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UK GE - The Results



71 members have voted

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Non doms pay loads of tax, they pay uk tax on all uk source income and on any income they bring into the uk. Most non doms also pay tax in other countries which we'd then take a tax credit for anyway, meaning that they couldn't be charged more uk tax on top as tax treaties prevent double taxation. A lot of people pay £30,000, £50,000 or £90,000 depending on how long they've been here to keep that non dom status. Most of the non doms currently claiming it are people like visiting teachers who claim their overseas income is less than £2,000 which changes nothing for the UK as they'd be able to cancel it out with tax credits. It's a stupid thing to get rid of as it brings SO much money into the UK. The people they're trying to catch by getting rid of it are so rich that they'll just leave, meaning that the UK will miss out on an absolute heap of cash, the top few thousand non doms currently contribute 4% of UK tax revenues, all of that will vanish over night.

So why is it you're capable of explaining a point clearly and succinctly without sounding like someone who wants to rip the heart out of every low income tax payer, but Cameron can't? It's common sense, and when explained perfectly like that there really shouldn't be an argument against it.

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Out of curiosity, I just tried googling the following:


Why not to vote...




Lib Dem


The results? In order:







So working on that basis, there's fewer reasons NOT to vote for UKIP than any of the other parties. ;)


Sound logic :D

I've voted (last year) and I vote Liberal Democrats, We've seen how thats turned out.

Not sure I trust myself anymore

Edited by CJRamze
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Find out in advance which mental groups you can vote for :lol:




In Woking I have a choice of:






Magna Carta Conservation Party Great Britain

Liberal Democrat

Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol

The Evolution Party


Magna Carta party anyone?! :lol:


"Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol" was actually on my ballot paper this morning! Considering my constituency is about 61% Tory my vote really won't count for much, even if I vote Tory about 46% of that 61% would be uncounted... I was so tempted! At least voting for the Cannabis party might make a difference, and I don't even smoke.

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Find out in advance which mental groups you can vote for :lol:




In Woking I have a choice of:






Magna Carta Conservation Party Great Britain

Liberal Democrat

Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol

The Evolution Party


Magna Carta party anyone?! :lol:


"Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol" was actually on my ballot paper this morning! Considering my constituency is about 61% Tory my vote really won't count for much, even if I vote Tory about 46% of that 61% would be uncounted... I was so tempted! At least voting for the Cannabis party might make a difference, and I don't even smoke.


I tried to look up the magna carta party to see what their policies are. Their website is very weird and doesn't contain a lot of information :lol:

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Here's a reason to vote UKIP!


I can put up with a bit of casual racism if I get to drive a Cossie without paying road tax.


At last something sensible from them.


British cars only yeah? ;)


Oh crap, given I currently drive a Japanese Electric car I better start doing the paper work for a immigration permit on the thing....Oh wait but it's built in the UK, maybe if I paint some St George's cross on the number plates I can sneak it pass the immigration police :)

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pack of people that I don't know with a reputation that precedes them


And you accuse me of stereotyping ;) I suppose you have extensive knowledge of them based on your experiences, or did you just watch Snatch once or twice :)


I offered an opinion on why i believed the women in question wasnt necessarily being racist and used an example i thought could be relevant.


Subsequently i am, homophobic but also a closet homosexual, not sure you can have both, but whatever makes you both feel comfortable with your opinion and i need to open my mind ;)


To be fair, i have put forward an opinion, i know what i am and what i am not and neither care for two people i dont know choosing to be get personal and making accusations towards me.


Just for the record i voted Ukip so also must be racist.

Edited by Jetpilot
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I feel uncomfortable around gays (on the most part), does that make me homophobic, no, i can categorically tell you i am not, each to their own and fill your boots. If you have not had exposure to gays or negros in any degree of course their appearance or way of life may make you feel uncomfortable imho. But actively be prejudice against them, lol, i have far better things to do with my time.


She was no way discriminating about Negros (which isnt a race by the way), just she felt uncomfortable, perfectly plausible and perfectly rational for an old woman who probably didnt see a black fella until she was our age ;) You want to see it as racist, so you will and you will draw your own conclusions from an innocent comment and we will once again be arguing opinions.


You and Ekona are right though, i am sure there are some black sheep (is that racist?) in Ukip and hopefully as the party gathers strength and popularity they will root these people out and become far more credible, i could hardly see that old dear out at a BNP rally though.


See I'm confused about that one, I've got no idea why someones orientation or skin colour would make you uncomfortable... If however a Mountain Lion came along and wanted to ask questions about your political agenda or sit with you at the pub then I agree, time to feel uncomfortable.


Sadly I am not eloquent enough to explain It then, or you just see It differently. I was just trying to perhaps offer a view from how she feels. I dont feel uncomfortable around negros, but do gays, just suggesting it doesnt automatically make you predujice to not feel comfortable around certain groups, but as Ekona mentions, they are both sensitive subjects, i have been called to rights before on here for comments made about Louis Spence.


Would you feel comfortable If you wandered Into a pikey campsite for example?


How about someone that you have known for ages who 'comes out' would it change your relationship with them?


I take it you also wouldn't feel uncomfortable around lesbians (good looking ones obviously) :lol:


Not having a dig, my best mate is probably the most homophobic guy I know, doesn't make him a bad person he is a family man through and through and he wouldn't be my best mate if he was a bigot... funnily enough his favourite band are Queen, but try and tell him that Freddie was a gay icon and he will argue till he is blue in the face, according to him Freddie never came out and nobody knew he was gay until after he died :headhurt:

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There is the kicker i have known and been in many social situations with gay men, when i had hair my hairdresser was one and one of the funny guys you will ever meet, but there were times i felt uncomfortable, it was a simple analogy i was trying to make.


To answer your question, yes it probably would in all honesty, as it probably would for them too, its not a one way street is it :)


I have said enough on the topic, if anyone feels they still want to debate my opinion or cast aspersions, please feel free to pm me :)

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I think I'm still the one and only person in this poll who went for the Lib Dems. I feel quite special and unique (not in a dodgy way). :)


Didn't expect this amount of defection from the Lib Dem voters!!....Where have all the support gone?? Loosing the independence referendum has been the best thing for the SNP votes....At this rate England will be all Blue. Still better the devil you know...

Edited by gangzoom
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