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Everything posted by geoff-r

  1. My advice, lynch the government for what they've done to the car tax system, it is unfair and has clearly been designed by a bunch of apes.
  2. I'm now back in full swing trying to get this problem sorted by Nissan. An independent engineer saw the car today and described my gearbox as 'atrocious' and said it basically needed a new one, quite bad for an 18k mile box. The report should be following shortly. I'll be giving that to Nissan when it goes in for a service and I don't want to see the car until it's had a new gearbox. As if the report isn't bad enough I just got stung for my road tax, renewal was £405, went to the post office and it was £435
  3. Looks like a good car park! But anyone ever noticed Carlsberg is a horrible beer
  4. I must be on my own. I'd own it!
  5. this happened to me second day of owning my Zed, it's so annoying! some people
  6. I was about to post this up, good job I checked, brilliant description!
  7. It's not different here. Petrol is almost up to the record high it was a year and a half ago, and as you say the barrel price is around $80. Unless I need to go back to school it doesn't really equate. Most governments don't have the nous to do a proper tax overhaul, it's far easier to just whack on more taxes, and of course this require more minions to administer. [sorry no offense to anyone that works for the government]. Thusly we all know realistically it won't happen. Agreed and the more you see, hear and read on a global scale. It's interesting to get a perspective from someone in another country. Our country is going to sh*t at a far quicker rate than other countries, I'm sure of that. Won't someone throw some shoes at Gordon Brown?! I'm sure we'd hit the blind b*****d!!!!
  8. I think the price of petrol is a joke. As an 07 driver I'm already persecuted enough paying £400 a year road tax, despite being able to afford this, I believe the road tax system needs to be completely overhauled. If the system is supposed to be geared to remove old cars from the road then why the hell are they cheaper to tax/insure etc. It's a load of bollocks and this government has their head so far up their arse it's unreal. How do I go about changing my status from a British citizen to an immigrant seeking asylum? Seems that's what you gotta be to see the better side of Britain.
  9. I wouldn't get many Porsches but I'd have one of these:
  10. I'm aiming to make it to Japfest and JAE this year. May have to pop along to some meets as I haven't done so yet. How about the trip north to the Wales meet? I need to check this out, never driven in North Wales, the roads look nice though!
  11. Saw this at 5:30 yesterday (10/03/10) going into DHL in Nantgarw, Cardiff. Private reg but I can't remember it A17 ***?
  12. This is a good thread, people may knock the Rays for not being the best looking alloys, I don't for one second, forged and light weight what's to not like? They are fantastic alloys out the factory and the spacers really do work well with them. Good job mate your car looks great
  13. There's a reason they're cheap and it's not because they're a 'bargain'. cfoster, not to have a dig but to educate, copies are usually of inferior quality, Inovit are notorious for their shite build quality. Either save a bit more and buy some genuine Rays or look at something else, safety is important. Can you tell I don't like copies
  14. My eyes!!!! 750k?! What engine is in it as it says 6.7L? How on earth can you palm a bodykitted 350z off for £750k? I just don't understand!
  15. Why do all the good bits come along when I'm all spent out?! These would look nice on my black Zed.
  16. That's classic! A video would have been nice though.
  17. This is worrying! I had fun with a 172 in my old del Sol SiR!
  18. Hes from Cardiff so there could very well be a wheel less R35 in the area Haha come on mate, this is Cardiff, not Newport! I got them off an R35 that had done 7,000 miles, the guy was simply selling them as he'd bought some new wheels for his car. + 1. Looks fab! B) If you lowered it, would you not get rubbage? Given the size & width? Widths are 285 rear and 255 front. The fronts have 20mm spacers on them to clear the calipers and upper suspension arm. I have zero rubbing at the moment but I'm not sure if I lower it will cause problems, I'll soon find out though! Thanks for the comments guys, I had thought about smoking the reflectors as well, they do stand out at present. I'm aiming to make it to Japfest and JAE this year. May have to pop along to some meets as I haven't done so yet.
  19. Hmmm I don't recall what mine said. Was focusing on the road too much and enjoying the drive!
  20. Finally got these GTR rims fitted after buying the wrong profile tyres oops! I'm really happy with them now, the traction control kicking in before was terrible! Just took some quick pics after giving the car a quick wash, here they are: Just need some Project Mu's now lol. But seriously, coilovers will be next as a nice little drop is in order to get the wheels hugged up in the arches.
  21. You have exactly described my situation after I bought my Zed, I got home on the drive and thought it was broken, I was not happy as I had driven 200 miles to get it home. I'm getting an indepedant engineers report done on mine as the local dealer recommended a new gearbox. Scary stuff when you consider the car is a tad over 2 years old and has 18k miles on it.
  22. That's nice! I like the colour a lot, mind you it looks black, suppose it must be seen in the flesh to be appreciated
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