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Hello everyone,


My names Ben and I'm from Essex (not sure what locations people are at on here)


I'm currently looking at getting myself a new car and finally getting myself in on the Jap scene. I've been really interested in it for a long while now and have been trying for the best part of 4 years to do it. My situation has finally changed and I'm ready to take the leap of faith.


Whilst looking around and talking to people about what to get (and more what not to get strangely), a few people mentioned the 350z. I'd previously thought that this was well out of my price range (looking at something around £9k) but apparently not.


Ever since I saw one for the first time some years ago driving behind me down the M25 I loved it. It just looked fantastic.


However, and I confess :doh: ,I have very little in the way of knowledge about them. Thats what led me here. I'm hoping that I might be able to get some advice from the people in the know.


Anyhow, its nice to meet you all and hopefully I'llspeak tosomeof you soon.





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Welcome Ben. You're in the right place.


Basically you can either get an import for 9k (nothing wrong with them, they're just cheaper), or a higher mileage UK model. With the UK you have 2 choices of spec - GT or non-GT. The GT includes leather seats, sat-nav, and a bose stereo, and thats about it.


So pick which of those you want and then you're just left with a colour to choose! (silver is the fastest :p )

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Hey guys,


Thanks for all the welcome's...its always nice when you're new to a forum.


Also thanks for the early tips. I have no problem buyng a slightly older car and as for mileage, what would you guys be talking about when you say "high"? And wouldI be right in saying that the engines are pretty awesome and tend to last for ages?(or is that a tale that someone has told me?)



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Welcome matey,


All the resources you need to find your ideal Zed will be on here.


I managed to pick up my UK GT pack last year for about £9.5k. For your money you're probably either looking at a Jap import or a higher mileague UK like mine.


I'd say you're better of going with the later as it's easier to follow the cars history, where i'ts been and what it's been through. Also, a lot of insurer's don't like imports so you may end up paying more in the long run going down that route.


Whatever you decide the engine's are rock solid and go on forever (like all Jap cars) and as long as they have been serviced regualrly (every 9k) high mileague isn't somehting you should fear and certainly doesn't mean what it once did.


Just take your time, read through the many, many, many threads there are on the forum about buying a used Zed and I'm sure you'l find your perfect Zed for a price thats right.


When you find a specific car that you may be looking at buying, put a link to the ad and pictures on the site. There's a massive pool of Zed expertise here and we may be able to spot something a miss that you may not have noticed.


Good luck! :D

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Pleased to meet you all. :wave:


Thanks for the tips on posting the potential car on here first, I'll definately remember to do that.


Going to do some hardcore hunting tonight so if I manage to find anything I'll see what you all think.





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Hi Ben,

Think it was me who pointed you in the direction of this site from pistonheads.

Welcome along! :)

Check the classified section on here, they do come up for £9k...


Indeed it was. Thanks for the directions...now i just need to try and make myself somewhat less "zedless"

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