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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. glrnet

    Aircon condenser

    Air con pump available here from a 30k lump, never used by me. Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  2. What Doogyrev said👌👌👍👏
  3. fixed that for you😉. Paul, it's an absolute credit to you, great to see you enjoying your cars again!!👍 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  4. Dicky, try PM'ing the OP if you haven't already😀
  5. She can't do that, end of! A will is a will, we could all be running around saying that the deceased said this that and the other if that was the case.
  6. It is, in France now, and paid for hold baggage, somewhere it refers to applying to each "leg" Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  7. If you haven't got anything useful to say I suggest you ignore this thread.
  8. Oh, THAT, imaginary friend 😁
  9. Pay no mind to Dan, he often offends people, but in the nicest possible way!!
  10. Tell me this is a wind up?
  11. One day a politician will come good on statements made...........................
  12. Not sure but did seem the best of the bunch, anyone who has held down the Home Office for 6 years must be hopefully doing something right. For me there are 2 good things, Gove got what he deserved and much more importantly she can get on with the job of sorting out the current mess. 9 weeks saved, not much but the idea that we couldn't do anything until the Tory party election was over was a bit irksome. Just heard she should be PM by Wednesday. Good luck, we'll all need it I think. Interesting times ahead.
  13. But how painful is Lineker? They should've given the gig to Terry Henry
  14. No, I didn't, he does seem to come across well when interviewd but did you see him throw the microphone of a Portugese tv guy into a river a couple of weeks ago!? He didn't take that very well can only think there must have been some "history" there but not a well thought out response
  15. Agreed about the player part. Also one of the most annoying posey tarts to ever have graced a wendyball field, and on that purely illogical basis I hope Portugal lose.
  16. So, whose coverage have you prefered BBC or ITV? And who will win tonight? Allez Les Bleus
  17. Did exactly this on my Ark as I wanted rolled tips. They cut the old days ones off and real placed them, pretty good job for £60 odd quid as far as I remember👍🏽
  18. It's always happened in Rugby.
  19. And it sounds like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=85114404&x-yt-ts=1422579428&feature=player_embedded&v=X86qc_8K8XU
  20. And another classic from Hapless Hoddle - "fatigueness"!!
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