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Everything posted by ChrisS

  1. Love it in red. If you like it ................... Go get it........
  2. Probably when he tells you which dorm to deliver his gear too! I kid you not Lexx, the first message I got off him. (that's me not mum) was. "Camp Mom is HOT" what type of "Camp Mom" is that ? - is that a gay sort of camp, or one of those MILF type ones ? Seen the pictures Andy, she's young and he's right.
  3. " The push towards University " Was a way of hacking 'Unemployment' figures. Same as school leaving age. 14 to 15 to 16 to 18??? Oh no sorry. That was cynical of me. No it wasn't it was for equality between rich and poor....... Then when loads of people go because of this equality. We won't be able to afford it so we can start to charge them all again. Job jobbed they won't notice..............
  4. Not much of a change, as 99.9% of dealers just surrender the disc to the DVLA to claim the rest of the money back. They treat it as their perk. (Maybe they can't now.) The DVLA have always had the part of a month thing for sale and purchase.
  5. Probably when he tells you which dorm to deliver his gear too! I kid you not Lexx, the first message I got off him. (that's me not mum) was. "Camp Mom is HOT"
  6. H2 O2 (google is about to get hammered ) I'd suggest try at 1% if too slow or no joy 2.5 or 3.5% I've got some 35% in the work shop. I'll sort you some out next time your up for the weekend. It's industrial grade not food grade, if that's OK for pumpkin....
  7. Liam is having his emailed to him. (Camp Winadu USA) God knows when he will get around to telling us his results.
  8. I was thinking along the lines of........ 21st century get a 370 it has a button for this. HT on the up, can be of use for 'weight transfer' but I thought more for scrabblers not rear wheel drives.
  9. Moved from 'For Sale' to 'Wanted'
  10. Looks like a Scorpion exhaust. WD40 and a rag followed by '0000' wire wool and Megs All Metal Polish. Or Autosol etc. Should polish up OK.
  11. A good Welsh car. Is that the one you wrote off twice Colin. Welcome to the club. (the above is a jest)
  12. Close........ ish.. I new I had read something. http://suction-mount...blogspot.co.uk/
  13. Hi stranger. Was just going to say what a cracking picture Jayne had taken whilst you were driving.
  14. Just to give people an idea of what can happen to tyre pressures. A few years back when doing the Wales reccy with Beavis and Ebized. Dave checked his pressure in the morning at the top of my drive before we set out, all nice at 35. After an hour or so later after and not too spirited driving he checked them again. If I remember correctly, the fronts were 42 and the rears something like 44. (April in North Wales so not too hot, and we were stopping and starting because we were sorting routes out.)
  15. Your running low profile tyres with after market wheels ?? Are they the type of spacer Mitz has mentioned above?? Or have the wheel studs been changed ?? There seem to be too many ifs and buts on this one for me. If you are not totally confident/sure. I would suggest you find a trusted independent garage near you and get them to check it out. Or ask if there is a member close to you who can have a look.
  16. I've told Steph to hurry up with the adoption papers.
  17. Buy Buster....... Don-nuts, Golden Virginia, papers and filters and I'm sure he'd sort you something out. He might even spray it up for you as well.
  18. Happy dodar chaps. Go on Ken, get that dirty car washed.
  19. I do believe that it is an offence to have sucker mounted cameras in the UK. Sat navs are OK though. Can't prove it but am sure I have read it somewhere.
  20. Oy you........... Go and get back on the naughty step.
  21. User name noted...................... :p
  22. My dads advice was. ' Every other driver on the road is an idiot.' That includes me. Said the same to my two. But I am an idiot. Driver standards will never improve until we have traffic officers (cars on the road) who stop you and give you a rollocking. Instead of having a camera that gives you a fine. Fines mean sod all to nearly all drivers. They will wing and moan but they will pay and learn sweet 'Fanny Adams'.
  23. I just can't take you lot swearing any more. High Tide at 1pm . I'm off jet skiing for the afternoon.
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