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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Had to google that, nice thread indeed! Congrats Samoht! https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=47&t=1843403&i=0
  2. My pleasure. I've confirmed with Z1 several times, 100% forged invoice.
  3. Both parts will work on all 350z. That being said, you might want to reconsider your purchase, they’re not the best quality stuff in my opinion.
  4. But is already happening, Dan: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/nov/29/private-firms-handed-15bn-in-nhs-contracts-over-past-five-years
  5. I'm not sure we would have been more screwed than we are now due to austerity. Here are some things to consider: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/feb/21/uk-economy-100bn-smaller-because-of-austerity-thinktank https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/may/15/child-poverty-above-50-per-cent-in-10-uk-constituencies https://fullfact.org/economy/poverty-uk-guide-facts-and-figures/ https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/datasets/crimeinenglandandwalesappendixtables
  6. It doesn't make me shudder, but Mogg, Gove, Patel, Johnson, Raab and all their cronies do make me shudder. What are the top 5 serious character flaws you spotted in Corbyn? Genuinely curious to see what am I missing, coming from outside the British society / politics as I said. As for the proposals Labours are making in their manifesto, I can't see anything that screams let's go back to 1970s rather than let's cary on modernising the society: eg better founded NHS, free broadband so business can thrive, people can access services required etc, then the climate emergency measure and so on. To me that sounds modern society. And what's so 1970s to nationalise the railway? Seems to be working perfectly fine in Germany, to give just one example: https://www.citymetric.com/transport/are-german-trains-really-better-british-ones-rail-nationalisation-deutsche-bahn-3972 https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/uk-railways-are-already-almost-entirely-nationalised-by-foreign-countries/25/11/
  7. How are they going to get Brexit done and dusted by January 31st? It will take 5-7-10 years to negotiate the future relationship (THE DEAL) with EU and whichever way you look at it we will get a worse deal than staying in. It's just another Boris soundbite, "no more dither and delay, we have an oven ready Brexit deal and we will get Brexit done by 29th of March, October the 31st, January 31st" and so on. Labour's solutions seems the best, negotiate the best possible deal, staying in the customs union and keep free movement etc, while leaving the EU. Put that deal against a remain option to the people and have a referendum on far more information than the one in 2016, which was based on lies, to put it simply. By now we all know a "clean Brexit" will be a disaster for our economy and society, that's not an option. With Tories back in no10, we're still risking a No Deal scenario.
  8. Steer clear away, the invoice he has for the work done on the engine is fake.
  9. I've only been here for 20 years, I don't know as much about British politics from my own experience, but I researched about it in numerous occasions. What's actually so bad about Corbyn that he's considered a "not electable PM"? What's so "70s" about him or his beliefs?
  10. What kills me is why vote for them on a manifesto that basically only promises to hire 20000 police officers to fight the crime wave caused by cutting 22000 police officers and austerity they imposed on the country for the last 9 years...
  11. By public request, we now have these available. Stainless steel, 2 years warranty, come with all gaskets and hardware. UK stock, top quality as any TORQEN product, no silly waiting times. £419, £499, £569 HFCs are 300cell. More details to follow. https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/exhausts/y-pipes/21740-350z-torqen-y-pipe-straight-resonated-hfc-trq-vqdeyp.html
  12. I'm still waiting to read a proper documented article about what makes Corbyn anti-semite. Something like this, but in depth examples, things HE did, HE said etc: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/nov/26/antisemitism-labour-everything-you-need-to-know
  13. Last 5 days, BC coilovers now also added: https://www.torqen.uk/638-black-friday?p=4
  14. £318 at Nissan, £300 at TORQEN.
  15. I believe we have a few units left, will check in the morning. Drop me a PM please if I didn't get back to you by 10am.
  16. DEPO has never produced these in RHD, nor will ever want to produce these in RHD. We've learned this directly from the company's president. There is no adjustment on the lights.
  17. Hi, Sorry for the delay. We sold hundreds of these in UK, as an authorised DEPO dealer and although it says LHD on the box, we haven't heard one single complain from our customers. These pass MOT too and work perfectly well. Always in stock, as shown in the photo above.
  18. All parts are in stock You will love the Z1 collar bushing and diff brace changes. I’d recommend the BDE engine mounts instead: https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/370z/engine/dampeners-mounts/180--370z-bde-billet-polyurethane-motor-mounts-bde-11220-ba-z34.html
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