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what speed do you think the law should allow?


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If you stop youngsters driving at night then how will they ever get any experience at driving at night on backroads etc? or how would they get to their backshift/nightshift jobs? can't ban them from having passengers as what if the passenger of the car is their child?(only have to be 16 to legally have one) are they meant to send them in a taxi to the destination then follow them there? remove the speed limits form the motor ways and the halfwits will quickly wipe themselves out in the first few months.

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For the record, I'm completely against any kind of enforced black box, even for speeders or the newly passed. Insist they have them, and it's a slippery slope until we all have one and fun hoons are essentially banned. That would be an incredibly dark day for motoring, mark my words.


Docwra has it right when he mentions that there is appalling driving standards in this country, and that is far more of an issue than the current speed limits with regards to non-flowing traffic as well as accidents. Until we sort this out by compulsory retests every few years, it'll never go away. Even now, I get close to feeling physically sick if I'm on a multi-lane road and there is a gap to my left I could pull into, so I do so.


Pull over I mean, not be sick ;) I've no idea how MLMs can just sit there and not realise that they ARE the problem.

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If you stop youngsters driving at night then how will they ever get any experience at driving at night on backroads etc? or how would they get to their backshift/nightshift jobs? can't ban them from having passengers as what if the passenger of the car is their child?(only have to be 16 to legally have one) are they meant to send them in a taxi to the destination then follow them there? remove the speed limits form the motor ways and the halfwits will quickly wipe themselves out in the first few months.


With the child, it just works the same as buying booze. If im 18 and have i.d and with my friend who doesnt have i.d., they wont sell it. If i have a 4year old, that wont stop me buying.


So yes, if your 21 or under when you get your first years insurance, there should be a limitation. Certain reasons i.e your wife is 18, if you have child together then yes thats allowed. But if your 18 year old with no child, you dont need passengers. You got along for 18years using the bus, your friends can do the same for 6months. I, like every person on here, when i got my liscence it was all about showing off your car instead of learning how to drive properly first.



For the record, I'm completely against any kind of enforced black box, even for speeders or the newly passed. Insist they have them, and it's a slippery slope until we all have one and fun hoons are essentially banned. That would be an incredibly dark day for motoring, mark my words.


Docwra has it right when he mentions that there is appalling driving standards in this country, and that is far more of an issue than the current speed limits with regards to non-flowing traffic as well as accidents. Until we sort this out by compulsory retests every few years, it'll never go away. Even now, I get close to feeling physically sick if I'm on a multi-lane road and there is a gap to my left I could pull into, so I do so.


Pull over I mean, not be sick ;) I've no idea how MLMs can just sit there and not realise that they ARE the problem.


Retests wont fix the driving capability. If their able to pass the test they can pass it again. The thing is, all these cautious safety proned drivers are the ones crashing and causing crashes. Slowing down when theres no cars in fromt. Experienced drivers who read ahead of the road can see its clear, yet miss.daisy is slowing from 70 to 30 in a second because her sliproad is comng up in 2miles.


They pay attention during the test because, its a test. As soon as they pass their sticking on their makeup in the car, texting, muckin around with mates in the car trying to drift their front wheel drive saxo thinking its a wrx because they put a ripspeed air intake in.


Edited by ddcboyle
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How else do you train drivers and ensure driving standards remain high? Personally I'm all for the name and shame (using ANPR to broadcast number plates of people who are driving like an idiot, and using that word too), but it'll never happen because everyone is afraid of offending any one.


I genuinely can't see an alternative to frequent retests. Not as in the same as the standard driving test, but more based on observation and car control rather than making you reverse park.

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........................................ remove the speed limits form the motor ways and the halfwits will quickly wipe themselves out in the first few months.


Its who they take with them that worries me :scare:

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Speed should be related to the conditions and the driver skill. I know some people I'd not trust to drive my granny down to the shops - but if you prove the ability -


I'd suggest something like 3 different bands - default means you drive at current speeds (as directed by the current signs) but if you pass an additional test (and you'd have to pay a fee for taking a second test) and you pass - you're given say, blue number plates and you can drive at 20mph above the mimits


Take 3rd test and win red plates, you're allowed 40mph above limits


The test should be realistic - and only apply in fine conditions (driving at high speed in rain = unsafe)


I genuinely believe there are some people unsafe at even the current speeds but drivers with proven skill levels are safe at higher than the current limits. (Consider - police can exceed the limits in certain conditions beause they have the training / skill and are in properly maintained and safe vehicles - I see no reason why I shouldn't be included in this catagory. (I'm a member of the IAM, for instance))


So - pass the test, prove the adequacy of your vehicle - qualify for higher speed travel.


Of course, the chances of this happening are about the same as me being elected pope (and I'm CofE !!!) and I am convinced that the world will be dictated to by the "All divers of sports cars should be lobotomised" brigade and I also believe that we'll all be FORCED into self driving cars to follow behind 1.0 eco-diesel micocars at with zero driver control, so in the end you'll feel like lobotomising yourself, but hey, the OP asked the question.


As a matter of interest, i also think you should be allowed to take a 3rd test where you qualify for an automatic shotgun so you'd be allowed to blow away those stupid numpties that get in your way and dither about right turns at junctions and drive at 50mph in the middle lane, but, there you go, I know that aint gonna happen, either!

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How else do you train drivers and ensure driving standards remain high? Personally I'm all for the name and shame (using ANPR to broadcast number plates of people who are driving like an idiot, and using that word too), but it'll never happen because everyone is afraid of offending any one.


I genuinely can't see an alternative to frequent retests. Not as in the same as the standard driving test, but more based on observation and car control rather than making you reverse park.


I cant see why a tracker wouldnt be an appropriate tester to see how they drive. So the process would be;

Driving theory

Driving lessons

Driving test

Car with tracker for 6months

If serious, you can lose liscence, if not Point out your flaws in driving at the end of the 6months, and retest on key points. If they pass that, the tracker is removed.


People wont forget about some smelly old man sitting next to them with clipboard. But youll forget that box when your mates are like "aw theres some fit girls in that car follow them". And yeah, nobody right now will say to their mates "sorry lads im being safe" cus you domt want to be the wimp. But a tracker installed, theres your get out of jail free card.

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Speed should be related to the conditions and the driver skill. I know some people I'd not trust to drive my granny down to the shops - but if you prove the ability -


I'd suggest something like 3 different bands - default means you drive at current speeds (as directed by the current signs) but if you pass an additional test (and you'd have to pay a fee for taking a second test) and you pass - you're given say, blue number plates and you can drive at 20mph above the mimits


Take 3rd test and win red plates, you're allowed 40mph above limits


The test should be realistic - and only apply in fine conditions (driving at high speed in rain = unsafe)


I genuinely believe there are some people unsafe at even the current speeds but drivers with proven skill levels are safe at higher than the current limits. (Consider - police can exceed the limits in certain conditions beause they have the training / skill and are in properly maintained and safe vehicles - I see no reason why I shouldn't be included in this catagory. (I'm a member of the IAM, for instance))


So - pass the test, prove the adequacy of your vehicle - qualify for higher speed travel.


Of course, the chances of this happening are about the same as me being elected pope (and I'm CofE !!!) and I am convinced that the world will be dictated to by the "All divers of sports cars should be lobotomised" brigade and I also believe that we'll all be FORCED into self driving cars to follow behind 1.0 eco-diesel micocars at with zero driver control, so in the end you'll feel like lobotomising yourself, but hey, the OP asked the question.


As a matter of interest, i also think you should be allowed to take a 3rd test where you qualify for an automatic shotgun so you'd be allowed to blow away those stupid numpties that get in your way and dither about right turns at junctions and drive at 50mph in the middle lane, but, there you go, I know that aint gonna happen, either!


Different tests seems like good idea. I.e advanced driving course which the police and mmilitary do, things like how to take over correctly, regain control after a slide etx. However, cant do plate colours. If my missus ddrivesmy car, ill need to change plates every morning. But I get what you mean.


Issue I have is.. police sit there on roads pulling over people doing 50 in a 40. Like, really? Not that bad an offence if the road should be a 50. They should be on motorways pulling over some of the idiots. Had to call police about 5 times on other motorists because they cant stay in their lane, probably due to them being drunk or doing some makeup.

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And then you can drive like a tit when they remove the tracker, according to your theory ;)

:lol: I know what you mean, but surely thats going to get them better at readinf roads being safe for 6months then boot the car buthaving some experience. Rather than doing crap test, booting the car unsafely and then do another test whixh youll pass because you have examiner there?

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There's some really good opinions going on here. I so believe that road conditions should dictate the speed limits. That happens in Europe, as such rain or snow limits are reduced and clearly marked.


I believe we should be in line with Europe at least, especially motorways.


Motorways at night should be given free reign to increase upto 100mph. That's the majority of drivers who like to go above the norm. Either way the standard of driving needs to improve in the UK. Re-tests every 10 years. Elderly every 5 years. There's older folk who are behind the wheel on the motorway doing 56mph in the middle lane with cars undertaking and overtaking. Its bonkers.


I'm quite happy with suburban speed limits. Just ditch the speed cameras!!


Either way nothing will happen in the UK because we aren't Europe savy. We want nothing to do with the Euro and secondly we want out of Europe WTF! Okay so that'll bring back duty free yeeeha! But England sucks!! The end!!




For reference on the safest road checkout this data. I actually thought Germany would be far better than it was.



Edited by Wasso
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Speed cameras. The cause of most accidents supposedly. And not because people are speeding. But becausr they panic when they go round a bend.


Youll find 60% of cameras dont actually work (except mobile) due to the government handing over all responsibilities to councils to cover admin and fees of running them. Most councils just chinned them off. The automatic no film ones are majority that work, along with non flash and the red light cameras.


As much as I do... em... have fun on roads, I do believe speed cameras should be there, within reason. Not on a bend in the road, stupid government what were they thinking. Places like 20mph etx areas are good.


As for signs on the road. Why not have a speed limit sign that is controlled. I.e. when its wet, it says "50mph be careful", or snowing "40mph black ice risk" and then if its like 4am in morning just have a little logo with <100 drive within capabilities. And if the police see a gee wiz going 100, or even 90, pull that man over, cus those things cant cope at 5mph.


And more undercover police. Those guys are cool, can do 85 without them getting fussy but they actually do pull over idiots on the road

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On motorways, maybe. However I'd prefer the inside lane being reserved for those who've taken advanced driving lessons allowing them to go up to 100mph. If you aren't qualified and go into it, £1000 fine.


Thats a goos idea, but would need to have more police on roads instead of cameras. If 2 cars are doing 50mph in inside and middle lane, gns have to overtake.


Personally, I think there should be a personal numberplate for individual drivers in the uk. One a cop car can scan. So when you drive somewhere the police know who is meant to be driving that car and experience. Not a big plate, just like one for those who pass advanced driving courses.


1000 might be excessive though :lol: but yeah a nice big 500 should do the trick.


Police just need proper computers in their cars so they can mark down notes on registrations so other police can view. I.e. "pulled for doing 40 in 30, warning given, 1st july 2013"

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Motorways at night should be given free reign to increase up to 100mph.


The problem is that much of the motorway network is really busy till maybe midnight and then starts getting busy again around 7 in the morning, The M1 towards London is probably busy 24/7, I guess The M25 is the same, and some of the worst motorway accidents have been at night or very early in the morning. I would however concede that maybe a 12/24 month trial on a couple of designated motorways would be a good idea, one of them The M6 Toll, the other say a 40/50 mile stretch of the main M6 around Staffordshire/Cheshire. There are definitely problems though with high speed driving in the early hours of the morning (especially in unlit areas), you don't react as quickly, and distances are more difficult to judge.


The other thing I would add was that 100mph would in reality be 110mph and the vast majority of U.K drivers will have very little experience of these sorts of speeds for any length of time. Just a thought :) .




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As for signs on the road. Why not have a speed limit sign that is controlled. I.e. when its wet, it says "50mph be careful", or snowing "40mph black ice risk"


They have those now on Motorways don't they?




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In France it's 80 when conditions are good and 70 when conditions are bad (i.e. raining / low visibility).


I think a similar rule would be good.


However, I'd prefer to see more police on the road judging and using their discretion for people's driving rather than cameras which don't tell the full picture. Though ultimately I know it costs more to have more police patrolling...

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99 MPH, so if you get caught doing 105 allowing for your spedo inaccuracy, call it 100 MPH.


This will cost you £1k, but no ban, no points, so you can do the same again and give them another £1k..every time, until you learn.. Solved :scare: :scare:

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People say the speed limit was set at 70 back when car tyres/brakes were terrible, and they were - but the motorways were also significantly emptier as the traffic was significantly less - something people seem to never think about.


Most cars seem to be doing sub 80 on the motorways I travel regularly (M5/M6/M42/M40/M1) so not sure quite where everyone says most are doing 85/90. Some do, but not the majority by any stretch - and definitely not "everyone".


As for no limits? Its bad enough with retards pulling out infront of you without consideration (or tail gating others as they leave it to the last second to brake) without making the closing speed 50+ mph. Lorries and other vehicles would need to be kept at lower speeds for obvious reasons :D And then this makes overtaking more risky given how bad drivers are. And then there is rubber necking accidents or "things of distraction".


Prevent new drivers from travelling on motorways until they pass a further test, fit black boxes for the first 3 years of driving, require 2 stage driving test with a re-test every 10 years to nip the bad habits and increase overall ability. Oh, and enforce speed restrictions :D


See enough awful driving whenever I am on the motorway without the quite frightening thought of removing the limits. Sure a few extra deaths, but it's bad enough when every other Friday it takes 3-4 hours to get home instead of 90 minutes due to accidents and "stopping for no reason" on the M6. Change limits and it'd be every bleeding day.


80mph upper limit.

Edited by Mike
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im strongly against a black box/restrictions on new drivers. When i was 17/18 the ability to drive got me my first job, with a 5am start on saturdays, sometimes picking up a mate along the way. after that i had a series of jobs that required start/finish times at silly hours. None of which would be possible without a car.


My opinion is is that we should get rid of all ''speeding'' offenses and replace them with dangerous driving ones. If your doing 100 down the motorway at 3am you fine, you do the same during the day or in a built up area you get a ban/hefty fine. We should also crack down on bellends who drive a daewoo matiz, think they can out accelerate a 350z then try and change lanes by turning into your front wing in the hope you'll move over (i didnt, and he had a 7 mile trip down the m1 to the next roundabout). People on phones should also be fined alot more than they are now. people who dont wear seat belts should be left alone, its their own life and i think toll roads should be restriction free at night.

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On motorways, maybe. However I'd prefer the inside lane being reserved for those who've taken advanced driving lessons allowing them to go up to 100mph. If you aren't qualified and go into it, £1000 fine.

Why would the inside lane be designated for advanced drivers? Surley it would be the outside lane?

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People say the speed limit was set at 70 back when car tyres/brakes were terrible, and they were - but the motorways were also significantly emptier as the traffic was significantly less - something people seem to never think about.


It's quite strange looking at the road death figures back then, around 8,000 a year despite as you say significantly less traffic. Of course there was no M.O.T back then so lots of death traps on the road, there was no minimum tyre tread depth, no seat belts or air bags, no crash helmets for motorcyclists. On the other hand though a fast car back then only did 90-95 and not that many would pull much more than 80 in the early 60's :shrug: . If you had a car that'd do the ton then you were quite somebody :lol: ..


The thing is that the government and previous governments don't want the bad press that'll come with any increase in road casualties, the road safety lobby will say "told you so", so as I read it don't hold your breath waiting for any changes.




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