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Why oh why, weddings


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What a nightmare, relatives taken into care, friends cancelling, friends falling out with me. Seriously why do weddings bring out the worst in people?


All I want is a fun, happy day and there's just a shitty arse storm brewing up.

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Take some control, its your wedding ........... dont invite anyone you arent both agreed on, try and limit family to as few as possible and generally do what you want to do. If youre paying for it yourself then anyone who moans can jog right on, if one of your sets of parents are paying and its causing stress then sack them off and do what you want to do.


You only get to do it once and despite what they might think its not about the mother in laws - Id put your foot down with a heavy hand and tell them what YOU want is what is going to happen. I did and it worked like a charm, I had an amazing time :)


PRO TIP: If you can manage it, do all of the planning outside of table decorations and wedding dresses yourself, its actually not that bad but as soon as you involve the bride and her mother it becomes carnage, trust me :lol:

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Take some control, its your wedding ........... dont invite anyone you arent both agreed on, try and limit family to as few as possible and generally do what you want to do. If youre paying for it yourself then anyone who moans can jog right on, if one of your sets of parents are paying and its causing stress then sack them off and do what you want to do.


You only get to do it once and despite what they might think its not about the mother in laws - Id put your foot down with a heavy hand and tell them what YOU want is what is going to happen. I did and it worked like a charm, I had an amazing time :)


PRO TIP: If you can manage it, do all of the planning outside of table decorations and wedding dresses yourself, its actually not that bad but as soon as you involve the bride and her mother it becomes carnage, trust me :lol:


Great advice but we're balls deep now and all those mistakes have been made.

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Take some control, its your wedding ........... dont invite anyone you arent both agreed on, try and limit family to as few as possible and generally do what you want to do. If youre paying for it yourself then anyone who moans can jog right on, if one of your sets of parents are paying and its causing stress then sack them off and do what you want to do.


You only get to do it once and despite what they might think its not about the mother in laws - Id put your foot down with a heavy hand and tell them what YOU want is what is going to happen. I did and it worked like a charm, I had an amazing time :)


PRO TIP: If you can manage it, do all of the planning outside of table decorations and wedding dresses yourself, its actually not that bad but as soon as you involve the bride and her mother it becomes carnage, trust me :lol:


Great advice but we're balls deep now and all those mistakes have been made.


Never too late to cancel and start again mate ........... but if it is then my advice would be to call a meeting with those who are currently f*cking up your plans, take a deep breath and tell them what the actual score is i.e. this is our day and you are making us dread it.


Best case everyone appreciates and gets off your back, worst case you fall out with them so dont have to invite them anymore. I think thats called a win/win situation ;)

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Had a nice registry office do, 24 close friends and family at a restaurant for luncn on the Thursday, party at the local golf club on the Saturday, Honeymoon in South Africa on the Tuesday. A nice compromise and we both thouroughly enjoyed it. :)

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Real friends will help and they won't care about anything other than your enjoyment of the day. I had to get rid of an usher because he was useless and couldn't even make it to the suit fittings he was told to be at 6 months previously.


Try not to worry too much, most people will understand and if they become unreasonable maybe it says something about them. I had a friend that I forgot to put a place for on the seating plan and we literally hadn't set him anywhere. When it was discovered, he laughed and found a slot big enough for him to squeeze into whilst the venue sorted his cutlery etc. He was more worried about us getting stressed because we felt so bad than him possibly having to stand all night :lol:

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Real friends will help and they won't care about anything other than your enjoyment of the day. I had to get rid of an usher because he was useless and couldn't even make it to the suit fittings he was told to be at 6 months previously.


Try not to worry too much, most people will understand and if they become unreasonable maybe it says something about them. I had a friend that I forgot to put a place for on the seating plan and we literally hadn't set him anywhere. When it was discovered, he laughed and found a slot big enough for him to squeeze into whilst the venue sorted his cutlery etc. He was more worried about us getting stressed because we felt so bad than him possibly having to stand all night :lol:

You want awesome friends who will get up and dance to one song by request of the bride, whilst sober and making an absolute tit of your self! ;)
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Real friends will help and they won't care about anything other than your enjoyment of the day. I had to get rid of an usher because he was useless and couldn't even make it to the suit fittings he was told to be at 6 months previously.


Try not to worry too much, most people will understand and if they become unreasonable maybe it says something about them. I had a friend that I forgot to put a place for on the seating plan and we literally hadn't set him anywhere. When it was discovered, he laughed and found a slot big enough for him to squeeze into whilst the venue sorted his cutlery etc. He was more worried about us getting stressed because we felt so bad than him possibly having to stand all night :lol:

You want awesome friends who will get up and dance to one song by request of the bride, whilst sober and making an absolute tit of your self! ;)


Hence why you came :lol:

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My niece is getting married next year - but my sister (her mother) is a complete control freak and has NO taste whatsoever


this is a train wreck brewing - we're keeping well out of it (apart from the fact that my daughter will be a bridesmaid) - you should have seen some of the bridesmaid dresses my sister has put forward :yuck: - we have put a very firm foot down on those

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Having just got married 3 weeks ago I know exactly how you feel.


The planning went on for over a year and the day went super fast and we didnt even get to notice half of the stuff we planned. But the guests had a great time and so did we.


Best advice I can give, book a nice honeymoon early on, and go on it if possible straight after the wedding, that way you have a holiday to look forward to when the planning gets you down. Worked well for us.


Be firm with others, its your day and nicely listen to peoples ideas and suggestions, then do what the two of you want to do.


And last tip, negociate with all the suppliers, seriously I didnt pay full price for anything. The margins they all make on wedding stuff is high so they can always negociate down.


Good luck and all the best - remember it will be a great day.



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Protip: Book your wedding for Christmas time, as then you don't have to worry about decorating or colour schemes as all venues have their decorations up by then anyway ;)



Best thing I ever did, get married Xmas Eve. Everyone is off work so no-one can't make it, and everyone is in a good mood as well so up for a good time.

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While we're here, wedding favours.



No. Just no.



I'm paying for you to have a full slap-up meal, and the drinks too. No way I'm shelling out a bunch of cash on pointless little bags of pretty stuff that you're only going to throw away or leave behind.

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While we're here, wedding favours.



No. Just no.



I'm paying for you to have a full slap-up meal, and the drinks too. No way I'm shelling out a bunch of cash on pointless little bags of pretty stuff that you're only going to throw away or leave behind.


Or turn into a projectile :boxing: :boxing:

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