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Everything posted by sasha@lazytrips

  1. I can. Personal best in a non-zed car: 6 tanks in a day (long drive to Europe ) In a zed I've only ever emptied 3 tanks in one day - until this coming summer that is... [planning on a record-breaking 6-tank 24-hour leg of another trip - more to come soon]
  2. This is pretty much the only reason I ever put the de-mister on - shame it has to waste all that energy doing the rear window too
  3. I assume I am screwed given that both of our cars are completely out of petrol...
  4. I'm not telling nobody what my real name is.
  5. These engines are pretty awesome at high revs too as long as you are not sharply accelerating/descelerating. I did around 300 miles at an average speed of 118 mph through Germany three days ago and filled up with 23 litres remaining in the tank = MPG of around 24. Epic. On a side note, it was pretty busy all the way and I didn't manage to get a clear run at any point, but I did hit 156 mph (251 kph) on one short stretch and the car was still pulling very strongly when I had to slow down for traffic ahead. This is SatNav speed (speedo was showing 165-170 mph) so there goes my preconception that there is a 155mph speedo limiter.
  6. The standard liquids supplied by Alex are spot on for what you'd want to stick into your car. I would go with his advice and products as a huge number of people here do regularly.
  7. It lasts until Sunday and we'll be going on the Friday. Will be a lot less busy than the first few days and the first weekend which is a bonus.
  8. Hi guys, As some of you may know, I am currently working on a new travel venture, so seeing as I just updated my signature I thought I'd do a mini-introduction. I love going out and about around Europe and seeing as there is a distinct lack of any useful information about road trips through the Old World, I thought I'd go out and make one. Work is ongoing, but we're now getting somewhere and information is now going to pour our over the coming weeks and months. The purpose of the site will be to be a hub for people who love to travel at their own pace without stress. If you are a fan of exploring new places and making the most of your travel rather than staying put in an all-inclusive for 2 weeks, then you're the sort of person we think would be interested. The new site is called http://www.LazyTrips.com and is now live in its beta format. We will be expanding considerably over the next month as the main work to-date was the construction of the site infrastructure and the in-house development of a content management system. If you're thinking of driving around southern Spain, here's the first sample trip: Road Trip: Mediterranean Spain. Just to clarify: I am not selling anything, offering any travel services or products or soliciting any other business - just thought that this could be interesting to people who like their trips to be lazy. Cheers, Sasha P.S. I'm off to Geneva tomorrow (taking the zed) and will then go to Zurich, Ischgl in Austria for a week of skiing and then back through German autobahns with a stop-over in Ghent. Expect a lot of pictures including the Geneva Motor Show when I get back
  9. Alternatively you could buy a £1.99 bottle of white and fart into it.
  10. or you could buy yourself a samsung/htc android phone of your choice, buy an equally ugly case for it and hey presto. You've got 2500 Euro change.
  11. Only downside is that it'll only support up to 275 grams. My Pentax K5 weighs in at best part of a kilo, so don't think it's gonna hold up
  12. How bad can it be for £1.69? Can be very useful for low light/hdr photos...
  13. Best part is that the person who is selling these lives in Texas with its notoriously cold weather making sheepskin covers a necessity.
  14. This is an absolute bargain. I bought mine in 2009 when the car was listed for very similar money (I knocked off a bit on top though ) and here's what I got (which was a very decent deal): age of car: Mine was 5 years 3 months old. Yours is 4 years max. Milage was 47k. Yours is 1/3 of that. Plus mine did not have ferodo pads or filter which I would have loved if I was buying. How nobody has bought this is beyond me.
  15. Your choice as to whether you want more 'sound' or more ponies.
  16. I very strongly dislike taxes which are collected in inappropriate ways for the purpose for which said taxes are apparently required. Council tax is a perfect example of this. If we are paying for road maintenance, local services such as schools, parks, etc and other services such as bin collections, then how does the size or value of your house have anything to do with the cost of providing any of these services? Surely the only thing that does affect this cost is the number of people living at the address and as such the tax should be based on that factor much like poll tax. If the government feels that the introduction of a mini-mansion tax is appropriate to fund other areas of governmental spending and to reduce the budget deficit by introducing a tax based on the value of any properties you hold, then it would be fair to base this tax on a valuation of your home and/or its size (whether or not such a tax should exist is a separate question and I am completely against it). I firmly believe that the major reason why people are opposed to so many of the UK's taxes is because of the lack of transparency in what these taxes are used for and a completely unfair system through which they are collected. Note that Council Tax is most definitely not the only example. Here are a couple others: 1. National Insurance contributions: There is no national pension fund and none of the 'contributions' that you pay through this tax are put aside into any form of a savings instrument. This money is spent as part of the annual budget, on an array of matters. Even the popular argument of this money paying for the currently retired people is absurd as surely the 'contributions' that these people have paid for decades should be paying for their pensions? 2. Vehicle Excise Duty: Commonly known as road tax, there has been no link with the roads for over 70 years. The tax collected is based on emissions, yet none of this money is spent on removing the emitted gases from the atmosphere or investing in green technology. In addition, do brand new cars emit twice as much carbon monoxide for exactly 1 year before reverting to a standard emission process? Until the government stops just introducing add-ons to an ancient tax system and puts in a radical shake-up to drag it into the 21st century and explain to people simply what the tax is for and why it is collected in the way it is, not much is going to change in the country's economic situation.
  17. Brilliant - that has to be Karma He wasn't very calm He said I wasn't welcome in his shop anymore, to which I replied it was overpriced anyway, I wouldn't even buy it at half the price What you really should have done is bought yourself ANOTHER ONE, then taken the original faulty one back and got the money back from the more expensive purchase. Bob's your uncle.
  18. Unfortunately having worked in the financial and energy sectors doing a lot of mathematical modelling, I have severe doubts about how advanced the formulae used to calculate driver risks are and how complex the relationships between correlated variables are within them. What I mean here is... What I would consider gentle controlled acceleration off the traffic lights would be a boyracer smoking their tyres in a drag race in their 1.2 corsa. What would be a very comfortable and effortless cruise down the motorway would be car-juddering stupidity in a 0.8 micra and I would still be able to brake in half the time & distance from 70 than a 10yr old astra with halfords brakes from 30. These are all cheap gimmicks and only work for very young drivers who benefit from cheap insurance for not driving at night and having more restricted distance limits.
  19. your best bet is to place an order at www.uselessmods.pl - finest polish plenums on demand.
  20. Apparently when you break 147.3 mph, the convertible roof goes down before a metal one replaces it and wings appear out of the side skirts for take off.
  21. On the contrary, I think it is very much you who is missing the point of the thread and the original question. There is absolutely no point in comparing the performance of a £25k touring car to supercars or boyracer straight-line demons. Nobody is trying to claim that the zed is god's gift to humankind and is far superior to every single other car that has ever been made. To make it simple, here's a couple of examples of your sort of logic applied to other situations: 1. Quatar Airways first class sux big time because it is far less luxurious and comfortable than my private jet and does not come with a personal champagne filled cabinet or a widescreen satellite TV. 2. The cul-de-sack house in Surrey that somebody bought for £300k is rubbish because it is not a huge Penthouse in the heart of London with a private swimming pool and a harem permanently stationed in the bedroom. 3. What sort of an imbecile would drive along the gorgeous scenic road that meanders through small coastal Italian towns in some of Europe's most picturesque areas when you can drive down the motorway and get down south 4x faster?
  22. When I say perfectly I mean that I can and have parked on the steepest possible hills using handbrake alone and the car is absolutely secure. cool now that sounds pretty good gives me hope It can be cleaned up and got working correctly, Im asusming they took the discs off and cleaned up the brake shoes etc nicely to get that level of performance? No idea, but the car used to slip on the slightest gradient no matter how tightly I pulled the handbrake It was on a massive to-do list and when I picked the car up the handbrake worked like it should
  23. When I say perfectly I mean that I can and have parked on the steepest possible hills using handbrake alone and the car is absolutely secure.
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