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My mechanic


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My mechanic martin died recently. He was diagnosed with cancer and given a few weeks to live just over a year ago. He has hung on by the desire to do things with his 2 daughters and restore 2 vintage cars he owned. He's worked on all of our cars for the last ten years and has done me too many favours to mention. I've never met anyone that put more hours in than him and he never took a holiday. It was his funeral today and his coffin was hand painted with vintage cars, never seen anything like it. He was only 46. I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone else but please everyone - LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL because it is just too damn short sometimes!

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My uncle passed away just before Christmas from Cancer too. The cancer had decreased in size and they could not find any remains of the tumour.


However he went in as he became a little unwell and due to his immune system not being what it should be, he unfortunatly passed. Its been really tough this Christmas and especially for my aunty and cousins, but they have his humour and spirit still with them.


At the funeral, my autie said to my cousin (aunty is not blood related and cousin is not her son) to watch out as she is now single and will be after him. You should have seen the look on his face.


My other uncle has been taken to hospital on Monday too as he collapsed on the weekend and a dear friend of the family has been given 3 months to live as he has cancer of the brain, liver and lungs.


RIP to all those and i send my love and enegy to those who are going through these tough times.

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I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone else but please everyone - LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL because it is just too damn short sometimes!


I may not know you or this gentleman that you're speaking of but I want you to know I still care. It hurts me everytime I hear of someone passing before their natural time. It's always a shock no matter how many times I hear it. Consoling someone over the loss of a loved one is the one thing, no matter how much technology we have, we'll never be able to do properly.


Remember him often and keep him alive in your memories!

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My mechanic martin died recently. I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone else but please everyone - LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL because it is just too damn short sometimes!


VERY wise advice Nixy and sorry to hear someone so relable and dedicated, who you have valued, has passed away at such a relatively young age.


Having nearly seen out six decades out I keep stressing to my two sons and others of more tender years to do as exactly has Nixy has said - once you get on the wrong side of 50 you start realizing time is running out and regret things you have not done, but perhaps could of done if you had put the extra effort in. Moral: enjoy what you can while you can, you never know what's around the corner ;)

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Not sure if this helps but I lost one of my best mates, like an uncle at the end of 2005, he use to race bikes and died of Leukemia, last person id expect to get it, great guy, so much life and I owed him so much, he had a hayabusa and everyone looked up to him, left behind his wife and 3 year old son, they played this song at his funeral, really touched everyone, and whenever I play it I remember of the good times we shared...


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Very sorry to hear this Nixy. It just reinforces the fact that we are all only here for an incredibly short time.
Short time? Its the longest thing we ever do :lol:


I know what you mean though.


With my uncle passing it has made our family so close again and re-built some bridges that were broken many years ago between certain members of my family. They say everything happens for a reason and this i feel was the reason my uncle was taken away from us. I would prefer him to be here now rather than have the family together, but at the same time, he is not suffering anymore.


It puts everything in perspective and i have an email from him that i will share with you all as it has the best wording i have ever read. Basically a few months before his death, we held a fund raiser for him and his family as we didnt know how long he had and wanted to help them get away for a nice holiday.


Here it is...(it still brings a tear to my eye)


"Subject: Thank you doesn't say enough



You know there are defining moments in people's lives that provide them with an epiphany.


Yesterday I believe I experienced such a moment.


I was completely oblivious to the arrangements being designed around my family and me. We were not aware of the weeks of preparation, the phone calls, discussions, contacts and indirect contacts being sort. We were not aware how far out the word had stretched, how far they would have to travel to join the event and for those that could not join but contributed nonetheless.


When I received a visit from my beloved brother Chris, his partner Melissa and their son Luca yesterday I had no idea as to what was about to be bestowed. It came after a week of numerous raw visits to and from hospitals, consultants and heart rending decisions to be made. The outcome overwhelmed me……overwhelmed my family! The rare tears have flowed… and they continue every time I read the comments book signed by some of you at the Crown on the 24 February. I know there were many more there who didn’t get the opportunity to sign it but the sentiments are the same. This was that defining moment that made me realise just how emotionally rich I am and that there is an army of family and friends rooting for me and my family. We are not alone - quite the opposite. There is a duvet of human affection embracing us - protecting my family from the relentless journey we find ourselves in. It honestly could not have come at a better time.


Now I ask a little something of you all, and this applies even more to those of you who have been almost daily companioning me along this road . You need to stop the pain you are suffering………. I see it in your eyes and hear it in your voices. I remain as ever determined to deal with my condition and your support helps me to meet the challenges. Last week was the only time I thought I was mentally weakening, probably because I was physically tired after all the travelling to and from appointments. What I realised yesterday was like an adrenalin shot in the arm and has renewed my spirit. Believe me it is true as I cannot explain it any clearer………...


………..You know, there is a God… and I don’t care who I upset here……. He was created by us and can only exist because of our love for each other and the love you have shown to me. He is the divine glue between us.


May he(we) bless you all and your families.


Selwyn, Theresa, Lauren Jake and Megan xxxxx"

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