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Everything posted by ChrisS

  1. Have you moved the seats ? If so check the connectors underneath.
  2. In down town Ruthin by the petrol station at about 10:25 on your way towards Denbigh. I did wave when you overtook, but you did not wave back. But then, I was in a subaru estate towing a jet ski.
  3. Well young Darren. I now know that you have spent too much time drinking and eating in my dinning room. It must have subliminally got to you. Look forward to seeing her.
  4. Wot....... You got sheep in England. Send them back to Wales.................... NOW...
  5. Check your insurance policy. See if you can get it through them. (nominal cost of about £75 and no effect on NCB) I they do, they will have specific companies you have to use.
  6. The silver one should be taken off it's owner. I've seen better looked after beans cans.
  7. They are under the bird feeders.
  8. You have a lot of friends. (who live in bars like you)
  9. Have them on the back roads up here twice a year. Usually between 2am 5am.
  10. I live in rural North Wales and the one problem we don't have is........................ HP on the roads and lanes. Either that or we just don't notice any more!
  11. ChrisS

    Lumpy !

    See 'Lumpy'.................... In servicing.
  12. See it was your turn to feed the hamster.
  13. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/85187-japshow-2014-santa-pod-sun-6th-july/
  14. ChrisS


    Explains why I am as I am. :lol: But I got out............
  15. Congratulations for yesterday. Hope you had a great day. Sorry this is late and we missed you. I blame that Martin Mac bloke. Lots of love from Steph and I to you and your bride.
  16. I was there............ Cheers bud hope you and Liz chilled and enjoyed this afternoons BBQ.
  17. And he's passed his test now. He is in America for three month Lee. At a posh camp teaching rich kids how to wakeboard. Tough life hey.
  18. I would use this or any silicone stuff. http://www.ebay.co.u...=item259026e1cb
  19. Happy doodar to you Sir. (you seem to have got the announcement job by default) So again happy birthday.
  20. keep it,If Tracey says it's ok.......... Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear You should never ever disobey you wife young Christopher. So just insure it in my name and park it in Wales.
  21. Thanks boys and girls. The sun is over the yardarm. So I'll log off. Or as Graham would say .................... " It is a well known fact that 9 o'clock is the International Rum drinking time."
  22. I think NW police only offer it in 30 limits. If it was where I think that's a 60.
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