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rob d

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I think the police usually give you that option (if available) in the post along with the speeding ticket?


Depends on the constabulary - each area has its own rules but it's generally for people who have 'unwittingly' crept over the limit. Unfortunately for doing 45mph in a 30mph zone they probably wont offer it because it's too far over the limit. I think it's usually along the lines of 10% + an extra 3-4mph.

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Around here it's 10% +6 mph of the posted limit, ie 39 max in a 30 limit and so on. When Caroline worked for Flintshire County Council she processed about 10 cheques a day for The Speed Awareness Course. I'm not sure if these were generated by camera or police stops or what percentage of speeding offences they covered. The course around here costs £80 and you can only attend it once in any 3 year period. Also, you have to bear in mind that if you're for example doing 36 but the police consider you are going excessively quickly for the conditions then you won't get offered the course.




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The future Mrs glrnet's youngest has just been offered a 4 hour speed awareness course in lieu of 3 points, now £95.00 :scare: She's taken it though :thumbs:


See if you can do a drivers awareness course instead. Its what i did. Course costs £60 takes 4 hours of your life but does away with the 3 points :)





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The police, do as I say not as I do. I had a copper tailgate me to the point I could not see his lights the other day. Honestly for what it's worth he should have flicked the lights on and over taken me.


When I was seeing my parents in Suffolk over xmas I saw a copper doing 40 in a 30 without his blue lights on :angry: annnnddd it really really foggy and he didnt have his headlights on! :shrug: For the next 10 miles I was swearing my head off about it!

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