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Everything posted by Roo

  1. Its ok but not brilliant, havn't heard a non bose so cant say how much better. Old head units have been known to skip and if i remember correctly it hasnt been "divorced" it wont work. And you will have a fair bit of re-wireing to do IMHO so depends how happy with that you are. Post the link up so folks can see the asking price and im sure someone will be able to say if its reasonable.
  2. What a dufus...and what a weirdo! Sounds like they had a visit formt eh resident nut job to me. Having said that I wonder how many people have been duped in to letting a stranger in to their house on a ruse. I know a chap who got their ID nicked after they pulled someone in a pub who stopped at their house. In the mornign they were gone along with his passport, checkbook etc etc.... They got caught but not before racking up a fair bit of debt.
  3. On my old car I used to get clicks that sounded like a knock. It started a few weeks after I lowered the car. I was eventually narrowed down to a bush not sitting quite right on the ARB. It didnt need taking apart just losening the the bolts with the car on the ground so it settled properly then tightning it all back up. It may be that everything is ok just when it has been put back together its not sat right and is catching and then poping giving the "click" as it moves. just an idea
  4. Think they are too small but im going to give them a ring just might have a go myself.
  5. Ok so i have a number of minor specs on the windscreen, no cracks, bullseye rings etc. So was going to have a go with some resin to get rid just becuse they are annoying me. Has anyone had a go at this in the past? if so what did you use?
  6. Roo

    selling rays

    Gloss black then get the little squares in the spokes and the lettering picked out in orange and laquerd
  7. Golden rule...dont shop while hungry...
  8. There are some reasonable looking sub 500 cars out there. Problem is it might be knackered and if you dont find out till after you have bought for £500 you are pretty much stuck as I dont think dealers will waranty anything under a grand. Be suspicious of, recently changed oil & coolant ( may be hiding a blown headgasket esp on old cars ) - no paperwork to back up milage such as service book - as well as the obvious knocks, evidence of crash damage etc. Anyhows not in your area but here are some examples of whats out there... 2.5 V6 vectra & a SAAB both with around 70k on the economic on petrol side ( and cheap if something breaks)- Swift GLS with 35k a 1.1 pug 106 with around the same and an Old shape Fiesta - not a looker now but a future classic with 42k on the clock you will be able to sell it for what you paid for it probably!
  9. In a former life i used to do some stage lighting we had some strobes called deathstars 1.5kw each i think they were. May not sound a lot but they make a bloody bright flash. Imagine about 150 lightbulbs flashing 10 times a second. Rig a couple of them up as foglights and see how they like driving when all they can see are green blobs...
  10. Personally i wouldnt risk it with cheap brakes. Brakes and tyres are what keep you out of trouble not worth the risk IMO.
  11. What have the suppliers said? Are they going to pay for the replacements? I bet you are
  12. Just finishing of a nice bordeaux. Still got 5 bottles left. ... May be an interesting weekend... I think we are tempting a green room
  13. Welcome to the gutter... Its nice down here....
  14. Sounds like the most viable solution tbh.
  15. No one is waxing my rim..... ill get my coat....
  16. The pole over either end and clamped sounds like the best soln tbh. Use felt pads/rubber if you have a bit of play to allow a firm fit. Only other thing i could come up with... 2 sections of pipe that fit over either end of the pole get a garage with a welder to spot weld a captive nut and bolt in to give you a threaded connector. Drill pole to allow bolt to be screwed in to captive nut. Attach ends of pipe with captive nut an.d bolt to pole, depending on fit use clamps or araldite or both! Rubber washer between the two to allow a tight connection and a small amount of damping when screwed together. Just like a tripod mount plate. Bit of work but should be solid. If the welds failed tho might not be good!
  17. JL subs rule And they go forever..... ive sold mine now tho
  18. Thats what put me off doing an upgrade. Ive got a Genesis amp and some Rainbow speakers kicking around from a previous install but cant face the havok of ripping out the HU just to fit one that sticks out or doesn look at least oem-ish. (plus im tight)
  19. Im with admiral, when my renweal cam round they had hiked my insurance up by over £100. So i went out and got a couple of other quotes. Adjusted the value of the car based on current market value ( which is what the insurance company will pay out for! ) and hey presto got it about £50 below last years premium and still with admiral!
  20. Thats shocking... Good luck mate lets hope they dont quibble.
  21. Well given that report its the last time I move off the front row....
  22. Grp or gfrp - glass fibre reinforced plastic. Rigid strength depends on thickness - cheap to manufacture and repair. Is hard with little give in it. Tends to be more likly to split under impact. Quality of manufacture can make a big difference in strength. I have had a lot of trouble with my frp spoiler. It was already fitted and i suspect cheap! Urethane what oem stuff is made of normally. Has occasionally been known to sag but much more resiliant and heavier on average than grp. Used in most bumpers etc as is resiliant to bumps. Frp... Fibre reinforced plastic. ..... Depends on the fibre may be carbon or glass (see grp). Carbon... Normally frp and coated with a clear coat. Carbon is very rigid and strong but not as indestructable as you may believe, it can be brittle in some cases. Some carbon weaves also use kevlar or other materials which makes it more resiliant. And carbon looks sweeeeeet...... Generaly you get what you pay for so way up initial cost vs how much hammer its going to have and what it will look like.
  23. Top marks on the first pick... All the mucking about the line up was worth it!
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