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Unused Z (for 3yrs+)..


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I hope you don't mind this being only my second post on this forum, but I wanted to ask for a bit of advice. Every day, I walk past a house near to where I live. Outside the house is a Daytona Blue 350Z, 54 plate.


The thing which gets me is that this particular car has been stood outside the house, unused, for at least the past 3 years. To the point where the panel gaps are now green and it has weeds/nettles growing around it in the summer...


The guy who owns the car is still driving, but he's got a Volvo Estate. I'm so so tempted to speak with him to find out why the Z is sat there unused (not even covered up), and I'm half tempted to make him a cheeky offer to take it off his driveway. But before I do that, I'd want to know what potential problems I could run into, given that it's not moved for a good few years...! Are there any problems, specific to a 350Z, which would occur from a lack of use?


Thanks in advance for the advice. I've attached a photo of the car in question.


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If it's been stood for as long as you say then potentially it could need;

  • New tyre's all round.
  • Fluids: brake fluid, clutch fluid (both hygroscopic fluids), coolant fluid.
  • Battery.
  • Oil & filter.

Also if you follow the service schedule for the 350Z it could potentially also need other items like new spark plugs etc depending on whether they have been replaced correctly at the mileage/age specific intervals.

Service schedule for a 350Z here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/31110-service-schedule-for-a-350z/


Could be a good buy still though if you can get it cheaply enough. Also worth checking that mice or similar haven't made it their home & chewed through wiring etc if it has been outside for years. :thumbs:

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This of course assumes that it not on the drive due to the owner blowing the engine limping home and never getting round to fixing it, in which case a new battery, plugs and tyres are not gonna do a lot of good ;)


You need to speak to the owner and establish if it is for sale, if so why it is parked up and then how much.


You may get lucky and get a bargain you may not but if you don't ask you will never know :thumbs:

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I once left a car on my drve for about 12 months.


calipers seized, interior was full of mould, (convertable), and then theres the obvious things like battery.


3yrs... i would make an offer. but bear in mind it will need work (£££) to get it up to spec again.

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Whackywill - The car is in Worcester.


I think I'll speak to the guy tomorrow to try to find out the story behind it (and whether he's willing to let it go!).


I think I just heard the Zed Shed Mobile fire up.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by BulletMagnet
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