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Everything posted by Floydbax

  1. That's only a few quid more than I pay with Flux. I just renewed at thrie given renewal quote. It was cheap enough for me without shopping around, from previous experience. I'm 55, no blemishes, usual minor mods, decent postcode, low annual mileage. Was it Chloe? She's pretty good.
  2. I'd opt for a better filter if you want to maximise your efforts. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/K-N-RX-4730-Air-Filter-Universal-X-Stream-Clamp-on-K-and-N-Part-/161577732754?hash=item259ec88a92
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281910071590?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  4. Thanks for keeping me amused lol
  5. I had a similar incident a while ago: I'm driving on an A road and look in my rear view mirror to see an Ambulance approaching quickly (lights on & siren on/off periodically), so I indicate left & pull up on the verge. The car behind me then slows, blasts their horn at me and gives me a stinking look while pulling out around my car almost forcing the approaching Ambulance into on coming traffic. I think the driver thought I was just pulling over in a stupid place to use my phone or something but how can you miss a bl**dy big Ambulance with blues & twos on?! Lot's of idiots on the road so you definitely have to keep your wits about you all the time. Yea this was on an A road too. The A50 just through some lights, in a place where nobody stops (indicating left AFIK is standard practice for showing the emergency services you are giving way to them) I mean, for all this tw@ knew I was also going to turn left! Just rude, inconsiderate and downright dangerous driving.
  6. I pulled over to the left, indicating, for an Ambluance using 'blues and twos' the other day, in a 30 zone. It passed, immediately followed by a speeding hatchback who then turned left into the side street immediately in front of me nearly taking my nose off!! Freakin' retard Driving standards these days are atrocious
  7. While Amazon continues to use aggressive tax avoidance policy in the UK (and until they pay all back tax) I personally have no qualms about watching TGT for free.
  8. @floydbax, the FTO was one that slipped by me, I never have driven one. I always wanted one, some say best FWD car ever. Well remembered. Gotta ask ourselves though, how much better would it have been if it was RWD? Or even 4WD? IDK, it was a hoot to drive. I remember being behind a Scooby on a mix of back and main roads wishing he'd get a move on, then when we were side by side at some lights he gave me a thumb's up and a big grin!! I didn't realise he must have been giving it some and couldn't lose me. (I realise he might just have been a poo driver ). Sadly many testers couldn't drive it properly and it got slated in reviews (similarly, the S2000), the testers couldn't adjust their driving styles to accommodate revving the nuts off these engines to exploit the power band. Still to my ears one of the best sounding engines. It also got a bit of a bad press because testers compared it against vehicles 10 years younger. .
  9. Like some others on here I still miss my FTO. A wonderful package.
  10. Floydbax

    snake oil?

    http://www.driving.co.uk/car-reviews/clarkson/clarkson-review-2017-audi-sq7/ It is Audi. Clarkson in the Sunday Times.
  11. Floydbax

    snake oil?

    Joking aside, isn't one of the new major mainstream's new engine's helped with an 'electronic' turbo/supercharger - Helps eliminate 'lag'.
  12. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/16pin-OBD2-Male-to-Dual-Female-Splitter-Extension-Cable-Connector-ELM327-Scanner-/261643672492?hash=item3ceb2d9bac:g:TR0AAOSw8cNUUZ3b Or maybe one of these?
  13. Bloody hell man, that's awful Good luck Mrs (y)
  14. I actually used an old toothbrush, worked OK
  15. It replaces the standard head unit.
  16. Someone ought to forward that to FIFA the idiots.
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/REELIGHT-RL770-FRONT-AND-REAR-BIKE-LIGHT-SET-36223-/161921056590?hash=item25b33f3f4e:g:mkwAAOSwYaFWcraR These are just awesome. Should be mandatory for any bike used on the road.
  18. http://liljerk.morpheus.net/350Z/dash_removal/ Another - With pix
  19. You have to remove the whole middle section. It's not difficult. There's a guide somewhere.
  20. Whereabouts are you? There's a few of us Cestrians on here (Saw a black one in Canute Square Knutty Monday evening that's new to the area).
  21. http://bikepedia.com/QuickBike/BikeSpecs.aspx?year=2004&brand=Schwinn&model=Rocket+3 I've got one of these, had it for over 10 years and it's used almost every day I'm in the UK. All it's had is one tyre and inner tube (nail) and a pedal and arm where I've stacked it. It shows if you do your research before pulling the trigger, you can buy right. I only paid £270 for it .New! - Having said that it's groaning a bit at the crank but I've got a replacement lined up: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/371379517803?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=640481176223&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT And I quite fancy changing the gear set for one with a guard on the side: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SR-Suntour-CW14-XCR6-T424-Chainset-175mm-Black-/131396519460?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276 I guess I owe it to the bike for its long efficient service
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