the man in the street but Ive seen the acceptance of tax evasion and the lack of interest from the authorities in doing anything about it myself.

Greece couldnt afford the EU or the Olympics but still got both, how did that happen?

Answer: your government has let you down as a people, badly. To bring this back OT, I can see Trump do the same before he admits he doesnt know what hes up to, scary thought.


Afraid Im not getting into the "is chinky racist" conversation as IMO it entirely depends on how the word is delivered. The problem is not every shares the same IMO and it just ends up in a never ending discussion.


Black money was never the problem (unless you mean the millions that the politicians took on the back of German contractors), as you correctly say, the government cheated a generation. How are we the people responsible for that? Show a little sympathy please mate, it's disrespectful to do otherwise, many who didn't deserve it have been ruined forever, as have any plans I personally had for the future, for the time being at least. It's real down here. Anyway back ot as you say. Check out that Michael Moore article, it's a ripper. :)

Edited by Aashenfox
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Indeed, if the Republican majority get too carried away with toeing the party line and not applying a bit of compassion once in a while it could be a very bad few years for less affluent Americans.


Rather like us losing the EU to stop the Tory party getting carried away with looking after the elite and forgetting the little man.

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It takes years to create legislation and policy, even with reds in control anything daft from trump is likely to face opposition from his own party. Creating some of his ideas on trade are never going to be complete in his term in office, two years from now he is going to be 100% back into campaigning again. I said on the other page I find it scary, so not taking anything lightly, but for instance he cannot just rip up a bilateral agreement with Iran and replace it the following day with something else - it would take years to renegotiate by which time he will be out of office.



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Ok maybe the words ruling class were wrong, but the politicians in charge (tories were not voted in twice, only once, prior to that was hung parliament) didn't do enough to heed the warning signs of voters who didn't feel they were on the same journey of success which politicians were announcing on the news everyday. It was in the end a protest vote for "someone else"



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I am sympathetic, again Ive seen the effects with my own eyes so sorry if I come across otherwise.


Its an absolute disgrace but its not just the government, its the "ruling elite" or whatever you want to call them - are they suffering like you are now? Course they arent. Why not? Because nobody stepped in and said "this is wrong" 35 years ago when the slide started so they just kept taking without putting back until theres nothing left. Germany, USA, UK have done the same but have just managed to hold onto economic sustainability, but for how long?


The scary thing for me is that the US and even the UK could end up the exactly the same if the top end of society continue not only forget the bottom end, but actively legislate against it as theres no-one to stop them anymore. Trump is claiming hes all for the common man, but it seems that this common man isnt allowed to be foreign born or Muslim, hes deliberately widened a divide in the election campaign and its only going to get bigger IMO.

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A lot of it is also to do with the moving of the political spectrum. Centrist policies are now what would have been considered right wing in the past, which makes left wing policies look even further left than they would've done previously. Right wing is the new middle ground, which is why the Conservatives and Republicans have done well.

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Thats a fair shout!


Also some other crackers...


How about promising to install surveillance of all mosques

Shut down parts of the internet he doesnt agree with

Bringing back waterboarding

Oppose the killing of journalists (although pretty sure that is covered in more general murder laws already...)

Cut the budget by 20% but simply negotiating (whatever that means)

Get rid of gun-free zones in schools

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I think at this point that kind of stuff is in slightly poor taste, just slightly, not much, but when I read it I just can't laugh. Call me a stick in the mud but this is the effective ruler of the planet and I'm a little worried about my future and my children's future. :( If trump does something to make the situation worse in Greece we are truly ducked. Slightly selfish concern on a uk forum I confess. Let's see what he does.

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Maybe we should have a new poll, which policy will Trump have a go at first - something sensible like infrastructure or something mental like blanket bans on people based on race or colour.


Obamacare gets my bet!




What manner of people have a number one priority to remove healthcare from those who cannot afford it?

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it's going to be interesting that's for sure. He said and promised a lot in the first half, it's half time now, second half starts in January. The cynic in me says he said what a lot of people wanted to hear to get the votes but how much of it will he adhere to is a completely different question, so many scenarios, it promises to be different if nothing else. Let's hope it is, in a good way and that he surpises a lot of people.

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Thats another thing that gets my goat somewhat, and not directing this at you personally Steve, but the idea that we all now jump on board and support the good ship Trump. Just like Brexit it was a common Facebook post from Leavers saying 'oh all you remainers should now support the leave effort' but what does that mean exactly?


Its not as if I am now going to put in less effort at my workplace in a hope that somehow it will have an effect on the country succeeding during a brexit for instance, I am still going in, working hard, providing for myself and my family. So what exactly does this sort of comment mean? Just because a vote meant a % of the country voted for something I didn't I should just toss all my beliefs aside and go with it. If there is no opposition to government then there is no such thing as a democracy.

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