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Everything posted by Roo

  1. What a git! Least he could have done is apologise. Well at least you've got him. What a way to hit 350 posts!
  2. Ha ha ha yeah I knew it was summer as soon as I found myself in an accidental convoy with a couple of TVR's and Ferrari (all with the tops down. The tarts.... ) On the footwear front I have no idea how you women drive in those shoes (and some men) let alone walk in them..
  3. Can I be added to the list too. for 2 rear pillars please. Do you need to know application preference and colour? Or are you looking at a standard single colour? 1) rtbiscuit 2) Bradders 3) Dene8 4) Demolition49 5) ikarus (pending pics) 6)Alessandro (pending pics) 7) DoogyRev (pending pics) 8) Ian 9) Maccaman (pending pics) 10) tt350z ( pending pics ) 11) Zugara (pending pics) 12) Jenni86 (pending pics) 13) Toyboy 14) Wasso 15) Elfman 16) shieldsie 17) Roo
  4. Accordinng to nissan they did send an inspector out. He didn't asked for it to be stripped, just listened to the creaking noise and basically agreed with their tech. Sounds like the desk jockeys have made the decision possibly...
  5. Ok so I took the car in to the local Nissan Garage for some warranty work.(Gas struts and creaking rear end) They have been brilliant and took control of sorting it out with the warranty company. Problem is that the Warranty company has agreed t cough up for the gas struts but wont pay for the creaking noise to be fixed. Nissan has diagnosed it as a problem with the drive shaft (Race bearing?) but the warranty company are claiming that as nothing has actually failed (i can only assume the wheels have to fall off) they are not liable for the repair costs. Both Nissan and me are of the opinion that it is rediculous that the waranty company are claiming that the unit has to fail entirely before they replace it as no doubt this could cause more damage. So - has anyone had a similar problem and what are the risks of the unit failing? Nissan are going to talk to their technician tomorrow and find out if they strip the unit down will they be able to demonstrate their is a failed component. And are happy to back me up, they are not happy the warranty company is basically accusing them of making out something is wrong when it isnt. Warranty Company have said if they can prove it is a failed component they will reconsider the claim. So has something failed?? Can any one advise - could it be something else? - What would the risks of not getting it repaired - What is the best approach with the warranty company? I should point out the warranty comapny are not all bad have already offered to replace struts at full cost and have been very polite if a bit dumb...
  6. Wtf? What's wrong with a girl driving a zed? And good call on butler henderson. she's a fine lady driver. No I think id only find it threatening that girl drove a fast car if I was using fast cars to make myself look 'ard and cool. I am well aware that no car is ever going to do that... so I don't feel threatened!
  7. I suspect it would be me needing the life insurance if I did that!
  8. Between the phone and wii fit a tweet is about all ill get
  9. I think I have become the male equivalent of the playstation widow... The +1 got a new phone today (htc desire) and is now un contactable... she has text me from the other end of the sofa.... What's with you people! ... no I don't want to to see me face in blue... Does anyone know how long it lasts?
  10. Id only put this in the yorkshire area but it may be of wider interest. I'm putting together entry for the Harewood House Classic Car Show and Yorkshire Post Motor Show. http://www.harewood.org/whats-on/events/1/291 Plenty to see and do. Entry includes access to the Gardens, Bird Gardens, Under stairs and Domes as well as the show for £5 for a family ticket covering 2 adults and 3 children. (Good for the +1's! - you can book a picnic) I'm collecting entries as club entry has to be on the one form so if interested please add your name to the list in the thread in the yorkshire area. Follow the link below! viewtopic.php?f=87&t=33530&start=15 Any questions let me know!
  11. Agree with you on that- think i just prefered the "feel" of the Lambo too. And sounded awsome.
  12. Everyman booked through buy a gift I should point out I got a biiiig company discount. Was quite busy also.
  13. Well here are some pictures of the day... was very wet GTR was quite ... boring TBH, instructor wouldnt let me properly hoof it and when he finally let me push it I got stuck behind a Aston Martin slow arse! It was pushing up spray all over the place. Car felt very high and un-gainly but went like a rocket. Technically brilliant it may be but the soul isnt there. (miserable barsteward instructor didnt help) Lambo was another story instructor was brilliant - got my foot down and it felt very comfortable. Tight in the corners and buckets of power. Flappy paddle changes were a bit clunky but the drive - brilliant Worth the £160 but would recommend if you choose to go and do this... just take the lambo out for more time
  14. I did a 3rd year essay on this and there are some serious pitfalls to evolution and indeed science as a whole. Evolutionary theory is a logical explanation based on observation. But all theory has a week spot... Biological example. - Bombadier Beetle. A beetle that has developed 2 small chambers to hold 2 liquids which when mixed in a 3rd chamber explode. This explosion propels the caustic liquids out at the attacking predator.... how did that happen? The two liquids on their own offer no advantage, mix them together without the proper chambers and your beetle will spontaneously explode. That would mean an evolutionary "leap" developing the structures and chemistry in one go to obtain any advantage. Science as a whole. - for us to be able to explain the world we need to be able to establish a set of rule. Science seeks to define those rules and explain them. However complexity, chaos, infinite probability etc. Hooked up with uncertenty and issues at a quantum level mean that any Rule can and probably does have an exception. If so there are no rules. And by observing you change the result so are not actually observing impartially. For science to have any meaning requires there to be a rule, a pattern and therfore something outside that is a universal rule that can not be broken. a God rule if you will. All science is based on the assumption at its root of the possibilty of a unifying rule. All science therefore needs God. The philopause. The point at which the you seek the philosophy behind the knowledge not just the knowledge. It's a self contradicting loop basically By the way I did biological sciences and did modules in evolutionary theory, developtmental physiology, phiolosophy of science and such.
  15. Try pensions legislation... it nearly killed me.... Welcome to the club and good luck in the quest!
  16. That's one hell of a burgler deterant As long as its not doctors and nurses .......
  17. Linky viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1781&hilit=Import+spec GT had leather seats and BOSE 7 speaker. Rays were an optional upgrade on all models i believe. Imports apart from the square plate (look for the rear one its not so easy to chage because of plate recess). Look for the headlamp washer jets (look like little squares on the bumper).
  18. does anyone know such a company in the north east? Exhausts UK in sheffield did my last car and was a top job 1st class service. Made and fitted in a day. BUT I don't know if they have a mandrel bender. So would have to be compression bent. You should find custom stainless systems come with a 30+ year waranty tho Just do a trawl of google or the local boy racer network and see who has a good reputation. There are different grades of steel alegedly I think its t305 grade/blend that is the one most decent places use but maybe worth checking as I'm a bit rusty ( booooooo)
  19. I would take the picture to a reputable exhaust fabricator and ask them how much to knock up a copy.
  20. Id probably go for option a... but I might get two for when I screw it up and get it all wonky (or get Roo for one side and +1 for the other )
  21. Very nice I agree on the 2 or 5. Maybe 3 but if its going to be a seperate logo may as well have the website. Would it be possible to get it mirrored? (just the car outline) so they were both facing forward on both sides? otehrwise you have one car facing backwards.
  22. Roo

    Carbon Wrap

    Or get them sprayed, mine are colour coded to car
  23. So which cheese is quicker. Brie or edam. And do cocktail stick/pineapple mods make any difference.
  24. Are they not self adjusting? Mine squeek when cold. Chap at the garage is going to have a look, he thinks it may be a cheap belt.
  25. You can get them with removable facia from about £400 and dvd too http://www.caraudiocentre.co.uk/product ... -25928.htm
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