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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. Try to keep up Graham😉He mended it, and have to say it looks better than ever👍 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  2. They have probably been archived.
  3. Try PM'ing him in the mean time, long shot I know but you never know.
  4. Oh dear, another one gone, stolen or drunk driving if they legged it I should think.
  5. Moved to Wanted section and deleted duplicate post.
  6. Sh!t, thought this was going to about Zorsts.
  7. Come on chaps, someone must have a schematic stashed away somewhere, post it here and I'll pin it in the guides section.
  8. Exactly, if it were mine it wouldn't be going anywhere.
  9. How many girlfriends Surprised the GLO didn't spot that
  10. Thiought i had a set, just got back and checked but no luck, sorry.
  11. i read somewhere he had shut up shop? Worth a PM, he's still got bits and bobs lying a round
  12. Have you tried zmanalex Steve? Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  13. Have to agree with Ricky and Dan Matt, hard to swallow I know but I'd take if the road, get it Sorn and make a start on any prep work you can in front of getting the funds together. As Steve said get a shed for a couple of hundred and hopefully get your money back on it when the Zeds mended. Good luck with it mate👍 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  14. Just keep an eye on it, if it gets worse then that's when to consider options. No doubt it will get worse, just a question of when I guess so would be good to know where it's coming from.
  15. Here you go, check out the guides section http://www.350z-uk.c...age__hl__fans http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/69810-how-to-repairfix-your-cooling-fan-motors-youtube-vid/page__hl__fans
  16. If all your restrictions become no issue
  17. What do you mean mate? Guess im giving my opinion from my experience of things often i see people in couples for years break up and then there with someone else all happy as larry in say 18-24 months time how the heck does this happen as it hasnt for me It will you just haven't found them yet. What Dan said^^
  18. Engines are bulletproof (fact) lol Message the guy and ask him which octane fuel the car uses
  19. Good for you buddy, slowly going in the right direction. I'm sure it's been said already but time is a great healer. Each day you are one day further AWAY from misery and a a day NEARER to some more happiness.
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