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Everything posted by sparky370z

  1. sparky370z

    Golf R32

    My mate has one with a miltek exhaust. It sounds awesome. Plus its proper planted on the road. Dont think he has done anything with the suspension. Its a lovely car.
  2. Hi there, Can i put dibs on the sound deadening stuff.
  3. Nice one, Haha, I bought both my zeds within weeks of wanting them. Both have been wonderful cars. What mods has you baby got?..
  4. About bloody time! Well done mate, looks like a tidy one! Enjoy
  5. That is a pretty good job! Thanx. I'm only 5'6" and weigh just under 11 stones, so like I said that's a whole load of food for a little guy. Buffets hate me. Been kicked out of one once. Pizza Hut buffet as a student was fun. My record there was 14 slices. Not bad dip...... My record was 17 slices and 2 cokes. And you have seen the size of me LOL
  6. looks like a good one. good price too. sold mine for 7k a few months ago, same year and similar mileage. take it for a drive and good luck
  7. havent seen this one, but there is a brown and white one around where i live!! alot and time and effort but why??
  8. Yeah, you could cook up a family of badgers in there with the heat! It does get very hot
  9. Thanks for all of the advice guys. Just didnt want the clutch/gearbox to fall out. Lol I'll go to the NHPC as suggested about the slave cylinder. See what they say.
  10. Holy thread revival batman, Make sure they wrap the crash bar with duct tape. If you dont it interfers with the signal.
  11. Get well soon bob. Give me and amy a shout if you need anything
  12. You say no catch, but I have no doubt the price reflects the absence of the GT spec that most buyers would want (in the same way as with the 350) and frankly you are missing a unique feature, in a car of this class, by not having the syncro-rev. I expect most of us as petrolheads have enjoyed "matching revs when changing gear" but I can assure you, the syncro-rev puts the gear changing in an altogether different league But I'm sure you will enjoy the car nevertheless as it has many other features that does make it a great step up from the 350. +1 Sat nav, leather, synro, keyless were a must for me. However saying that, its seems like a total bargain. You could swap the seat out and fit the nav and still have loads of change
  13. First they need to get into the car! If they want your car they will take it simple. On the ST forum a guy had someone break into his house and threaten him, Mrs, and baby. Took the keys and drove off. He had a normal key! That's why I have insurance!
  14. Ebay, mate. Were about 15 quid they looked pretty good!
  15. Nah, the site was down for a few days when I ordered.mine. Be prepared tho. It's about 140 quid all in. Delivered to your door. When u get it let me know and I'll help you fit it!
  16. Be that a lesson to you, now keep some quick detailer and 3 microfibre cloth in the boot at ALL TIMES HAHAHA, i do usually BUT i dont have a cargo net and it was sliding about all over the show!!!! was quite annoying!! note to self:- must buy cargo net.
  17. Tbh, im no photogragher so they looks awesome to me. Have one as my desktop and have got good comments so far. It was only a favour as he was there to do the wedding.
  18. we are still coming!!! me and the Mrs for camping!!!!
  19. surprisingly it was actually very dirty. had just done 250 miles on the motorway and it had rained a bit too. i have nowt to clean her with either!!!! i think he did really well, i wouldnt have a clue about photoshop TBH
  20. bob, those wheels are SWEET!!!!! they are the best ones you have had!!!!!
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