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Everything posted by geoff-r

  1. Nice to see my car parking attendant has returned! Agree the wheels will look ace if the car was a bit lower. And polish those tail pipes! I'll polish them once I get the car back, I forget what it looks like, been nearly a month since I dropped it off to Nissan guaranteed I've completely forgotten how to drive it once I get it back.
  2. You can register my interest along with that if another group buy does go ahead. These dual intakes are a right pain
  3. Hahahahahaha! I've actually been let off 10p on the Severn Bridge before and to top it off when I chucked it in the change bin before there was a couple of extra quid in the returns box, jackpot
  4. Could be photoshopped but then it could be a rubbish wall, they don't make em like they used to.
  5. Bloody volcano. Matter of fact what the hell has Iceland been good for in the last 2 years apart from a ruined financial system and a volcano that caused havoc? And now they have the audacity to delay my camera! Away with Iceland I say.
  6. Wife in boot?! lol, wish I could shove the girlfriend in the boot sometimes haha she'd kill me for that!
  7. geoff-r


    I assume so my brother's R32 GTR is around £200 a year, **** take, but we'll leave it there. I'm not going to blame this government although they did f**k it up for everyone. I just wish they knew the UK was bigger than overcrowded London.
  8. Stunning car! Looks as good as the tin top easily.
  9. Any pics of the exhaust fitted up to the car?
  10. What AMG 55 is it? There are many! A mate picked up an E55 AMG for example about 2 years ago for 6k... Modern Mercs drop like a stone when it comes to depreciation!
  11. Defiantly mate! Its such an amazing place and its insane on how quickly its being cut down! Dont quote me on this but I'm sure its something like the size of wales is being cut down every second. How scary is that! The experience also made me want to learn Spanish! The Peruvians are incredible! I hope not! Wales is HUGE! Lucky to do such a thing mate, I wish I could do something like that, damn student loans killing me off.
  12. Like said some citrus stuff in the borders is good. Cocktail sticks sticking up. I personally don't like cats, being allergic to them doesn't help.
  13. Come on mate enter the Euro?! It's a flawed currency and some economists see very little in terms of future for it. It's a good job we never entered it and for all I care they can keep it. As for the EU, there are no benefits for us, it's a joke.
  14. Very odd, looks like someone has used a brillo pad on your bumper. With regards to making it less noticeable, how deep are they? Down to the plastic? You could try t-cut them but to be honest unless you at least try to buff it with a cutting compound it may not touch it and even then it could fail. Re-spray? I feel for you, someone banged my bumper and made deep marks
  15. love these exhausts. where did you manage to source it from?
  16. Think I've decided my route now, carbon!!!
  17. If I had the money I would buy you a ticket out there just to see that!!
  18. If you don't mind me asking why did you buy an auto? I think I'd go for a manual every time in a car like this, although I do own an auto merc that I use for work, it might be comfy but it's boring lol. Also you should go for the coupe over the roadster, they're very different.
  19. All I know is if I had to foot the bill it would be £3,500. Apparently it's 4 hours labour to fit the parts. So deduct the labour rate from that and you have some idea of the parts required. I will try and find out exactly what parts were needed and how much they were when I get the car back
  20. The rear lights could be standard as 07+ have LED rear lights. But in answer to your question, yes you should technically tell them about the mods. But it is up to you. I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do with your insurance as I have stuck little parts on in the past and never told my insurance, although I have been upfront with my Z
  21. I've owned Nitro and battery ones. They're both good. I remember a mate getting a nitro one not so long ago. Was quite funny on his first run, it had 2 gears and of course was an auto, he went through first gear and it was really going some, then it changed to second gear, obviously went far too fast clipped a kurb and I have never seen a little remote control car go far, he bent the driveshafts and everything, the wheels were smashed to pieces and the shell didn't stand up too good. I was laughing pretty hard especially considering it was his first run.
  22. I got my 07 facelift for 16k with 15,000 miles on it 313 version. It's not the GT but then I've never been one for electric seats (I'm still young my arms work ), I don't really like cruise control so that would have been a wasted feature on me, and the Bose isn't the best, you got a V6 for that! But in answer to your question 15k should be fine for what you're after. I just had a P2 service, cost £300 quid but then that was at a Nissan garage and to be honest once it's out of warranty I'll be taking it to a Nissan specialist for a lower price.
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