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Everything posted by Watshot

  1. If you mean 'skipping' CD, it's a common problem with the Bose HU. If you use the search it will give you the available options, may even be in a sticky somewhere.
  2. You should maybe encompass all fluids if you are treating it as a quick visual check. i.e. Brake reservoir would be as important for safety as oil level would be for maintenance. So include brake/clutch/steering reservoirs under the general umbrella of 'levels check'.
  3. In recent memory it has to be Keyser's Bitch build thread doesn't it? Don't know how you compare it on an all time list though.
  4. Agree with that. Purely cosmetic. Alternatively, just remove it and clean it up if you want it to look good again. Highly unlikely that it needs replacing.
  5. Says it fits both here: http://www.courtesyparts.com/370z-parts-z34-2009-2012/accessories/emblems/-c-8714_9085_9087.html
  6. This has changed. You now enter a discount code, see here: http://www.350z-uk.c...-forum-members/
  7. Is that an 'inclusive' price? (Valves, balance, disposal and VAT).
  8. Thought it was a bit odd that you would have missed that.....
  9. Perhaps you need to look again. It's in the middle of the VIN/Chassis number and commonly used to identify the series type. E.G: JN1GBAZ33********
  10. Clearance issues are with suspension components not the arches.
  11. You'll have difficulty finding chains to fit unless you specifically fit undersized winter tyres. There is generally clearance issues with this type of car, although there are some narrow fit chains available. Depending on where you go it is illegal to travel in some parts of the Alps without chains, for good reason, so this may be a non starter unless you can find the right combo. Best of luck.
  12. No French surely. Oh hold on, that would be more than once. As you were.
  13. Unfortunately a fuse is either good or it's not, they can't be intermittent, your problem is likely to be elsewhere, sorry Nico.
  14. Not tested if it is there either. Not part of an MOT test.
  15. It will be re-assigned it's original plates (usually), which is sorted by the person who wants to change the plates, so in this case the seller. So nothing to worry about in your respect, it will just come with standard plates (assuming he get's on with it, as it can take a few days).
  16. Yes it would. You need front screen washers to work effectively for an mot pass.
  17. Watshot


    nobody is lower than Beavis 57 plate HR..................5.5K Just about run in now as the mpg is improving with no change in use.
  18. I use the Accumate. Proper float charge rather than a constant trickle charge which can do more harm eventually. Comes with waterproof connections which are ideal for bikes and useful to locate in the scuttle of the car so you don't have to open the bonnet to connect up every time. Think it was around £40 or so and highly recommended. I've used it for years with no problems whatsoever.
  19. There's a box here, no pipework though. May be a start. viewtopic.php?f=32&t=66432
  20. They are in the Netherlands, just priced in USD.
  21. Also, make sure the volume is up on your input source.
  22. Watshot

    Wide load

    Try reading this current thread for starters. viewtopic.php?f=61&t=66065
  23. Well done for sticking with it and not taking the BS. All too familiar story these days with garages.
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