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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. We don't condone or endorse the kind of behaviour being advocated or endorsed by Scylla or anyone else. Now locked.
  2. To the contrary, I think that you are both stupid and pathetic: How lovely of you. Oh! and I forgot irresponsible as well. I've just noticed the embarrassingly high post count to your name; you're one of those self-appointed moral arbiters, aren't you? An armchair judge who sits and dispenses the iron-clad fist of justice to all before you from the cosy anonymity of the internet. I wish I could be perfect. Like you. I think you might find he's taking the PI55 mate If he is, then I stand corrected, but I would be surprised. And he's been a trader here for many a year, hence the real reason for the high post count. Play nicely. Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  3. glrnet

    Wasso spacer

    I believe they were more cost effective from new and colour choice was important to some people🙂 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  4. I believe it's a Varis lip, but they're rare as hens teeth so good luck finding one. 😬 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  5. A quick google search suggets not.
  6. I do like those a lot. Looks like a cracking example.
  7. People appreciate sarcastic rudeness. I like to think of myself as the forum's Jack Dee. thats not what I'd call you😂 Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear
  8. Whether it's better to be in than out is clearly a point for continuing debate but you have to wonder what the result would have been if there hadn't been sooooo many lies told. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36641390
  9. I think my Sister summed it up quite well yesterday talking to her Hubby and middle son who are footy mad. "Just because we won a trophy once 50 years ago doesn't mean we're any good now" Harsh but fair.
  10. Please don't equalise, we can't stand anymore.
  11. Can't understand why anyone is surprised tbh, we have no defence to speak of and the manager is passed sell by.
  12. Currently meeting expectations.
  13. I said there would be pens
  14. Right, bring on the "Iceland go through on penalties show"
  15. Used to love this http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2016-06-23/this-is-the-first-proper-look-at-the-upgraded-robot-wars-2016-house-robots
  16. Been impressed with Rio
  17. The coach made him captian, funny how that extra "responsibilty" works so many times. And yes, it was an amazeballs goal.
  18. That, of course is up to you, if you consider any of the posts on here inflamatory or disagree with them then maybe it's best to take a wide berth. Comments like your "****ing disgisting" are hardly helpful or constructive.
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