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Everything posted by Rock_Steady

  1. While i love the intergrale and the mazda 323f GTR, i think the 323 is more rare than the pulsar and the intergrale is out of my price range unfortunately. So, i think Coldel might be right, my next best option may be to go back the GT-four. We will see.
  2. Yeah, they are a little bit rare but all good things come to those who wait. And i've been waiting for a bloody long time so it should be soon FFS!
  3. i don't mind modern hot hatches, but there's nothing about them that excites me aesthetically and not many are 4 wheel drive. I love the pulsar GTiR because it's a slice of automotive Japanese history that will never happen again. It was a moment when Japan were making crazy outlandish cars where they threw everything but the kitchen sink at some of them, like the Nissan supermarch ( Nissan Micra that was turbo and supercharged for those who don't know ) and of course the retro styling of the early nineties is something that i also find attractive. I will find one.... oh yes i will. ( strokes his stupidly fluffy white cat while sitting in a leather button wing backed office chair )
  4. ^^^The picture is in reference to the car not the accident!
  5. Cracking cars. And to think you could pay as little as that for something that is pretty supersonic and comfortable is awesome. I'm half thinking about it now.
  6. Yep lot's of times unfortunately. The two worst times: once when I was looking for a Toyota Starlet Glanza Turbo and the other time a Toyota GT4. Traveled to see at least 4 or 5 cars of each of those marks and every time it was a waste of time. Made worse when I was looking for the GT4 as my Dad was chauffeuring me around so he wasn't f***in' happy either. Oh and there was also the time just recently when I drove up to North Yorkshire & back in a day (8hr round trip) to see a "mint" R33 GTR at a garage. Didn't look too bad but the gearbox/clutch/synchros were in a terrible state, ...couldn't even get it into first gear so didn't even bother test driving it. The guy told me over the phone that it was a new import in perfect order. BS. The joys of car hunting. Yes, the joys indeed. i even spotted that one of them had the jig clamp marks on the sills. Again asked if it has ever been on a jig, the answer was " i dunno" which means he does but doesn't want to admit it. One of the pulsars i saw is back on ebay now. This is the very one i was talking about with the jig marks. Wanted 4k as a minimum but now it's down to 3750. it is a nice example minus the chassis damage. A real shame. But as most of you say, they're either too long in tooth to find a good one or have been mangled into a lamp post by some spotty little oik!
  7. Well, it's nice yet unfortunate to know that some of you have had similar experiences. Not throwing in the towel yet though!
  8. As some of you may know, i have been looking for a Nissan Pulsar GTI-R for quite some time and am in the process of talking to import companies. However, i'm always on the look out. In the last 5 weeks i have seen 4 pulsars, to which 2 were from the same owner. Every time i asked if there was any history with the car i was told there were lots. Is it registered as a CAT D or C? Of course the answer is "no" . When making the effort to go cross country to see these cars , i was just amazed at how dishonest some people can be. Every one i saw had chassis damage. BAD chassis damage that it wasn't even hidden that well or not even hidden at all. Bent chassis legs, doors that won't close properly, ripples in the panels or roof. This weekend i went to Southend-on-sea to look at one from a "company". Me o my, it was a heap. i asked if i could see it up on the ramp and when looking underneath i could easily see it had had a big hit at some point in its life. " so, are you interested? " " No, because it has chassis damage" " Really?!?! " " Yes , really" " well, we have another one in black in much better condition " " can i see it on the ramp? " I get a reluctant " yes " Why so reluctant?, more chassis damage. I am losing faith in my fellow man. Most people must be waiting for some poor shmuck to just throw them some money without looking at a car. Has anyone else had experiences like this that have been so consistent that you felt like giving up?
  9. i know, but i just wanted to make it clear that i'm not bothered about racing on the motorway or B-roads. i know what the zed is capable of and i'm too old to be racing like my **** was on fire.
  10. Well, i had my arse well and truly whipped by a Glanza running 200hp. Probably because it weighs the same as a fart. Do i care? No, not really.
  11. Ahhh, but there's no guarantee the spacers will work. They didn't for me or for many others. i think you'd have to have the name Mr. Jammy Mclucky balls if it does work.
  12. I doubt it is this but it could be condensation in the bore if your car has been sat for a while, it will give you intermittent misfire from time to time and then goes away once warmed up. But i'm guessing your zeds are used quite regularly.
  13. The only way you can get rid of it once and for all is to get an Uprev remap. £400 .
  14. I had them on my Gt-Four. They were really good, i'd buy them again
  15. Good results Evest! Especially with a 144k on the clock. you must have a good egg there, congrats!
  16. happy birthday fella!! Comes round pretty quick eh?
  17. Rock_Steady


    i think the standard injectors max out @ 340 hp on the 3S-GTE. Plus a few things are running out of breath at this point, .i.e. duty cycle and fuel pump.
  18. I keep falling asleep half way through and waking up in the middle of the news at ten. Really annoying.
  19. Really?? But you've that lovely E92, why would you want a the E90 330d? Don't get me wrong it's a great car but, aren't you a level up on engine and model Brillo? Or, are you referring to that rather nice porker or Chrysler above my post?
  20. That's interesting Davey! Is it the N14 saloon AWD? if it is that's a very rare beast indeed. Its a the 5dr hatch, 1.4l engine. Four wheeled as in has four wheels, compared to two of a motorbike LOL lol, ok i completely misunderstood that.
  21. I love it!! i need something like this to scare away that cats in the neighbourhood from doing there poo on my front garden.
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