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EH 370z

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Everything posted by EH 370z

  1. Just as a foot note: I cannot think of any other industry that has so much information on buying and selling, and part exchanging another product. I sometimes wonder if it’s this knowledge that builds the resentment for earning a living from selling cars! The net profit as a percentage earned is very low. When you compare this to for example buying a bed or some jewellery and most other retail enterprises, they usually double up from whole sale to retail price.
  2. Your job has a bad reputation which I think some people find hard to let go of as well. I can't see that a sales man from a dealership or any garage he has no shareholding in would really give much of a toss about the margin being made but never the less has a formula that his boss wants him to stick too. Then we all get really offended and think its the salesman himself who's trying to fleece you! I hate getting a low part ex price but I hate even more the god damn 419 scamming hassel of flogging a car privately. Your dead right the process is one thing, the people you have to deal with is another issue entirely! And you are right the sales guys will not care about the purchased margin, but he will when selling the car one to another customer! it’s a funny old game and very stressful.
  3. Your right the language is a bit odd, the "True" bit refers to a reasonable SIV (Stand in Value) which is the value before any over allowance. If you sell it privately then happy days a bit more money in the bank.
  4. Can I just say that valuing cars is quite easy these days. Unlike years ago you were only pricing cars to SELL against the dealers in your town. These days you comfortably need to do it with a 60 mile radius. For rare and unusual cars its further or even nationally. The problem we all have parting with a car is that we have an emotional attachment to it, you have loved and cleaned the car every week, and to you it’s worth more than pounds and pence. To everyone else however, that is to say the buying public, it is they who ultimately reflect what cars will or won’t SELL for. So, as a simple way to understand what your car is worth, and what it will HOPFULLY sell for (bearing in mind dealers can still get their fingers burnt depending on market shifts) 1/ Log on to Auto trader 2/ Research what similar cars are selling for in the TRADE section. Bear in mind that you may need to choose upwards of a 60 mile radius, but it must me as similar as possible. 3/ Take off a minimum of £1500, but plus any issues the car may have i.e. tyre wear paint damage etc. 4/ This should give you the cars approximate TRUE value. Now then the £1500. This will be the dealers margin. Please bear in mind that this margin with reduce every 2-4 weeks he/she hasn’t sold the car. If the car researched above is dropping in price so is yours. In addition the dealer will also have to provide a warranty, reconditioning and pay tax on whatever is left. This formula also works for the car you are looking to buy, In other words if there are two dealers and one guy is offering you, for example £500 more in part exchange, make sure the car he is selling you isn’t £500 too expensive! I don’t want this to sound too patronising, but my job ain’t rocket science, but I can understand how shocking this can appear if you don’t do it every day. This in the cold light of day it is a business transaction, so emotions need to be left at the door, either sell or buy, or dont sell or buy. its this gap which is the true cost of motoring, but the choise is yours. Anyway hope this helps a bit
  5. Always flash at other Zed owners.... Rarely get a response from the blokes. Jealousy? The women turn round and start following me..... Excellent! My Dad was arrested for his beliefs in the 60's………. .....He believed that he could have a w&^k on a bus......! So, so sorry, but I love crap jokes
  6. Can’t believe there hasn’t been an “indecent exposure†gag yet
  7. Come to the Boro, there are plenty of Lambrini girl's here that want to have fun!!
  8. Does anyone know a plaster, as mrs eh370z has just gone through the roof, and is now in a geo-syncranus orbit around Venus Sod this I'm off out!
  9. Ha, I can't find the similie for a complete lack of surprise
  10. Don't think so I need to dig out last years statement just noticed the massive increase when changing the standing order! Thanks Lexx
  11. Has anyone else recently had a new bill? Mine has gone up by 41% I am fairly sure the we where promised a NO increase at the last election
  12. Good luck Roger, I am sure it will all turn out fine
  13. Prochoice for me! If we can agree to terminate a foetus, then as a responsible adult, I would reserve the right to terminate myself! You should just carry a card, like a donor card with your wishes on it - Seems simple enough to me, you never know your old bits & bobs my help save anothers life
  14. It's difficult as moods change, but if had to go and 1 car with lottery money right now it would be one of these. Singer Porsche 911
  15. I have used it too, and I have to say it’s not bad at all. You need some confidence and I wouldn’t recommend it on wet surfaces or heavily soiled cars you care about, but if you use it after say it has just rain on your car the minute you have finished cleaning it its great. As a foot note it is fantastic for cleaning windows and plastics ie UPVC window surrounds and high gloss kitchen cupboards. I use it on my motor bike all the time, as it never really get wet or that dirty, but is great for getting the fly's off the from end etc.
  16. Wish you had brought it up with you last week
  17. Big girls blouse here, if that helps along
  18. Sorry for the late HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hope it was a good one
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